A share.dmhy.org Bangumi/Anime following script base on RSS Feed
- While running, this script will search through all RSS Links (supplied by user)
- Once find updated Bangumi, the script will collect basic info of current episode (bangumi title, episode, magnet link, etc...)
- Finally, the script will run user supplied commands
This script is written for learning. I suggest you to use 弹弹play if you have similar demands of following Bangumis
Package | Version |
feedparser | Latest |
You can run following command to install required packages
pip install feedparser
- Before you execute the script, please have following two json files ready
- You can also run the script first, then fill-in all the info in auto-generated json files
- This file is the basic configuration file for the script
- Here is the file template
"post_fetch_cmd": {
"working_dir": "/path/to/working/directory",
"cmds": [
"cmd": "",
"sleep_time": 0,
"exec_once": true
"fifo_filepath": "/path/to/fifo"
- post_fetch_cmd: Commands to execute after the script found episode updates on share.dmhy.org
- working_dir: Working directory while running these commands
- cmds: Commands
- This is a JSON list, so you can add/remove any objects in the middle as you want
- cmd: System commands, the script will use os.system() to execute them, default is empty
- sleep_time: Delay time after command execution, default is 0
- exec_once: Whether only execute current command once
- Something to note while writing commands
- The script will run these commands only after detecting new Bangumi episodes
- The script will run all commands have exec_once == true first
- After that, the script will loop through all newly updated Bangumi episodes
- In each iteration, the script will execute rest of commands which have exec_once == false
- In each iteration, the script will automatically REPLACE the first question mark "?" with the MAGNET LINK of current episode
- All commands will be running in main thread, so PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ANY SLOW COMMANDS
- fifo_filepath: fifo's file path
- This setting is used to connect with my another project
- While running both projects, this script can automatically notify on specific Discord Server when a Bangumi episode update happens
- You can enter null for this setting if you don't need this feature
- Default is null
- This file will record your following Bangumis
- Here is the file template
"rss_url": "",
"regex_pattern": "",
"latest_episode": 0
- This is a JSON list, so you can add/remove any objects in the middle as you want
- rss_url: RSS Feed Link
- How To Get RSS Link From share.dmhy.org
- In fact, you don't have to enter a link from share.dmhy.org, as long as it is RSS Link and the number in regex group is increasing, it is fine
- You can also modify functions fetch_rss() and fetch_bangumi() in dmhy_watcher.py
- regex_pattern: Regular Expression for searching Bangumi episode
- The script will use this regex to match all the Bangumi Titles
- If it cannot match anything from title, the script will ignore current episode
- The script will use regex group to search Bangumi episode
- Some examples
Title 1:
【幻櫻字幕組】【10月新番】【古見同學有交流障礙症 Komi-san wa, Komyushou Desu.】【03】【BIG5_MP4】【1920X1080】
Regex 1:
Title 2:
[波洛咖啡厅\PCSUB][死神少爷与黑女仆\Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid][02][简日][CHS_JP][720P][MP4_AAC][网盘][急招后期]
Regex 2:
波洛咖啡厅.*死神少爷与黑女仆.*Kuro Maid\]\[([0-9][0-9]?)\]\[.*
Title 3:
[桜都字幕組] 小林家的龍女僕S / Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon S [03][1080p][繁體內嵌]
Regex 3:
桜都字幕組.*小林家的龍女僕S.*Maidragon S \[([0-9][0-9]?)\]\[.*1080p.*繁體內嵌.*
- I suggest you use the most important keywords while writing regex: Translation Group + Bangumi Title + Group of Bangumi Episode + Other Requirements (1080p/speciic subtitle)
- latest_episode: Latest episode (if the latest is episode 1, then enter 0), default is 0
- Run following command
python dmhy_watcher.py
- If you did not have all the configuration files yet, the script will auto-generate one for you
- I suggest you to run the script first, then enter all info to auto-generated file
- If you already have all the configuration files, the script will try to search for new Bangumi episode, and it will execute all commands in post_fetch_cmd if detected Bangumi episode update
- If the script cannot find any update, it will output
Fetching new bangumis...
Updating watchlist.json...
- If the script find new updates, it will run all commands in post_fetch_cmd between the two outputs above
- You can use OS build-in auto task runner to execute this script