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148 lines (98 loc) · 9.1 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (98 loc) · 9.1 KB

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Vyper OTC UI

🌿 Vyper OTC UI. Application built on Vyper Core protocol

node v16.17.0 GitHub issues

Live environments

Netlify Build Description Link
mainnet-prod Netlify Status Mainnet Production
devnet-prod Netlify Status Devnet Production
mainnet-stag Netlify Status Mainnet Staging
devnet-stag Netlify Status Devnet Staging

Getting Started

Install dependencies

yarn install

Start development server

yarn dev

Create an optmized build

yarn build

NPM Scripts

Script Use
dev Starts the development server
build Creates an optimized production build
export Export the app to static HTML, which can be run standalone without the need of a Node.js server
analyze Visualize and track the production build bundle size
lint Lints src files with Eslint
format Formats src files with prettier
storybook Starts the storybook development server
build-storybook Creates the storybook production build
commit Runs git add . and cz
first-release Creates the first version for the auto-changelog generator. (This should run only once)
release Bumbs version & writes changes to changelog
release:minor Bumbs minor version & writes changes to changelog
release:patch Bumbs patch version & writes changes to changelog
release:major Bumbs major version & writes changes to changelog
push-tags Creates github tag with the current release
prepare Husky install


This projects uses Next.js. You can check further info regarding the Next.js Docs here

Design principle

This project is using the Atomic Design Methodology. Atomic design thinks of basic fundamental components as atoms (like a Button). Those atomic units bond together to form molecules (like an InputForm), which in turn combine into more complex organisms to ultimately create bigger structures (like a Card).

Then we also have templates, which are, like the names implies, generic layouts for our components. And last but not least pages, which are templates with real content inside.

In our case the section pages, has being moved outside of the components folder, because in Next.js, a page lives inside the pages directory and is associated with a route based on its file name.

Folder Structure


Styles & CSS

This project supports CSS Modules alongside regular stylesheets using the [name].module.{css,scss} file naming convention.

There are a couple of points to take into consideration when working with CSS here.

  1. CSS values are derived from styles/base.css globals whenever possible, in order to mantain a concise look.
  2. Color values are fixed as shown in base.css collor palette
  3. Sizes for fonts are following the "divided-by-2" scale
  4. Sizes for spacing are following the "multiplex-of-4" scale
  5. There are some predefined mixins in styles/variables.scss


Storybook is a visual documentation of the components that are available in the project. So, it's encouraged that for each component that you create or modify, it's better if you also create/update the component's story.

The guideline for creating a component's story is:

  1. The component's story filename should follow this pattern: *.stories.tsx, otherwise it won't be detected by Storybook
  2. The title of the component metadata should follow the path under src, for example <ButtonPill /> is located at src/components/atoms/ButtonPill, then it should be components/atoms/ButonPill
  3. It's encouraged that developers to give a comment above each props of the actual component, the comments will act as the description of the props in Storybook
  4. The best practice for props that have multiple options such as enum is to create multiple stories of the component in order to show different possibilities of how the component will look like with different options.



Commits with Commitizens & Releases

Commitizens defines a standard way of committing rules that are easier to read, formatted with a concise way and keeping the commit history clean & organised.

Before every commit you should always run:

yarn commit

This will run git add. & cz and will prompt you to choose what type of commit you want to make.


Some useful features are:

  • You can reference active github issues from commitizens' prompt
  • You can highligh a commit that has a breaking change
  • Before submitting any commits, commitizens is also configured to uses lint-staged that will run Eslint & Prettier to all the staged files ready to be committed. If this check fails, the commit exits.

Then you can either run git push origin [name_of_branch] or create a release by running npm run release and then pushing the tag to github by runing npm run push-tags.

Generally, it's a good practice to create releases regularly at the end of each sprint by running npm run release. This will bump the version on package.json and will also generate a changelog in the root directory with all the changes that have been made.


  1. If you encounter this error fatal: cannot run .husky No such file or directory then follow these steps:
  • delete pre-commit file inside .husky directory
  • run npx husky add ./.husky/pre-commit
  • open the new pre-commit file and paste the below content:
. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

echo '🏗️ ------------------------------------------------ 🏗️'
echo 'Checking & Styling your project before committing'
echo 'please be patient, this may take a while...'
echo '🏗️ ------------------------------------------------ 🏗️'

npx lint-staged
  1. If you encounter this error in your imported CSS modules: Cannot find module './File.module.css' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

    • Check that there is next-env.d.ts in the root directory. This file references TypeScript types declarations that are specific to projects started with Next.js and it adds support for importing CSS Modules. This relates to import of files with .module.css,.module.scss, and .module.sass extensions.