More information at
AUDIO_MANAGER = require(pathToThisModule)
<table> AUDIO_MANAGER.BackgroundMusics
<table> AUDIO_MANAGER.SoundEffects
<Instance> AUDIO_MANAGER.CurrentBackgroundMusic
AUDIO_MANAGER = require(pathToThisModule)
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlayBackgroundMusic(<string> backgroundMusicId)
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:StopBackgroundMusic()
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffect(<string> soundEffectId)
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffectAtPosition(<string> soundEffectId, <Vector3> position)
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffectOnInstance(<string> soundEffectId, <Instance> instance)
<table> AUDIO_MANAGER.BackgroundMusics
> {[<string> BackgroundMusicId] = <Instance> BackgroundMusicSoundInstance, ... }
> Id is either the name of the sound instance or the value of an optional StringValue
instance named 'Id' placed inside it
<table> AUDIO_MANAGER.SoundEffects
> {[<string> SoundEffectId] = <Instance> SoundEffectSoundInstance, ... }
> Id is either the name of the sound instance or the value of an optional StringValue
instance named 'Id' placed inside it
<Instance> AUDIO_MANAGER.CurrentBackgroundMusic
> The sound instance of currently playing background music
> If no background music is playing, it is nil
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlayBackgroundMusic(<string> backgroundMusicId)
> Plays a new background music using the given id
> Throws an error if the id does not match any existing assets
> Stops playing any previously playing background musics
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:StopBackgroundMusic()
> Stops playing any currently playing background musics
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffect(<string> soundEffectId)
> Plays a sound effect using the given id
> Throws an error if the id does not match any existing assets
> Clones the detected sound asset and parents it to sound service before playing
> Cleans up all the created instances after the sound is played
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffectAtPosition(<string> soundEffectId, <Vector3> position)
> Plays a sound effect at the given position using the given id
> Throws an error if the id does not match any existing assets
> Creates an attachment at the given position and parents it to workspace.Terrain
> Clones the detected sound asset into this attachment before playing
> Cleans up all the created instances after the sound is played
<void> AUDIO_MANAGER:PlaySoundEffectOnInstance(<string> soundEffectId, <Instance> instance)
> Plays a sound effect on the given instance using the given id
> Throws an error if the id does not match any existing assets
> Clones the detected sound asset and parents it to the instance
> Cleans up all the created instances after the sound is played
> Audio Manager is an easy solution for handling audios inside of the game
> Do not destroy or change any of the folders inside the audio manager
> Do not edit anything in the code expect a select few constants
> Ids can now specify either a group of sounds or a single sound by using the
following syntax group1/group2/group3/id
> When a group is specified, a random sound will be played so long as no weights
are inserted into any of the sounds. Otherwise, a weighted random sound will
be played