Scripts I use to automatically modify EXIF data tags of jpgs, mp4, m4a, ... (formats EXIFTools can handle).
Different scripts write...
Why? Because WhatsApp and Signal remove all EXIF Data of a photo. Only the date (+time in Signal) of reception is written to the filename and filedate.
Why? Because the filedate is changed when copying a backup of the WhatsApp folder back to the internal storage.
Why? Because Picasa displays under an image not the filename, but the IPTC caption.
Why? Because the file date may be changed by editing or copying via FTP, MTP etc. and it's handy to be able to sort the images/movies by file date in a file browser or viewer
Use in Windows. (For Linux swap ' and " in the exiftool command. And the rest of the batch file, of course.)
A: Drag one or more file(s) or directory and drop it on the respective script in the Explorer (not in Total Commander).
B: call from commandline as
[scriptname] [filename].jpg
As in
FileDate2EXIF.cmd "IMG-20200924-WA0002 Meaningful manually assigned title.jpg"
The Whatsapp filename may be appended by an additional string. If it contains spaces, add quotation marks around it.