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This folder contains the code examples for the Threepenny GUI library.

To run the examples, you can (but don't have to) use the provided runhaskell and ghci scripts:

cd samples
./runhaskell Chat.hs

These scripts check whether you have set up a cabal sandbox or, alternatively, the stack utility for use with this library, and uses these instead of the global package database; this is very useful for me as a library author.

(To set up the examples with stack, do the following

git clone
cd threepenny-gui/
stack init
stack setup
stack build
cd samples
./runhaskell Mouse.hs


After you have started an example, open your web browser and point it to the address http://localhost:8023. Enjoy!

Here a description of the currently maintained examples.

There are also a few other examples that are used for testing or that demonstrate library internals. They won't be maintained.

  • WorkaroundFastEvent.hs — Demonstrates how to register an event handler without requiring a response from the browser window.