- FullWidthContainer
- HalfWidthContainer
- SixtyFourtyContainer
- NinetyTenContainer
Container (Possible Children)
- Title
- Description
- FlexBox
- Link
- List
- Slider
- Table
- Image
- Tab
- Divider
FullWidthContainer (Possible Children)
- Header
- Footer
- Container (Technically all containers fit in a FullWidthContainer)
SixtyFortyContainer (Possible Children)
- Card (e.g QuoteCard, ContactUs card etc)
- IFrame
HalfWidthContainer (Possible Children)
- BulletedList
- NumberedList
- PublicationList
- Title
- ListItem
- Accordian
- Divider
- NumberedItem
- PublicationItem (ref - Pg 40 of wireframes pdf)
- BulletItem
- ProjectItem
ListItem (Possible Children)
Description (Types) (Description can be left/center aligned, pass alignment as an attrib in XML)
- TextDescription
- LinkDescription
Flexbox (Possible Children)
- Card
- Image (image, alt-text)
- DescriptionCard (title, desc, link)
- CompleteInfoCard (title, subtitle, desc, link)
- IconCard (icon, desc)
- NumberedCard (title, desc, number)
- ProfCard (image, name, designation, num, institute webmail, addr)
- ContactCard (Name, number, email)
- ImageCard (image, title, link)
- StatsCard (icon, title, subtitle)
Tab (Possible Children) (Attr - with-border)
TabItem (Possible Children) (attr - title)
Image (attr - image, alt-text)
Table (Possible Children) (attr - column-names)
TableRow (Possible Children)
Slider (Possible Children)
Link (Types) (attr - link)
- TextLink
- Button
- MultiButton (attr- secondary_link)
Accordian (Types) (attr - Title)
- ImageAccordian (attr- image)
Accordian (Possible Children)