While Emacs alone is very powerful, one of it’s most important strengths is its ability to inter-operate with other software programs. Links to the download pages for several programs that can be used from with emacs are provided below (they are also very useful on their own!). Installation of all these programs follows normal conventions on each platform, just download, run the installer, and follow the instructions. Everything besides Emacs itself is optional, but installing everything is highly recommended.
- Everything (windows only!)
- For searching files by name: http://www.voidtools.com/
- R
- The platform and environment for statistical computing: http://cran.r-project.org/
- LaTeX
- For the best typesetting around.
- Windows
- http://miktex.org/download
- Mac
- http://tug.org/mactex/
- Linux
- Use your package manager, or see https://www.tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html
- git
- For revision control: http://git-scm.com/download/
- Pandoc
- For converting documents from one format to another: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases
- Stardict (linux only)
- If you want to use a local
dictionary, use your package manager to installstardict
. Word lookup will fall back to a web-based tool ifsdcv
is not available.
git is a revision control system that allows you to track changes, merge changes with those made by collaborators, revert to previous versions, and more. While git can be used without any configuration, it is a good idea to at least set your user name and email; instructions for doing so are available at http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup; a detailed introduction to git is available at http://git-scm.com/book/en/. Once installed you can use git from the command line; on Windows use the git bash
application, on other platforms use your regular terminal emulator.
It is often convenient to tell git not to track some types of files (e.g., temporary files, or large binary files). LaTeX users in particular may be annoyed that git tries to track their .aux, .log, and other ephemeral files produced by LaTeX. You can tell git to ignore certain types of files by listing the in a .gitignore file. Details on .gitignore files are available at http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore, and many useful templates (including one designed for LaTeX users) are available at https://github.com/github/gitignore.
Many git users host their repositories on http://github.com; helpful guides are available at https://guides.github.com/. You can clone from and push to github over https, and that is the recommended method; no configuration is required. If for some reason you prefer to use ssh you will need an ssh key pair; see https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/ for instructions.
This Emacs configuration includes magit, the best interface to git there is. It also configures Emacs as the editor so that working with version control systems in a shell inside Emacs should be pleasant.
Pandoc is a program for converting markup files from one markup language to another. Documentation and examples are available on the pandoc website.