This project contains examples for the service-hub framework.
You run those examples by first cloning service-hub repository and running lein sub install on it, then you can try examples from this repository. Preferably you should try in-memory-simple first. Both in-memory-simple and in-memory examples create services with in memory database back-end and validation accesible on http://localhost/products using GET, PUT, POST and DELETE http verbs (RESTful interface). The in-memory sample adds validation with users and roles on the top of that. The most advanced sample is one with datomic as datasource, it has validation too.
After in-memory-simple is running, for the simple listing of all products, you can access the service with curl tool:
curl http://localhost:3000/products/
With samples in-memory and datomic, the services are authenticated with simple HTTP Basic authentication, so you need to use -u parameter:
curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:3000/products/