important This repo is not maintained anymore. This version of OidcClient is based on the PCL (portable class library) technology, which is not encouraged to use anymore. OidcClient2 is the recommended successor, and is based on netstandard.
OidcClient is a portable library (Desktop .NET, UWP, Xamarin iOS & Android) that provides a couple of helpers typically needed by native applications to implement user authentication and access token requests using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0:
- Creating authorization requests
- Parsing authorization responses
- WebView/Browser interaction
- Validating identity tokens
- Requesting access and refresh tokens
- Refresh token management
We follow the recommendations from OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps and implement OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow and PKCE for maximum security.
The OidcClientOptions
class lets you set up the parameters for communicating
with the OpenID Connect provider. Here you specify the base address of the
provider, client ID, client secret, scopes and redirect URI.
var authority = "";
var options = new OidcClientOptions (
authority: authority,
clientId: "native",
clientSecret: "secret",
scope: "openid profile api offline_access",
redirectUri: "com.mycompany.myapp://callback");
Optionally you can also pass in an implementation of a web view. The samples repository has sample web views for WinForms (.NET Desktop) and the Universal Windows Platform. Feel free to contribute to add more platforms.
The OidcClient
class supports two modes to interact with the token provider
- generation of requests and parsing of response message. Interaction with the web view is done manually
- the web view interaction is encapsulated
To generate the authorize start URL and the necessary artifacts like nonce, code verifier and challenge,
call PrepareLoginAsync
. This will return a state object that will be used later to validate the response.
var client = new OidcClient(options);
var state = await _client.PrepareLoginAsync();
You can now launch your favourite browser using the StartUrl
property returned from the state object.
var safari = new SafariServices.SFSafariViewController (new NSUrl (_state.StartUrl));
In this mode, it is also your responsibility to capture the full return URL after the authentication is done.
You can pass the URL back to OidcClient
to do the parsing and validation.
If successful, the LoginResult
result returned will contain the claims of the user, access token and refresh token:
var result = await client.ValidateResponseAsync (url, state);
var sb = new StringBuilder (128);
foreach (var claim in result.Claims)
sb.AppendFormat ("{0}: {1}\n", claim.Type, claim.Value);
sb.AppendFormat ("\n{0}: {1}\n", "refresh token", result.RefreshToken);
sb.AppendFormat ("\n{0}: {1}\n", "access token", result.AccessToken);
TokenTextView.Text = sb.ToString ();
You can also wrap the web view interaction in an IWebView
. If such an implementation exists,
you can simply call LoginAsync
and get back the LoginResult
var result = await oidcClient.LoginAsync();
You now have everything you need to call APIs. You can use the access token to authenticate against the API, and the refresh token (if requested) to refresh an expired access token.
If you want to automate token handling, you can also use our RefreshTokenHandler
which will take
care of setting tokens on outgoing requests as well as refreshing tokens if the API returns a 401.
The handler is available as a standalone class, as well a directly from the LoginResult
var apiClient = new HttpClient(result.Handler);
apiClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
var result = await apiClient.GetAsync("resource");
is based on the following OSS projects: