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numba_dpex.core.kernel_interface.utils module

+class numba_dpex.core.kernel_interface.utils.NdRange(global_size, local_size)

Bases: object


A class to encapsulate all kernel launch parameters.


The NdRange defines the index space for a work group as well as +the global index space. It is passed to parallel_for to execute +a kernel on a set of work items.


This class basically contains two Range object, one for the global_range +and the other for the local_range. The global_range parameter contains +the global index space and the local_range parameter contains the index +space of a work group. This class mimics the behavior of sycl::nd_range +class.


Returns a Range defining the index space.


Range: A Range object defining the index space.

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Returns a Range defining the index space of a work group.


Range: A Range object to specify index space of a work group.

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+property global_range

Accessor for global_range.


Range: The global_range Range object.

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+property local_range

Accessor for local_range.


Range: The local_range Range object.

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+class numba_dpex.core.kernel_interface.utils.Range(dim0, dim1=None, dim2=None)

Bases: tuple


A data structure to encapsulate a single kernel lauch parameter.


The range is an abstraction that describes the number of elements +in each dimension of buffers and index spaces. It can contain +1, 2, or 3 numbers, dependending on the dimensionality of the +object it describes.


This is just a wrapper class on top of a 3-tuple. The kernel launch +parameter is consisted of three int’s. This class basically mimics +the behavior of sycl::range.


Returns the range of a single dimension.


index (int): The index of the dimension, i.e. [0,2]


int: The range of the dimension indexed by index.

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Returns the size of a range.


Returns the size of a range by multiplying +the range of the individual dimensions.


int: The size of a range.

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