All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.0 (2022-04-26)
- main: renamed publishEvent to publish (262bec9)
- docs: method rename (25f438b)
- main: public config to private (6fb9026)
- main: removed unnecessary logs (d03c928)
- chore: added standard-version (c21991c)
- chore: created nuxt module (59cda50)
- chore: finished module functionality (9dff57f)
- chore: license & code_conduct (00793d9)
- chore: renovated config (99d977d)
- chore: updated package.json (f6d65b0)
- docs: example image (dbb83f8)
- docs: improved readme (20dc6cd)
- playground: created playground example (6132606)
- docs: improved readme title (d6d79cb)