sidebar_position |
2 |
The instructions below allow you to deploy Privacy Sandbox Demos on a new Google Cloud Platform project.
The same instructions can be repeated to deploy a dev, staging, prod etc. environment to additional projects.
Project names and variables in italic must be carefully chosen and updated to suit your project naming convention.
Resources :
If you don’t have yet a billing account, follow the documentation to Create a Google Cloud Platform Billing Account :
- Create a Google Cloud Platform Project :
- Note the name of the project/id. E.g.: privacy-sandbox-demos
- Assign the billing account created in step above
- Add a Firebase Project linked to your GCP Project :
- Click "Add Project"
- Select the GCP project you previously created. E.g. : privacy-sandbox-demos
- Since you enabled Billing Account on this project, it will automatically select the Firebase pay-as-you-go plan
- Enable Google Analytics for the project : Select "Default Account for Firebase" unless you have specific analytics requirements
In this section we will configure your development environment to get ready to build and deploy resources to Firebase. The Instructions below are based on the Linux environment.
- Clone Privacy Sandbox Demos Git Repository :
- Install the Firebase CLI :
- Open a terminal at the root of the project. Login and test the Firebase CLI :
$ firebase login
$ firebase projects:list
- Configure firebase to use your project (e.g. )
1. firebase use --clear
2. firebase use --unalias default
3. firebase use --add
Resources :
Your firebase project will host 5 different sites to demonstrate the capabilities of Privacy Sandbox across the different actors of the adtech ecosystem :
- Home : Home page with the links to the different use-cases and scenario
- DSP : Demand Side Platform
- Shop & Travel : The advertiser shopping or travel site = Buy side. They are buying ad space from the publisher. Site embeds the DSP tags.
- SSP : Supply Side Platform
- News : Publisher site where ads will be displayed = Sell side. They are selling ad space to advertisers. Site embeds SSP tags
Each site will have a different domain name to simulate a real life adtech scenario
Open Firebase Hosting : from the Firebase console click on "hosting" or follow this link by replacing "privacy-sandbox-demos" with your project name
Click on "Add another site" and enter site-id following your naming standards. Replace privacy-sandbox-demos with the domain of your choice. E.g.
- privacy-sandbox-demos-home
- privacy-sandbox-demos-dsp
- privacy-sandbox-demos-shop
- privacy-sandbox-demos-travel
- privacy-sandbox-demos-ssp
- privacy-sandbox-demos-news
Note, task above can be done programmatically with Firebase CLI :
firebase hosting:sites:create SITE_ID
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-home
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-dsp
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-shop
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-travel
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-ssp
firebase hosting:sites:create privacy-sandbox-demos-news
Set up deploy targets for your sites (When you have multiple sites and you run Firebase CLI deploy commands, the CLI needs a way to communicate which settings should be deployed to each site).
use the following command to setup deploy target for each hosting site :
firebase target:apply hosting TARGET_NAME RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER
E.g. :
firebase target:apply hosting home privacy-sandbox-demos-home
firebase target:apply hosting dsp privacy-sandbox-demos-dsp
firebase target:apply hosting shop privacy-sandbox-demos-shop
firebase target:apply hosting ssp privacy-sandbox-demos-ssp
firebase target:apply hosting news privacy-sandbox-demos-news
firebase target:apply hosting travel privacy-sandbox-demos-travel
Adding hosting sites and deploy targets can be done using the provided script :
Note that you will have to change the firebase_hosting_domain variable to match yours :
The firebase hosting configuration for each site is already defined for you in the firebase.json
We recommend to Enable Cloud Logging for Firebase Hosting Project.
By using Cloud Logging with your Firebase Hosting sites, you allow web request logs to be exported to Cloud Logging.
Access the following URL (replace privacy-sandbox-demos with your project name)
Select all the sites you want to export logs from, click Save and Finish.
Next we will deploy containers to Cloud Run to run the content of the demo sites.
We chose to deploy everything container based for portability and flexibility and we use Firebase hosting as a frontend solution for HTTPS request handling, domain name and ssl certificates.
Install Google Cloud SDK : If Google Cloud SDK is not installed on the machine, follow instructions here :
Initialize Google Cloud SDK :
# Run `gcloud init` to setup authentication and project
gcloud init
# Or alternatively run separately the 2 commands :
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project
# Verify your configuration (account and project) with the command :
gcloud config list
# Enable Cloud Run API
gcloud services enable
# Setup the default region for deployment
gcloud config set run/region us-central1
Resources :
Once you have confirmed you can deploy a sample demo application on Cloud Run and access it from Firebase hosting site, you are ready to deploy all the services and hosting sites.
Edit services/.env
file to match the ${SERVICE}_HOST
parameter to your firebase hosting domain e.g. : privacy-sandbox-demos-${SERVICE}.dev
# services/.env
# External Port (bind by Nginx)
# Bind by each Application Server (fixed value)
# home
HOME_DETAIL="Home page of Privacy Sandbox Demos"
# Publisher
## news
NEWS_DETAIL="Publisher: News media site"
On the same file services/.env
update the Origin Trial token on dsp and ssp service to match yours
# Adtech
## dsp
DSP_DETAIL="Ad-Platform: DSP for advertiser"
## ssp
SSP_DETAIL="Ad-Platform: SSP for publisher"
Edit "project_name" variable value and execute ./scripts/
to build and deploy services with Cloud Build and deploy to Cloud Run.
#/usr/bin/env zsh
# parameters
Now edit the "firebase_hosting_domain" variable with your own domain and execute ./scripts/
to deploy Firebase hosting sites and configuration.
#/usr/bin/env zsh
# parameters
Look at the output, and verify you can access all the sites your created :
E.g. :