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File metadata and controls

360 lines (238 loc) · 7.54 KB

Lec 2 Bash Script Command#

Input redirection <

allows directing input into a program from a file

$cat < input.txt

Differences between using file as arg & input redir

$cat myfile.txt

cat is sent the string myfile.txt

cat opens the file & read the content

$cat < mefile.txt

The shell opens myfile.txt & makes the content available to cat

$wc myfile.txt
> lines words letters myfile.txt

$wc < mtfile.txt
> lines words letters
# wc has no way to know the file name


Every Linux process has 3 streams allowed

standard input                  standard output
 (stdin)            ---------     (stdout)
-----------------> | process | ---------------->
default:keyboard    ---------    default:screen
                        |        use out redir (>)
use input redir (<)     |        to change the file 
to change the file		|
                        |-------> standard error (stderr)
								   use 2> to change the file


$mycmd arg < in.txt
$mycmd > out.txt
# overwirte existing file (creating new at first execution)
$mycmd 2> err.txt

$mycmd >> out.txt
# append to existing file (creating new at first execution)
$mycmd 2>&1 out.txt
# put stdout & stderr in same file
# &1 is where stdout is redirecter now

##Wildcard matching (Global Pattern)##


It's the ability of shell (not command)

How it works?

  • when the shell sees a global pattern, it finds all files that match the pattern & replace the pattern with file names
  • when using global pattern, it passes several arguments (instead of one) to the command


$rm -rf *.cc
$echo *.txt
# 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt

$echo "*.txt"
$echo '*.txt'
# *.txt
# both prevent global pattern from expanding


####connect the stdout of a program to the stdin of another program####

$head -20 sample.txt | wc -w
              --> temp -->

print a duplicate-free list of word1.txt and word2.txt (one word per line)

$cat word*.txt | sort | uniq
# uniq remove duplicate adjent to each other

####use the output of a program as an argument of another program####

use $(----) to embed command

$echo "Today is $(date)"   
# one argument
#$echo Today is $(date)

$echo 'Today is $(date)'
#Single quote prevents embedding command from expanding

egrep: Global Regular Expression Print##

  • search within text file

    usage: $egrep pattern files (regex)

  • the output is lines that match pattern

  • By default, it is case-sensitive

  • And matches all results in prefix, suffix or in middle


$egrep "cs246|CS246" index.html

|     or in regex
  • single quote supports global pattern & regex from expanding
  • double quote only supports global pattern from expanding

Some regex:

"cs246|CS246" == "(cs|CS)246" 
"(c|C)(s|S)246" == "[cC][sS]246"

[   ] : choose one char from the set of char
[^  ] : choose any one char not in the set
  |   : choose one string

  ?   : 0 or 1 of the proceeding expression
"cs ?246" == "cs246|cs 246"
"(cs)?246" == "246|cs246"

  *   : 0 or more of the proceeding pattern
"(cs)*246" == "246|cs246|cscs246..."

  +   : 1 or more occurance of the proceeding pattern
  .   : any one char
  .*  : any number of any char

Lec 3, Shell / Shell Script Sep 14th#

  • Use ^ to indicate that the pattern must match for the start of the line
  • Use $ to indicate that the pattern must match for the end of the line
  • Use \ to escape char that has special meaning


print all words that start with "e" and have 5 char

$egrep "^e....$" <filename>

print words of even length

$egrep "^(..)*$" <filename>

print words with exactly one "a"

$egrep "^[^a]*a[^a]*$" <filename> 

##File permission##

$ls -l

-rw-r-xr--    1       Carey  staff  123 Sep 1st ... <filename>
|    \    # of links  owner  group  sign  time last modified
file  permissions           the file belongs to

rw- r-x r--
 1   2   3
  1. owner's permission
  2. all users in the file's group (exclude owner)
  3. all others


  r    w    x
read write execute

meaning of execute

  • x for non-directory file : can attempt to execute a file
  • x for directory file: can navigate to that dir (cd)

Owner is the only one that has right to change permissions

chmod        <mode>       <file>
         /     |     \
 ownership   operator  permission
 u - owner    + add         r
 g - group	  - remove      w
 o - others	  = set exacly  x
 a - all

$chmod g-r <file>
$chmod o=rm
$chmod a+x

Shell variable##

# create a variable called x with the string value 1

$echo "${x}" 
$echo $x
# display the value of x

# list of directories seperated by:
# where command are stored
# when runing a command, shell will search command in those dir

# change PATH variable

##Shell Scripts##

A text file containing a sequence of command executed as a program

#!/bin/bash      ---shebang: "I am bash script"

To run bash script "basic" in current dir,

# you can put "." in PATH

command line argument###

$./myscript  arg1  arg2
    $0        $1    $2   $3
  (not argu)            (empty string)

Given a script, $1 refers to arg1 and so on.


something here

LEC 4 Shell Scripts Command, C++, Sep 19th#

##Shell Loops##

####while loop#### Print number 1 to $1



usage () {
  echo "Usage:  $0 limit" 1>&2
  echo "  where limit is at least 1" 1>&2
  exit 1

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then

if [ $1 -lt 1 ]; then

while [ $x -le $1 ]; do
  echo $x
  x=$((x + 1))


$((...))  treat it as math expression

x=$(x + 1)
 =$x + 1
 =1 + 1 (string)

for loop####

Rename all files ending in .c to ending in .cc


# Renames all .C files to .cc

for name in *.C; do
  mv ${name} ${name%C}cc


${name%C} if name ends in C, it will be removed; otherwise, nothing happens
${z#C} if z begins with C, it will be removed

Count the number of times of word $1 appears in file $2


# countWords word file
#  Prints the number of times word occurs in file

for word in $(cat "$2"); do
  if [ $word == $1 ]; then
    x=$((x + 1))
echo $x

argument for function vs argument for command

# Returns the date of the next payday (last Friday of the month)
# Examples:
# payday (no arguments) -- gives this month's payday
# payday June 2016 -- gives payday in June 2016

if [ $# -ne 0 -o $# -ne 2 ]; then
 exit 1;

answer () {
  if [ $2 ]; then
     preamble="This month"
  if [ $1 -eq 31 ]; then
    echo "${preamble}'s payday is on the 31st."
   echo "${preamble}'s payday is on the ${1}th."

answer $(cal $1 $2 | awk '{print $6}' | grep "[0-9]" | tail -1) $1
        ------------------$1 for anwser-----------------  --$2 for anwser---


awk 'pattern {action}' input-file > output-file

If the pattern is omitted, the action is applied to all line.

awk '{ print $5 }' table1.txt > output1.txt