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end# Lec 12 short topic: arrays of objects, Invariants of Encapsulation #


Invariants of Encapsulation

sturct Node {
 int data;
 Node *next;
 Node(int data, Node *next):data{data},next{next}{}
 ~Node(){delete next;}

int main(){
Node n {1,new Node{2,nullptr}};
Node n2 {3,nullptr};
Node n3 {4,&n2};

program will crash!

When deleting n3, we call delete on &n2, which is a stack address


Invariants: a statement/assumption that is supposed to be true for the proper functioning of a class


  • Node invariant: next is either nullptr or points to the heap
  • Stack invariant: Last in First Out

It is hard to reason about the correctness of a program if you cannot guarantee invariants.


  • a class is a block box
  • seal away/ hide implementation
  • provide access through an exposed interface

c++ provides visibility modifiers

struct Vec {
 Vec (int x, int y): x{x},y{y}; //default visivility is public
    int x,y; //hidden to the outside world
   Vec operator+(const Vec &v){
    return {x+v.x,y+y.x};

int main(){
 Vec v{1,2};
 Vec v1 = v + v;
         --rvalue-- //call copy ctor. By default, copy ctor is public.
 // cout << v.x << v.y;      NOT compile


  • field should be private
  • helper function should be private

C++ introduced a new keyword: class keyword

Class Vec{ //default visibility is private
 int x,y;
   Vec(int x, int y)
   Vec operator+ ()
  • struct: default public
  • class: default private

Guaranteeing the Node Invariant

Create a wrapper class for the Nodes of linked list

(Node invariant: next is either nullptr or points to the heap)


Class List {
  struct Node; // private nested class
  Node *theList = nullptr;
  void addToFront(int n);
  int ith(int i);

// everything you get for free is public by default

struct List::Node {
 int data;  
 Node *next;
 Node(int data, Node *next) : ....
 ~Node(){delete next;}

List:: ~List() { delete theList;}

List:: addToFront(int n) {
         theList = new Node{n, theList};

int List:: ith (int i) {
 //assumption ith element exists
 Node *current = theList;
 for (int j = 0; j < i && current; current=current->next,++j);
 return current->data;

Using encapsulation, we have guaranteed the node invariant.

What is the cost?

  • How do we now 'traverse/iterate the list'?
  • What is the efficiency of printing the list? O(n^2)

How do we provide O(n) traversal by still using encapsulation?

  • We want someway which abstracts a pointer into our linked list

Design Pattern

(4 guys wrote a book)

Previously defined programming problem with previous developed good solutions.

Iterates Design Pattern

Create another "iterates" class that acts as an abstraction of a ptr (p) into the list. We want to do something like:

//array is an int array
for (int *p = array; p!=array + arraySize;++p){

List iterates will contain

  • !=, prefix ++, * unary
  • a way to create an Iterate that indicated the state the list, and one indicate the end


Class List {
 struct Node;       // No one outside List class can access node
 Node *theList =  nullptr;

 public:            // But we have access to iterator outside List
  class Iterator {
   Node *current;

    Iterator (Node *current): current{current}{}  

    int &operator*(){
     return current->data;
	//return as reference, so that we can change the value

    Iterator &operator ++(){
     current = current->next;
     return *this; 
	// return as reference, since we want update i (instead of a new value) & get updated value
	// int i = 0; int n = ++i;    int x = i++;                
	//               -1-  -1-        -1-  -2-

    bool operater==(const Iterator &others) const {
     return curr == other.curr;

    bool operatre!=(const Iterator &others) const {
     return !(*this==others); //call operator==
  }; //done Iterator Class

  Iterator begin(){
   return Iterator{theList};  // stack created var
  } //if return by reference, it will create a dangling pointer after stack pops up

  Iterator end(){
   return Iterator{nullptr};
}; //done List class

Lecture 13: Iteration Design Pattern, Friendship, Static, UML#


int main(){
 List l;
 for(List::Iterator it = l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it){
  cout << *it << endl;

In c++11, there is automatic type deduction

auto x = y; //define x to be the same type as y
auto it = l.begin(); // it is defined to be return type of begin()

c++11 also supports Range-based for loops

  • built-in support for the Iteration Pattern


for (auto n : l) {  
 cout << n << endl;
// n is passing by value!!
//changes to n do not effect the data in the linked list

// In the for loop
// n = 5; -> won't change n
// ++n; -> change n (return by reference)

A range-based for loops can be used for a class, MyClass if

  1. MyClass has begin & end methods that returns some iterator object
  2. the iterator class must implement !=, prefix ++, unary *

end of midterm


Motivation: Iterator ctor is public.

We would like it private => so that users use begin() & end() won't access it

However, if we made it private, then begin & end would not be able to call Iterator() either!!


  • we make Iterator ctor private
  • But then Iterator class says list is my friend
  • a friend has access to all your private parts => don't make to many friends!


class List{
 struct Node;
 class Iterator {
  Iterator (Node *curr) ~~~~~~~~~~~ // this method is private
  friend class List;   // something new!

Accessors (getters) /Mutator (Setters)

Advice: fields should be private

class Vec{
 int x,y;
 int getX() cosnt {return x;}
 int getY() const {return y;}
 void setX(int x) {this->x = x;}
 void setY(int y) {this->y = y;}


  • Vec has private field
  • No accesser & mutator
  • Do want output operator (a stand alone function)
  • Solution: class Vec can make output operator<< a friend


class Vec {
 int x, y;
 friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Vec&);

ostream &operator<<(ostream &){
 out << v.x;
 return out;

Static keyword

A static field is associated with a class, but not any object of the class.

  • there is one memory location for each static field, not each object


class Student{
 static int numInstance;

 Student(int assi, int mt, int final):

Question: where do we initialize numInstance?

c++ Rule: static field must be initialized external to the file that declare it

int Student:: numInstance = 0

int main(){
 Student billy{60,70,80};
 Student bobby {billy};
 cout << Student:: numInstance << endl;

static member function

We can also have static member functions

  • these functions can be called without an object of this class

static void Student::printNumInstance(){
 cout << Student:: numInstance << endl;
  • static member functions do not have this pointer.
  • static member functions can only access static field & call static member function

System Modeling

Design before you implement:

  1. what are the main class
  2. what are the relationships between classes

UML: Unified Modeling Language

Represent a class in UML

-x:Integer        good ideas to use general types rather than language specific

- private
+ public

Relationship 1: Composition

class Vec{
 int x,y;
 Vec (int x, int y):x{x},y{y}{}

class Basic {
 Vec v1, Vec v2;

Basic b; // won't compile
  • b is being default constructed
  • in step 2, v1 & v2 are default constructed -> NO Vec() available!


  • solution 1: implemented default Vec() in Vec
  • solution 2: call non-default Vec ctor in the Basis MIL


class Basic{
 Vec v1, v2;

Basic b; // will compile

Lec14, System Modelling, UML, Relationship

Last time

class Vec{
 int x,y;
 Vec (int x, int y):x{x},y{y}{}

class Basic {
 Vec v1, Vec v2;

Basic b; // will compile

Embedding objects of a class (Vec) within another class (Basis) is called composition

  • Basic "OWNS A" Vec
  • In A3Q3, Polynomial OWNS Rational (no need to put Vec ctor inside Basic)

A typically "owns A" B is that B has no identity outside A

  • A is copied, means B is copied
  • A is destroyed, B is destroyed


---------               -------------  
|basic	|				| Vec		|
--------  	 	  v1,v2	|------------
|		|◆------------>	|-x:integer	|
|		|		    2	|-y:integer	|
---------				-------------

Car OWNS A carparts


Carparts in a catalog

We say a catalog HAS A carpart

Relationship 2: Aggregation

A "HAS A" B is

  • B has an identity of its own
  • copying A does not copy B (maybe a shallow copy)
  • destroying A does not destroy B


class Catalog {
 Part *parts[100];


---------               -------------  
|Catalog|				| Part		|
--------  	 	  parts	|------------
|		|◇------------->|			|
|		|		   0..*	|			|
---------				-------------

Indicator & meaning

Indicator	Meaning
0..*		Zero or more
*	        Zero or more
1..*		One or more
3			Three only
0..5		Zero to Five


class B {

class A {
B b; // OWNS
B *b;  // it could be either HAS or OWNS
