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Lec14, System Modelling, UML, Relationship

Relationship 1: Composition

Relationship 2: Aggregation

Relationship 3: Inheritance


It is hard to create collections of those different types of Books

  • array of void*
  • use a union type


  • A textbook IS A Book with a topic field
  • A comic IS A type of "special" Book with a hero field




class Book{
 string title,author;
 int munPages;
 Book(string title, string author, int numPage):....MIL....

class Text : public Book {
 string topic;

class comic : public Book{

Some terms of Book & Text:

  • Base - Derived
  • Superclass - Subclass
  • Parent - Child


  • Derived class inherit all members from the Base class
  • Anything you can do with a Book object, you can do it with a Text/Comic
  • ( Anything you can do with cin (istream), you can do it with ifstream/istringstream )

Inheriting Private members

You inherit everything

  • title, author, numPages are private in Book, but you still inherit them

Text objects have space the hold a title, author & numPages

  • but since those fields were private , Text cannot access them

How do you even initialize a Text object?

Following WON'T compile:

Text:: Text(string title, string author, int numPages, string topic)
	: title{title}, author{author}, numPages{numPages}, topic{topic}{}


  • title, author, numPages is private in Book
  • MIL is only allowed to refer to its own fields (fields it declare
  • Problems happen during the different steps for object construction

Steps that happens when an object is created:

  1. space is allocated
  2. constructed the superclass part of the object (default ctor for superclass)
  3. subclass field initialization: default ctor runs for fields that are objects
  4. ctor body runs

Step 2 will fail because Book does not have a default ctor

Let's call a non-default ctor for Book to hijack step 2

Text:: Text(string title, string author, int numPages, string topic)
	: Book{title,author,numPages}, topic{topic}{}

Protected Visibility

Protected members are accessible by the class & its subclasses

class Book{
	string title,author;
	int munPages;

class Text: public Book {
	void addAuthor(string auth){
	 author += auth; //can access inherited field as it is protected

int main(){
	Text t{.....};
	// = .....;    won't compile
	t.addAuthor(....);  // works

Private is better than protected

  • comes down to invariant
  • subclass have full access to anything that is protected -> cannot guarantee variant anymore (you can do sth bad by create a subclass and modify the field)


Keep field private, write protected accessors/mutators/methods

class Book{
	string title, author;
	int numPages;
	void addAuthor(string auth){
		if (!(something bad))
			author += auth;

Method Overriding

Different types of Books have different measures to consider it heavy:

book: numPages > 200 pages | Text: > 500 pages | Comic: > 30 pages

class Book{
	int getNumPages() const {
		return numPages;
	bool isHeavy() const{
		return getNumPages() > 200;

class comic : public Book{
	bool isHeavy() const{
		return getNumPages() > 30;
	}   // replace the implementation in Book by overriding

Comic cb{..,..,40,..};
//Comic:isHeavy() runs -> true

Book b = Comic{..,..,40,"Batman"};
// legal as a Comic IS A Book
// Book: isHeavy() runs -> false

Placing a subclass object in the space for a superclass object cause object slicing

Lec 15, Method Overriding, Virtual, Pure Virtual, Abstract

Last time:

  • Subclass inherit all members from the Superclass
  • Sometimes a subclass might want to replace the inherit behavior (method overriding)

Different criteria for determining whether a Book isHeavy

class Book{
	int numPages;
	bool isHeavy() const {
		return numPages > 200;

class Comic: public Book{
	bool isHeavy() const {
		return numPages > 30;

Book b{...,...,190};
b.isHeavy(); //Book::isHeavy() called, return false

Comic c{...,...,40,...};
c.isHeavy(); //Comic:isHeavy() called, return true

Book b = Comic{...,...,40,...}; //it is legal because a Comic is a Book
	// it calls Book:: copy ctor
b.isHeavy(); //Book::isHeavy() called, return false
  • Subclass objects are never smaller than Superclass objects.
  • When a subclass is placed in a space for a superclass object, the object is sliced

Using Superclass pointless

Comic c{...,...,40,...};
Comic *cp{&c};
cp->isHeavy(); // Comic:: isHeavy()
Book *bp {&c}; // legal
bp->isHeavy(); // Book:: siHeavy()


By default, a c++ class compiler looks at the declared type of a pointer / reference to determine which method to call (not the type of object it points/refers to)

It is called Static Dispatch in compilation

Book *collection[20]; // it is legal but they are all types of book

We would like to call methods superclass pointer, and Comic is the most "specialized" method to executed.

In c++, we can use the virtual keyword

class Book {
virtual bool isHeavy() const {~~~}

class Comic : public Book{
bool isHeavy() const override{~~~}  
	// the method in the subclass is virtual automatically 
	// override is introduced in c++11, it will check superclass for the method
  • if you forget to put both override and const, it is method OVERLOADING instead of method OVERRIDING
  • if you forget to put override and make a typo (i.e. isheavy), there are 2 methods in Comic and it is so dangerous!


Comic c{...,...,40,...};
Comic *cp{&c};
Book *bp {&c}; 
Book &r{c};

cp->isHeavy(); // Comic:: isHeavy()
bp->isHeavy(); // Comic:: isHeavy()
r.isHeavy()// Comic:: isHeavy()
  • For a virtual method, the decision on which method is called is made at runtime based on the runtime type of the object.
  • Virtual calls do have a runtime cost.

It is Dynamic Dispatch in compilation (it is Java's default behaviour)

Book *collection[20];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
	cout << collection[i]->isHeavy();

// if you forget `*`, it will calls method in Book instead of the most specialized method

Collection is a Polymorphic array (

Polymorphism(many forms): The ability to accommodate multiple types under a single abstraction

Destructors in the presence of inheritance


class X {
  int *x;
  X(int n): x{new int [n]} {}
  //~X() { delete [] x; }
  virtual ~X() { delete [] x; }

class Y: public X {
  int *y;
  Y(int n, int m): X{n}, y{new int [m]} {} // X{n} hijack step2 in ctor
  ~Y() { delete [] y; }

Destruction is the inverse of construction

  1. dtor body runs
  2. subclass field destroyed: dtors run for fields that are objects
  3. destructed the superclass part of the object (dtor of superclass run)
  4. space is reclaimed

A subclass dtors will always, automatically call the superclass dtors.

// Run with valgrind
int main () {
  X *xp = new Y{5, 10};
  delete xp;  
   //if dtor it is not virtual, will call just ~X() -> memory leaks for field y


  • If a class may have children now as in the future, it should make its dtor virtual (avoid memory leak)
  • If you want an abstract class but you don't have a good P.V. method, make dtor P.V.
  • All dtor must be implemented, even P.V. dtor
    • Subclass need to call superclass dtor


  • a virtual function cannot be overridden in a derived class
  • Or, a derived class cannot be inherited from.

If a subclass must not be "superclass", then declare is final

class Y final: public X{

class Z : public Y {~~~}  //won't compile!

Contextual keywords

c++11 has "contextual keywords"

  • names that act as keywords in certain place

i.e. = 0

class Student{
	//virtual int fee();
	virtual ine fee() = 0; //Student:: fee() is a PURE Virtual method

class Regular: public Student{
	int fee() override {~~~~}

class Coop: public Student{
	int fee() override {~~~~}

We would like Student::fee() to be UN-implemented, but the linkers would give an error

Solution: make the method Pure virtual

Lecture 16: Pure Virtual, Templates, Exceptions

class Student{
	virtual int fee() = 0;
class Regular: public Student{
	int fee(){~~~}
class Coop: public Student{
	int fee(){~~~~}

Pure Virtual Method

  • method without an implementation

  • you CANNOT create objects of type Student

    Student s; //won't compile

  • A class with at least one P.V. Method is an abstract class

  • Subclass of abstract classed must implement all inherited P.V. method to be considered concrete

  • P.V. method does not need to have a input (typically)

Why create an abstract class?

  • Put the common fields/methods
  • Polymorphism

Concrete classes: any class without pure virtual method

By default, if you inherit an abstract class, you are also abstract. Unless you implement all P.V. methods of base class

UML Notes

  • Virtual / Pure Virtual --- italics
  • Abstract class --- class name in italics
  • static --- underline (i.e. numInstance)
  • protected --- #

C++ templates

What if we want different types of contents?

C++ template class are parameterized on type variables.

template <typename T>
class Stack {
	T *contents;
	int size;
	int cap;
	void push (T x) {~~~}
	void pop () {~~~}
	T top() const {~~~}

The types are provided when creating objects of that template class

Stack<int> sInts;

Stack<string> sStrings;

you can put several typenames

template <typename T1, typename T2, ....>

Template inheritance


template <typename T> class List {

	struct Node {
		T data;
		Node *next;		

	Node *theList = nullptr;

	class Iterator {
		Node *curr;
		Iterator(Node *curr) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
		T &operator*() {~~~~~~~~~~~}
		friend class List<T>;  // only type <T> is a friend

	T ith(int i){~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
	void addToFront(T &n){~~~~~~} // since we don't know the type of n, we don't want to make a copy of it if it is big

List<int> l1;
int x = 5;

List<List<int>> l2;

for (List<int>::Iterator it = l1.begin(); it != l1.end(); ++it){

for (auto n: l2){
	for (auto m: n){
		cout << m << endl;

Standard Template Library (STL)


This a template class which automatically re-sizes a heap allocated array as needed (dynamic length arrays)

#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int>  v{4,5};   // [4,5]

// you don't know the size/cap, you only know the content
v.emplace_back(6); // [4,5,6]
v.emplace_back(7); // [4,5,6,7]
v.pop_back(); //remove last element

vector<int> v1(4,5); // [5,5,5,5]
vector<int> v2; // empty vector

for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i){
	cout << v[i] << endl;
// i is unchecked, if i is out of range, behaviour is undefinde

for (vector<int>::Iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it){
	cout << *it << endl;

for (auto n: v){
	cout << n << endl;

for(vector<int>::reverse-iterator it = v.rbegin(); it !=v.rend(); ++it) 
// rend(): the one before the first element
// you cannot using auto for reverse iterator!!!!

Many STL classes have methods that expect Iterator as a parameter

v.erase(v.begin()); // all other element is shifted left
					// each pointer may not point to what it originally point to

When you make changes to a vector, internal element might move

  • this means all existing iterators becomes invalid
  • erase return a new Iterator that points to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call. This is the container end .end() if the operation erased the last element in the sequence.


it = v.erase(v.begin()+3); //remove the 4th element
v.erase(v.end()-1); //mimic the behaviour of popping

Vector Tutorial

  • Purpose
    • Syntax
      • Note

  • Create vertor of type T
    • vector<T> v;
      • calls the default ctor of vector
  • Put element at the back
    • v.emplace_back(x);
      • puts a copy of x
  • Iterator
    • for (int i=0;i < v.size();++i)
      • array style
    • for (vector<T>:Iterator it = v.begin();it != v.end();++it)
    • for (auto n: v)
      • iterator
  • Access the ith element
    • v[i]
      • Unchecked (doesn't check if it is out range)
      • Checked (it if is not in the range, an exception raised)


v[i] unchecked access

if i not in range. behavior undefined checked access

If i is NOT in range, vector::at will throw an out-of-range exception

mainline code			library code

vector<int> v;		|
~					|
~					|;			|  // but i is not in range
					|  // it throws an exception

The one that can detect and solve the problem is not the same one


By default, if an exception is not caught, program terminates


try {~~~~~}
catch (~~~~){~~~~~~}
catch (~~~~){~~~~~~}

// at least catch will be provided, but only one will be executed

Lec 17 Exceptions, Design Patterns

void f () {
  cout << "Start f" << endl;
  throw (out_of_range("f"));  // stack unwinding
  cout << "Finish f" << endl;   

void g() {
  cout << "Start g" << endl;    f ();    cout << "Finish g" << endl;

void h() {
  cout << "Start h" << endl;	g ();    cout << "Finish h" << endl;

int main () {
  cout << "Start main" << endl;
  try {
  catch (out_of_range) { cerr << "Range error" << endl; }
  cout << "Finish main" << endl;


Start main
Start h
Start g
Start f
Range error
Finish main

Stack unwinding (popping up function) in stack frame: in search of a handler for a particular exception

A scope is exited by:

  • using return XXX
  • reaching the end of the scope
  • throwing an exception

throw out-of-range{"bla"}; // constructor call

Error recovering can be done in stage

try {
} catch (SomeExp S) {
	// do portial recovery
	// want to throw an exception
	throw SomeOtherExp{~~~~~~~~~};
	// Or
	throw S;
	// Or
  • you can't recover from a serious error, so you signal error and quit
  • you try to make application work without the code that raised an exception
  • you try to fix an error, and call the code that thrown an exception again

throw s;

  • if the caught exception was actually a sub type of SomeExp, the exception object is sliced
  • we are throwing the sliced object



  • throws the original exception that was caught

C++ exceptions

  • All c++ library exception inherit for the exception class
  • user defined exception do NOT have to inherit from exception
  • This requires a special syntax for catching all kinds of exceptions

syntac ...

try {
} catch (...) {

C++ allows throwing anything: int, bool, etc vs vs

void fact(int n) {
  if (n == 0) throw 1;
  try {
  catch (int m) {
    throw (n * m);

int main() {
  int n;
  while (cin >> n) {
    try {
    catch (int m) {
      cout << m << endl;

Exceptions are meant to be exceptional.

Good Practice:

Create your own exception classes as reuse ones in the c++ library

class BadInput{};
	int n;
	try {
		if (!(cin>>n)) throw BadInput{};
	} catch (BadInput &) { 
		cerr << "Bad Input. Using default" << endl;
		n = 0;

We caught exception by reference &

  • avoid making extra copy
  • No slicing occurs (as a reference is simply a pointer)

Advice: catch exceptions by reference

bad_alloc : new fails

length_error : attempt to resize vector fails

exception thrown by destructor

By default, if a dtor throws an exception, the program terminated right away (std::terminate is called)

  • no option to do error recovering

If you want to, you can change the default,

~Node() noexcept(false) {
  • Suppose the stack is unwinding by an exception
  • Suppose a dtor is executing, the dtor throws an exception
  • we now have 2 live exception
    • program will terminate (std::terminate)
  • Make sure dtors do not throw exception

Design Pattern

Observer Pattern

  • Publish/Subscribe system
  • Publish/Subject - generates data
  • Subscribe/Observer - interested in the data

General OO design Strategy

  • Create abstract base class to provide the interface
  • Use ptrs of this Base class to dynamically call methods
    • subclasses can be supposed in/out to change behaviour


  • Note that the Subject class does not actually generate any data
  • Subject simply provides functionality common in all subjects
  • It should be an abstract class
  • We need a P.V. method

Convention: when there is no Pure Virtual methods, but we want the class Abstract

  • make the destructor Pure Virtual
    • subclass already have a built-in dtor
    • a parent class must always implement a dtor
      • after all, subclass dtor automatically call the parent ator
      • So let's implement it!
  • A pure virtual method is allowed to not have a implementation.
  • A pure virtual method must be implemented by a subclass for it to be concrete.


  1. Subject’s state is updated()
  2. Subject::notifyObservers() -> calls each observer’s notify();
  3. Each observer calls ConcreteSubject::getState() to react accordingly


#include <vector>
#include "observer.h"

class Subject {
  std::vector<Observer*> observers;

  void attach(Observer *o);  // emplace_back(o)
  void detach(Observer *o);  // if (*it == o) {observers.erase(it);}
  void notifyObservers(); // for (auto ob : observers) ob->notify();
  virtual ~Subject()=0;


class Observer {
  virtual void notify() = 0;
  virtual ~Observer(); // Make dtor Virtual / P.V., so that we don't have memory leak


class HorseRace: public Subject {
  std::fstream in;
  std::string lastWinner;

  HorseRace(std::string source);

  bool runRace(); // Returns true if a race (read in) was successfully run.

  std::string getState(); // Return lastWinner


class Bettor: public Observer {
  HorseRace *subject;
  const std::string name;
  const std::string myHorse;

  Bettor(HorseRace *hr, std::string name, std::string horse);
  void notify() override;   // call subject->getState();

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  string raceData = "race.txt";
  if (argc > 1) {
   raceData = argv[1];

  HorseRace hr{raceData};

  Bettor Larry{&hr, "Larry", "RunsLikeACow"};
  Bettor Moe{&hr, "Moe", "Molasses"};
  Bettor Curly{&hr, "Curly", "TurtlePower"};

  int count = 0;
  Bettor *Shemp;

  while(hr.runRace()) {
    if (count == 2)
      Shemp = new Bettor{&hr, "Shemp", "GreasedLightning"};
    if (count == 5) delete Shemp;


Winner: Molasses
Larry loses.
Moe wins!
Curly loses.
Winner: RunsLikeACow
Larry wins!
Moe loses.
Curly loses.
// etc.

Lec 18 Observer Pattern, Decorator Pattern, C++ casting

Observer Pattern

Horse Racing

Horse Race -> Subject

Bettor -> Observer

// A4q4: each grid is both a subject and an observer

Decorator Pattern

Suppose we have an existing object

  • add features / functionality to the object


  • Decorator IS A component
  • Decorator HAS A component


AbsWindow *w = new BasicWindow;
w = new Scroll(w);
w = new Menu(w);

// AbsWindow *w = new Menu (new Scroll (new BasicWindow));
  • Do I need make decorator a abstract class?
  • Yes. When there is in common, you should put them into a abstract class



class Pizza {
  virtual float price() = 0;
  virtual std::string description() = 0;
  virtual ~Pizza() = default;

concrete component

class CrustAndSauce: public Pizza {
  float price() override  { return 5.99; };
  string description() override  { return "Pizza"; };


class Decorator: public Pizza {
  Pizza *component;
  Decorator(Pizza *component) : component{component} {};
  virtual ~Decorator() { delete component; };

concrete decoration

class Topping: public Decorator {
  string theTopping;
  const float thePrice;
  Topping(std::string topping, Pizza *component) :
	 Decorator{component}, theTopping{topping}, thePrice{0.75} {};
  float price() override { return component->price() + thePrice; };
  string description() override  {
	 return component->description() + " with " + theTopping;

c++ cast

cont'd on next lecture