The justwatch package offers methods to browse justwatch and get data about entities using it's graphql api. Generated Docs
Here's a short guide of the available methods and it's usage. All options are passed in the optional field of each function.
Let's start by importing the justwatch package
import ""
Now let's create a new justwatch client, all methods are called through this client.
client := justwatch.NewClient()
- Country : Country code for the source country deafults to US.
- LangCode : Language code defaults to en.
You can search for titles i.e Movies and Shows using the SearchTitles method.
- Limit : Maximimum number of results to return defaults to 5.
- NoTitlesWithoutURL : Indicates wether titles without url should not be returned.
- Country : Use a country code for the specific request (uses client's country by default).
- LangCode : Use a language code for the specific request (uses client's LangCode by default).
You can fetch a title by it's id or it's url. Justwatch ids are only used internally unlike imdb that exclusively use this to identify titles.
Use this function to get a movie using it's justwatch id. We'll use tm92641 for this example.
- EpisodeMaxLimit : Maximimum number of episodes to return for a show season defaluts to 20.
- Country : Use a country code for the specific request (uses client's country by default).
- LangCode : Use a language code for the specific request (uses client's LangCode by default).
Use this function to get a movie using it's justwatch link. We'll use for this example. The function also accepts just the url path i.e /us/movie/inception which is the norm.
- EpisodeMaxLimit : Maximimum number of episodes to return for a show season defaluts to 20.
- Country : Use a country code for the specific request (uses client's country by default).
- LangCode : Use a language code for the specific request (uses client's LangCode by default).
Use this function to get offers for a title using it's justwatch id. We'll use tm92641 for this example.
- Country : Use a country code for the specific request (uses client's country by default).
- LangCode : Use a language code for the specific request (uses client's LangCode by default).