A JSF-based server for uploading all parts of a PST file except the messages (you can see contacts, tasks, and calendar entries). Note that, as it uses CDI, it needs an EE-capable servlet to run. Tomcat is no longer supported, but Tomcat EE is.
The basic version of this application does not include an implementation of Java Server Faces; it needs to be deployed to a full-fledged Java EE server like TomEE.
This application can be built to provide Java Server Faces support using Apache MyFaces using the myfaces profile. This will create a war file with the classifier "myfaces". mvn clean install package -P myfaces
This application can be built to provide Java Server Faces support using Eclipse Mojarra using the mojarra profile. This will create a war file with the classifier "mojarra". mvn clean install package -P mojarra
The Eclipse Foundation's recommendation for Mojarra is to include the weld-servlet-shaded library. This triggers warnings about classes being imported from multiple places when running Jetty via the jetty-maven-plugin. To eliminate these warnings, you can use a subset of weld servlet libraries with -Dweld.library=jetty
This has been tested on Tomcat EE 8. To deploy this on a locally running version of Tomcat, ensure that there is a user with the role manager-script configured in your tomcat-users.xml file. In my case, the user with this role is script, and the password is admin:
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<user username="script" password="admin" roles="manager-script"/>
Add the following section to the element of your maven settings.xml:
<!-- Local Tomcat server -->
You may now deploy/undeploy/redeploy the app via
mvn tomcat7:deploy
mvn tomcat7:undeploy
mvn tomcat7:redeploy
The application will be available at http://localhost:8080/pstExtractor-<version>
It is also possible to run the application via a TomEE instance running in a Codehaus Cargo container:
mvn clean package cargo:run -P tomee-local
The application will be available at http://localhost:8080/pstExtractor
The Tomcat admin user and server settings must be configured as for [TomEE - standalone server](#TomeEE - standalone server)
This has been tested on Tomcat 9. To run on Tomcat 9 using Mojarra:
mvn tomcat7:deploy -P mojarra
The application will be available at http://localhost:8080/pstExtractor-<version>
To run on Tomcat 9 using MyFaces, pull in an extra required library using the environment variable:
mvn tomcat7:deploy -P mojarra -D environment=myfaces-tomcat
The application will be available at http://localhost:8080/pstExtractor-<version>
If you want to have both the mojarra and myfaces versions available under the same Tomcat instance, copy the respective war files with the mojarra or myfaces classifier into the Tomcat webapps directory.
To run the application via a Tomcat instance running in a Codehaus Cargo container:
mvn clean package cargo:run -P tomcat-local -P myfaces -D environment=myfaces-tomcat
mvn clean package cargo:run -P tomcat-local -P mojarra
The application will be available at http://localhost:8080/pstExtractor
This has been tested on Jetty 9 using the jetty-maven-plugin. To run on Jetty using Mojarra:
mvn jetty:run -P mojarra
To run on Jetty using MyFaces:
mvn jetty:run -P myfaces
You can then load the app by browsing to http://localhost:8080
If you find the server is low on memory, add the following line to the file /bin/catalina.sh
# Required for pst file processing