All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- unplugin-vue-router:
⚠️ Skip top-level route layout for index route children (#137)
- Markthree (@markthree)
- Use fastest plugin available based on options (8e76bad)
- Add config for unplug-vue-router (5542aa7)
- Markthree (@markthree)
- Yeser (@yeli19950109)
⚠️ Remove vue2, vite2 and vite3 (db752fa)
- Add no layout support (eaaa8c3)
- Add client-side (c278c0d)
- Alternative getRoutes that filters layouts (31d3474)
- Support layout dir globs (1cead57)
- Layouts on nested routes / unplugin-vue-router (406a402)
- Only watch pages and layouts dir for module reloading (526fbf6)
- Added vitesse for easier testing (9f4419d)
- Markthree (@markthree)
- Xbmlz (@xbmlz)
- Vite 4.0 support
- Vite 3.0 support
- Added extensions option - @deathpresence
- Added multiple layout dirs (closed #45) - @domsen123
Breaking Change
option is now called layoutsDirs
- Fixed ESM imports (closed #50) - @josh-hemphill
- New option to specify default layout name
- Added vue2 peer dependency (closed #38) - @byoungd
- Accidentally moved type declaration import to wrong place
- Changed plugin name
- Merged typings changes
- Updated dependencies
- Removed postinstall command that slipped in
- import changed from
to be consistent with other Vite plugins (old still works for non-breaking) - thanks @ctholho.
- Initial releases