A Simple 8 bit home brew CPU built using 1970's logic chips.
Currently in simulation phase using Logism Evolution with Google Sheets based assembler.
Will move to hardware once the tool chain is resolved.
👍 See the SPAM-1 Assembler implemented in Google Sheets.
See also:
- ALU Design
- Timing Considerations
- Thoughts on Microcode
- Research and References
- Hardware Components
- Digital Simulators
A bit of fun!
I started working life in 1986 as a hardware engineer but quickly switched to software. As a teenager I'd been fascinated with discrete electronics and then later on with integrated circuits and build many little home projects; nothing too exciting as we didn't have the resources (ie ££) back then.
Recently, like many other folk, I came across Ben Eater's series of YT videos and also those of quite a few others that inspired me to have a go at building my own CPU. Back in 1980 even the relatively few parts needed would probably have been beyond my means, but not anymore !!
However, back in the 1980's I would have been building more or less blind. I still don't have an oscilloscope but what I do have is a simulator.
Having spent the last few weeks getting to know Logisim Evolution and having hours trying to figure out the fine details of my simulated processor it's clear that if I had attempted to build a CPU back in 1980 then I'd have fallen flat on my face. It's been a great learning experience, if frustrating at times.
So I've decided to build an 8 bit CPU for myself, for the sheer joy and nostalgia, sweat and tears.
- I want to be able to run at least the typical demo programs like Fibonacci
- It will have an assembly language and assembler
- I want to simulate it first
- I want to build it physically, or a more likely a derivative
- Attach some output device - eg a UART / tty that respects VT codes (or Graphics??)
- I might port or other higher level language to it for curiosity (which one and where to start?)
- I would like to extend it to play some kind of basic game (tbd)
⭐ But I wanted to do things a little differently to some of the other efforts on the internet! I want the assembler and any other code I write to to be more readily accessible and instantly usable to others (like you) without installing python or perl or whatever first, so I've written the assembler in google sheets!
- Single bus
- 8 bits data
- 8 bits address
- 16 bit instruction
- 8 bit ALU - right now just add/subtract with and without carry (and eventally other arithmetic and logical operations)
- Separate RAM and ROM (for no particular reason - could have been all RAM or a single address space)
- One instruction per clock cycle (effectively "Fetch/Decode" on one edge of clock and "Execute" on the other edge of the clock)
- Uses horizontal microcode style instructions, not "microcoded" instructions, ie each instruction is at microcode level and directly enables the necessary control lines. Therefore control logic is trivial so unlike some other systems there is no PROM for control decoding and there is no Instruction Register (yet) either.
- Registers
- A and B general purpose registers (GPR) - These are not symmetrical because "A" always comes first in arithmetic ie "=A+B" and "=A-B"
- Memory Address Register (MAR)
- Program Counter (PC)
- Status (flags) register - Zero, Carry, Equals
- Display register (also use for input?)
- Instructions for load most registers from most other registers, jump and branch, addition and subtraction - there's a surprising lot you can do with this and even without complex microcoded instructions
The initial design below is what I've currently simulated in Logism.
I've spent a couple of weeks building the sim for a CPU. It's 8 bit and based on ideas from various places but kind of grew by itself with a little planning. It's a fairly primitive one in that there is no microcoding of higher level instructions, or to put it another way every instruction is microcode.
It turns out that this approach means SPAM1 doesn't need an instruction register. This might change if I modify the design to include variable length instructions.
⭐ The complete set of instruction and argument combinations are here
- The simulator works
- The assembler and decoder work (see below) and I'm happy with the way the software turned out
- My Fib program counts up and down in a loop
So all good !!
This is currently simulated in Logism (see more below).
I've built the assembler in Google Sheets, which I think might be a pretty unique approach (let me know).
The CPU has three'ish phases, fetch, decode and an execute. However, this CPU does not have an instruction register so the fetch and decode phases aren't really distinct as there is no latching involved and the whole sequence occurs within a single clock cycle as illustrated below.
The first phase is to load the PC with the instruction address so that the program bytes made available to the decode logic. The PC is set on the rising edge of the clock. Because there is no instruction register this is the closest we get to a conventional "fetch".
The second phase, decoding the program bytes into control lines, occurs during the high level of the clock. These control lines are fed to the various components of the CPU and determine what happens to those components during the execute phase.
The third phase, execute, occurs on the falling edge of the clock and this is where registers latch their value from the data bus.
Except ... that's not honestly how it works.
It's really more like the illustration below in my mind; when reading the diagram imagine that this diagram starts immediatly following a CPU reset or power on.
When the CPU is reset then the clock is low, PC is already at address 0 and the control lines are settling. This is phase 1).
Phase 2) is at the rising edge of the clock where the instruction is executed.
Phase 3) is at the falling edge of the clock where the instruction counter is advanced and the cycle begins again at the new address.
(BTW - note that I say in the diagram that nothing much happens on the high or low levels, but a hugely significant thing that happens on the levels is settling of the combinatorial logic which must be respected if the CPU is to be stable.)
A significant consequence of this setup is that the PC is not advanced until after the complete execution of the instruction. This is significant because it means that if we were to stash the PC onto the stack at this point, in order to make a call to a subroutine, then on return from the subroutine we would end up loading the PC with the same address that it hard before the jump. This might put the CPU into an endless loop.
This might be solved by incrementing the PC before pushing to the stack or after popping from the stack. But I mention it because this is different to many other CPU's. For example the instruction cycle described by Oxford University states that "The last part of the fetch is to increment the PC".
But, if we increment the PC before executing the instruction then we definitely need to introduce an Instruction Register to hold the control lines stable while the PC is advanced to the next instruction.
I considered this and it occurred to me that except in a few edge cases the assembler ought to be able to statically calculate the correct return address for a call and so in practice we would never push the PC to the stack but instead we would push a constant calculated at compile time by the assembler.
I'm still undecided on this - but moving to an 8 bit instruction will almost certainly require the introduction of instruction registers to latch the multiple 8 bit components of the instruction.
See also my research on timing considerations.
The earliest design for SPAM1 used Horizonal Microcoding with a separate control line for each device with no multiplexing. This design had three 8 bit wide ROM's for the program memory, giving 24 potential individual control lines (or 2x8 control lines plus 8 bits immediate, or 8 bits control and 16 bits immediate depending on what I wanted to achieve).
At the time I didn't know the name for an architecture where each device had its own control line and any arbitrary selection of devices could be enabled simultaneously, but I have since found this pattern is known as Horizontal microcoding
I felt that using three ROM's for the program memory was excessive and moved to a movel whereby I had two ROM's and that's what I discuss in the next section.
See also my thoughts on microcode.
Program is stored in ROM and is a fixed width 16 bit instruction, organised over a pair of 8 bit ROMs, one each for the high and low bytes of the instruction.
The high byte defines the operation and the low byte is used only for immediate constants (at present) which means this low ROM it often unused and is wasteful.
The high order bytes is organised into three parts, identifying the ALU operation and the input and output devices.
- 2 "ALU" bits configure the ALU operation - only add/subtract right now.
- 3 "OUT" bits select one device (0-7) that will be enabled to output onto the bus.
- 3 "IN" bits select the device who's input register will be enabled to latch the value on the bus.
Therefore with this design I can have at most 8 "input" devices and 8 "output" devices (some ideas on improving this are below). Also, a maximum of 4 ALU operations are possible.
This low order ROM is used only for program constants at present; this is rather wasteful (see below).
:start LD A,#0
LD B, #1
:loopUp ADD A
BCS :backDown
BCS :backDown
JMP :loopUp
:backDown LD A,#e9
LD B,#90
LD MAR, #0
:loopDown SUB A
BZS :start
JMP :loopDown
There are a few problems with this design.
The most serious IMHO is that we are limited to 4 ALU operatons; these are currently ADD/SUB/ADC/SBC, the latter two being add and subtract but taking a previous carry into account.
Add and subtrace are sufficient to run Fibonacci but to do anything more interesting this CPU will need a much wider range of ALU operations; more likely 16 or 32.
To achieve this extra control there are really only a few options.
- Use the lower ROM more effectively by using the low byte as an extention of op code, when it's not being used for immediate data. In this case the lower ROM could carry extended ALU control lines.
- Expand the program ROM to 24 bits width by using three 8 bit ROMS instead of the current 2. This approach is even more wasteful. But it's definitely simple.
- Change the design to use variable length instructions to achieve the extra control, eg making the op code 2 consecutive bytes followed optionally by a third immediate byte or word.
However, an addition shortcomings of the current design is that I cannot run a program from RAM even if I wanted to. If I want to be able to run a program from RAM then I would need RAM and ROM to be more symetrical. I would need my ROM and RAM to have the same number of bits. I would probably choose 8 bits to keep the hardware complexity down.
Of course I could do away with the program ROM entirely (Ben didn't have one) but I want the option of permanently storing the program.
So I guess the best option is to rework the design to be more Von Neumann and unify the RAM and ROM components somehow to 8 bits with and both addressable by the PC.
The original program counter Logism simulation was based on a register and an adder.
This approach seemed to work ok, especially in Logism, when I was thinking of just 4 bits, but with 8 bits we end up with more complexity than I was happy with.
I've since switched to a more scalable design using a presetable counter.
One small but important detail of the new design is the inclusion of an SR latch. With the original register+added approach the reset to address 0x0 was asynchronous, but with the counter in Logism the counter reset is synchronous. Logism's counter has a synchronous reset similar to the 74HCT163, whereas the 74HCT161 allows an asynchronous reset.
In order for the reset to be reliably transmitted to the PC in Logism (or 74163) we need to latch the reset signal until the clock gets a chance to hit the counter. We use the same clock to reset the latch.
See also the timing considerations page where I refer to "newbie" advice that encourages the sort of synchronisation I fould was needed.
This current design is inadequate and not yet ready for a hardware build. I've already disussed some necessary improvements above but more are discussed below...
My use of a fixed 16 bit instruction word is quite wasteful. Unless I'm dealing with a constant then the second ROM is entirely unused.
One solution is a variable width 8 bit instruction where most instructions are 8 bit, but when ROM_out is enabled in the first byte then the control logic looks for the operand in the subsequent byte.
If I do this then I'm going to need to introduce one or more 8 bit latch chips forming an Instruction register component.
At present I can only interact with the ALU via the A/B registers. This means I can't do arithmetic on a value from the ROM or RAM without wiping one of those two registers. I can of course mux the data bus into the ALU, however, a problem with getting a value from RAM into the ALU and capturing the result of the arithmetic is that I only have one bus and I can't have both the RAM active out on the BUS whilst also having the ALU active out. A solution might be to put a register on the output of the ALU so that I can do the arithmetic in one micro-instruction and then emit the result in the next micro-instruction.
I'd like to demonstrate a call to a subroutine and a return from that call.
All my instructions are micro-instructions and doing a "CALL" requires at least two micro-instructions, one to push the PC into RAM then another to move the PC to the new location. So I don't think I have the luxury of being able to introduce an "CALL" op code in the hardware. However the assembler could certainly expand a "CALL :label" into something like this (note: typically one places a stack at the end of memory and works backwards through RAM as items are pushed to the stack- I've used that approach below). Notice that both A and B registers get trashed in the Call and Ret so can't be used for passing arguments to the subroutine. Having an auto-incrementing SP (more like PC) and auto-decrementing SP would save a bunch of instructions and also avoid trashing the two registers.
What call convention do I want???? Stack or Register? In this design there isn't a SP register just a defined location in RAM.
#### CALL
#Assembler has to work out where the call will return to, i th address directly after the call code below, and '<PC RETPOINT>' signifies that address.
# store "PC RETPOINT" into the stack
MAR=#SP_LOCATION #set the MAR to point at the location of the SP
MAR=RAM #move the MAR to point at the value of the SP - ie into the stack
RAM=<PC RETPOINT> # stash the return location onto the stack
# advance the stack pointer
A=RAM #a=the value of the SP
ADD A #a now SP+1
RAM=A #SP now incremented
# Jump to subroutine
#### RET
# decrement stack pointer
RAM=A #SP now decremented
# Return from subroutine
MAR=RAM #move MAR to point at the value of the SP - ie into the stack
PC=RAM # execution continues at new PC
And "RET" could be expanded to.
# increment stack pointer
# retrieve stack pointer into the PC
MAR=RAM[#stackpointer_location] #set the MAR to point at the current location of the SP
If passing args to the subroutine then they would also need to go into RAM and I could add a "PUSH" instruction to the Assembler to support this.
Where other processors have high level instruction built into the hardware and the control logic decodes this into micro-instructions, in my case the high level instructions would be merely a feature of the assembler and the assembler would "compile" these into the micro-instructions that my CPU uses.
On a more traditional CPU a binary program (eg ".exe" or ELF executable) could work on multiple CPU types with different underlying CPU hardware and micro-instructions as long as the CPU's all support the same set of "high level" Opcodes. The CPU's control logic takes care of translating the high level opcodes into the internal micro-instruction language of the CPU. However, in my case that translation is happening in the assembler and if there is a change to the hardware then this renders all programs inoperable; there is no abstraction to save me. Of course I can just recompile the assembler to resolve the issue, however, this goes to highlight the power of high level op codes and embedded micro-code where no recompilation is necessary (eg Intel vs AMD).
Using the assembler to compile high level opcodes I can add things like ..
CALL :subroutine
PUSH <some register>
POP <some register>
INC <come register>
DEC <come register>
?Memory map the Display device?
The display register steals a control line. In principal this could just be mapped to a specific memory location which would free up the control line for something useful, for instance doubling the number if Input or Output devices on the bus. This might for instance allow me to implement Branch on Equals. Though to be fair I have two selector lines going into the ALU and use only one of them at present so I could co-opt that if I wanted.
- Add logical operations.
- Add a shift left/right to the ALU (same as multiply by 2, div by 2)
- Add BCD operations
This is a biggie.
See also the ongoing design of the ALU.
Having no logical operations at all is far from ideal.
But this would mean feeding at least three selector lines into it, which could give me 8 potential operations rather than the two I have currently implemented. However, I am already short on control lines so this isn't too appealing. If I switched to variable length instructions or added a register to the output of the ALU then perhaps I could get a lot more flexibility. Dunno.
Alternatively I could do something like add an 8 bit register for the ALU config, eg giving me 256 possible ALU operations. Or I could organise the 8 bit register as 4 bits for multiplexing the inputs and output of the ALU, and 4 bits for the selection of the ALU operation. If I multiplex the inputs and outputs of the ALU then I could do something like having a 4x8bit register file rather than just A and B and I could multiplex the RAM or ROM or whatever into the ALU overcoming the register trashing problem mentioned earlier.
Or perhaps the variable length instruction idea could yield benefits by giving me another 8 bits for control logic.
Obviously, being able to simulate all this before building is fantastic.
I am considering basing the future ALU on a similar set to that used by CrazySmallCpu ...
Currently the ALU can perform sixteen operations based on the A and B inputs:
A + B decimal
A - B decimal
A & B
A | B
A ^ B
A + 1
Output 0, flags set to B's value
Output 0
A + B binary
A - B binary
Output A
Output B
A * B binary, high nibble
A * B binary, low nibble
A / B binary
A % B binary
Might use a ROM for the ALU. But haven't figured out with a single 8 bit wide ROM how to get a carry bit which would be necessary for chaining arithmetic to achieve arbitrary length additions. Perhaps this will require two 8 bit ROMS operating in 4 bit chained mode, or perhaps revert to using 4 bit arithmetic and chain operations in software? Not sure.
On the other hand I have two reclaimed 74181 ALU's in my desk - I think I should use those for nostalgia reasons. I don't get BCD arithmetic with the 74181 but I do get to use the same type of chip that went went to the moon. Hooking it up fully would take 5 control lines plus the carry in. Hmm, I don't think I have the "LS" version which only pulls 20-40mA. The SN74181N that I have pulls a horrible amount of current according to the datasheet; 88-150mA.
Yep - a C compile - others have done it.
See also my page on digital simulators
Works in Window 10 at least. I haven't tried running Logism yet on Linux but it's all Java.
- Clone the git repository
- Change directory to ./logism subdirectory
- Run the logism evolution jar in the repo's logism/ subdirectory (or download the latest version from the author's git repo)
- Load the circuit from the same directory
- Start the simulator. Menu -> Simulator -> Ticks Enabled
Open the SPAM1 CPU Assembler implemented in Google Sheets
Goto, or duplicate, the "Fibonacci Assembler Demo" tab
Make some changes to the Assembler
Copy the ROM bytes from the pink cells on the right of that same page into your clipboard
Place the data into the files on disk and then load into the ROMS or paste direct into the ROM's in Logism
- Unfortunately the clipboard will have quotes in it so edit the clipboard in a test editor to remove the two quote.
- If you are not writing the clipboard into a "rom file" the remove the "v2.0 header" from the clipboard contents too
Start the Logism simulator as above
There is also an "instruction decoder" page in google sheets which will decode an assembly program and show you which control lines are enabled for each instruction in the program.