Providing a link to an official .gov, .mil, or .us website provides readers with a way to get detailed information if needed. In addition, by using a URL shortener such as (, links can double as verification that they're about to visit a safe and official website containing authoritative information.
* Audience size (reach)
* Activity (output)
* Engagement (outcome)
* Public Affairs specialist
* Social media community manager
* Web design and production
* Multimedia producer
* Software developer
Example: In the event of an emergency, social media tools should be utilized in accordance with the Emergency Public Affairs Plan, which calls for a coordinated messaging effort between the Headquarters Office of Public Affairs and any programs, sites or facilities that may be involved: "When Department of Energy headquarters or a DOE site/facility declares an emergency, it is expected to meet the public information obligations of the Department of Energy orders, guidance and requirements and the comprehensive emergency management plans developed by each site.”
This guidance and requirement includes the timely provision of media informational materials to the Public Affairs staff at Department headquarters. Every effort should be made by the designated public affairs officers at the site level to consult with the Headquarters Public Affairs Office on the initial dissemination of information to the public and media.
From the DOE O 151.1C "Comprehensive Emergency Management System":
"Initial news releases or public statements must be approved by the Cognizant Field Element official responsible for emergency public information review and dissemination. Following initial news releases and public statements, updates must be coordinated with the DOE/NNSA (as appropriate) Director of Public Affairs and the Headquarters Emergency Manager."
For more information on emergency communication protocols, reference the Emergency Public Affairs Plan or contact your public affairs representative.
(From the Department of Energy)
Official government social media accounts should use a government-owned email address for sign up. The government email indicates that the account is being used in conjunction with an official Agency effort. If possible, account should use an email which leads to a shared/group inbox. If using an employee email address there's the possibility that the account will no longer be able to be managed if the employees leaves their Agency.
Using a personal email address is discouraged since accountability of the account, along with correspondence sent to that personal email address, can present legal, ethical, and records challenges for the Agency.
Providing a link to an official .gov, .mil, or .us website provides readers with a way to get detailed information if needed. In addition, by using a URL shortener such as (, links can double as verification that they're about to visit a safe and official website containing authoritative information.