Humane commands and APIs for resizing nvim windows.
With lazy.nvim
return {
lazy = false,
config = function()
ignore_filetypes = {
-- put the files you don't want them be influenced by win-resizer here
You may want to set up those key mappings:
local resize = require('win.resizer').resize
local map_set = vim.keymap.set
-- You may want change left border first, then set this to 'left'
local first_left_or_right = 'right'
-- You may want change bottom border first, then set this to 'bottom'
local first_top_or_bottom = 'top'
-- You need not change the following code
local second_left_or_right = first_left_or_right == 'right' and 'left' or 'right'
local second_top_or_bottom = first_top_or_bottom == 'bottom' and 'top' or 'bottom'
-- How many lines or columns to resize, make sure it is a positive integer
local abs_delta = 3
-- Choose your favorite key mappings
-- Keys in border_to_key will try first_left_or_right or first_top_or_bottom first
local border_to_key = {
top = '<up>',
bottom = '<down>',
left = '<left>',
right = '<right>',
-- Keys in border_to_reverse_key will try second_left_or_right or second_top_or_bottom first
local border_to_reverse_key = {
top = '<s-up>',
bottom = '<s-down>',
left = '<s-left>',
right = '<s-right>',
-- Smart resize, usually you don't need to change this
for _, border in pairs({ 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' }) do
local delta = (border == first_left_or_right or border == first_top_or_bottom)
and abs_delta
or -abs_delta
local first = (border == first_left_or_right or border == second_left_or_right)
and first_left_or_right
or first_top_or_bottom
local second = first == first_left_or_right and second_left_or_right or second_top_or_bottom
local desc = 'Smart resize ' .. first .. ' ' .. border
local desc_reverse = 'Smart resize ' .. second .. ' ' .. border
map_set({ 'n' }, border_to_key[border], function()
local _ = resize(0, first, delta, true) or
resize(0, second, -delta, true) or
resize(0, first, delta, false) or
resize(0, second, -delta, false)
end, { desc = desc })
map_set({ 'n' }, border_to_reverse_key[border], function()
local _ = resize(0, second, -delta, true) or
resize(0, first, delta, true) or
resize(0, second, -delta, false) or
resize(0, first, delta, false)
end, { desc = desc_reverse })
Let me explain what happens for the <right>
key. First the <right>
try to make the right border
of the window move to right. If it fails (which means there is no window on the right or
there is a window whose file type is in ignore_filetypes
), it tries to make the left border of the
window move to right. If it fails again (which means there is no window on the left or there
is a window whose file type is in ignore_filetypes
), it tries to make the right border of the
window move to right without considering ignore_filetypes
. If it fails again (which
means there is no window on the right), it tries to make the left border of the window move to
right without considering ignore_filetypes
. For the <s-right>
key, it will try with reverse
order: left border to right, right border to right, left border to right without considering
, right border to right without considering ignore_filetypes
Or you may not like these smart resizing, you can use the simple ones:
local resize = require('win.resizer').resize
local map_set = vim.keymap.set
-- How many lines or columns to resize, make sure it is a positive integer
local abs_delta = 3
-- Choose your favorite key mappings
-- Keys in border_to_key will try to increase the border
local border_to_key = {
top = '<up>',
bottom = '<down>',
left = '<left>',
right = '<right>',
-- Keys in border_to_reverse_key will try to decrease the border
local border_to_reverse_key = {
top = '<s-up>',
bottom = '<s-down>',
left = '<s-left>',
right = '<s-right>',
for _, border in pairs({ 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' }) do
local delta = abs_delta
local desc = 'Increase ' .. border .. ' border'
local desc_reverse = 'Decrease ' .. border .. ' border'
map_set({ 'n' }, border_to_key[border], function()
resize(0, border, delta, false)
end, { desc = desc })
map_set({ 'n' }, border_to_reverse_key[border], function()
resize(0, border, -delta, false)
end, { desc = desc_reverse })
There is a command WinResizer
for resizing current window.
" Increase the top border of the current window by 1
:WinResize top
" Decrease the top border of the current window by 1
:WinResize top -1
" Increase the right border of the current window by 1 without considering ignore_filetypes
:WinResize right 1 false