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390 lines (330 loc) · 12.1 KB

class DateTime

using DateTime

DateTime Library is not an embedded library, so you should load it by using.

using DateTime;


Basically, use new to instanciate a DateTime object.

  • new DateTime() ... 現在時刻でインスタンス化
  • new DateTime(dateString) ... 文字列をパースしてインスタンス化
  • new DateTime(Unixtime) ... UNIXエポックの時刻からインスタンス化
  • new DateTime(year, month, day[, hour, minute, second]) ... 日時情報を個別に指定してインスタンス化

But you can use one of the followings as you like. Those are the same and it returns a DateTime object created by new internally.

  • DateTime.parse(...)
  • DateTime(...)

You can use following formats as a dateString.

  • "2020-01-01", "2020-1-1"
  • "2020/01/01", "2020/1/1"
  • "2020-01-01T10:00:05", "2020-1-01T10:0:5"
  • "2020/01/01 10:00:05", "2020/1/01 10:0:5"


A DateTime object has following methods.

メソッド 動作概要
isLeapYear() true if it is a leap year.
unixtime() Returns a Unix epoch time.
datetime() Returns a JSON object.
year() Returns a year.
month() Returns a month.
day() Returns a day.
hour() Returns a hour.
minute() Returns a minute.
second() Returns a second.
weekday() Returns a week. (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, ..., 6: Saturday)
isSunday() true if it is a Sunday.
isMonday() true if it is a Monday.
isTuesday() true if it is a Tuesday.
isWednesday() true if it is a Wednesday.
isThursday() true if it is a Thursday.
isFriday() true if it is a Friday.
isSaturday() true if it is a Saturday.
clone() Returns a clone object.
addDay(day) Goes forward by the number of days specified by day. (destructive)
subDay(day) Goes back by the number of days specified by day. (destructive)
addMonth(month) Goes forward by the number of months specified by month. (destructive)
subMonth(month) Goes back by the number of months specified by month. (destructive)
next() Returns a DateTime object with a next day.
+(day) Returns a DateTime object gone forward by the number of days specified by day.
-(day) Returns a DateTime object gone back by the number of days specified by day.
>>(month) Returns a DateTime object gone forward by the number of months specified by month.
<<(month) Returns a DateTime object gone back by the number of months specified by month.
<=>(dt) 0 if it is a same time, -1 if dt is a later date and time, otherwise 1.
format(fmtString) Returns a string formatted by fmtString. It supports a format string as follows.
%YYYY%: Year of 4 digits, %YY%: Year of 2 digits.
%MM%:Month of 2 digits, %M%: Month of 1 digit.
%DD%: Day of 2 digits., %D%: Day of 1 digit.
%hh%: Hour of 2 digits, %h%: Hour of 1 digit.
%mm%: Minute of 2 digits, %m%: Minute of 1 digit.
%ss%: Second of 2 digits, %s%: Second of 1 digit.

The End of Month

When you move a month by the operator << or >> and there is no same date in the moved month, the date will be an end of the month.

using DateTime;
System.println(DateTime("2001-3-28") << 1);  // 2001/02/28 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-3-31") << 1);  // 2001/02/28 00:00:00

This may cause what you don't expected.

using DateTime;
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 2);        // 2001/03/31 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 1 >> 1);   // 2001/03/28 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 1 >> -1);  // 2001/01/28 00:00:00


A DateTime object can be used with Range.

using DateTime;
    .each(&(d) => System.println(d));

This example will show the last date because the range operator is ... If the range operator is ..., the last date will not be shown.

2020/01/01 00:00:00
2020/01/02 00:00:00
2020/01/03 00:00:00
2020/01/04 00:00:00
2020/01/05 00:00:00
2020/01/06 00:00:00
2020/01/07 00:00:00
2020/01/08 00:00:00
2020/01/09 00:00:00
2020/01/10 00:00:00

Of course, a Range of a Datetime object can be also used in for-in.

using DateTime;
for (var d in DateTime(2020,1,1)...DateTime(2020,1,10)) {

This loop do not include the last date.

2020/01/01 00:00:00
2020/01/02 00:00:00
2020/01/03 00:00:00
2020/01/04 00:00:00
2020/01/05 00:00:00
2020/01/06 00:00:00
2020/01/07 00:00:00
2020/01/08 00:00:00
2020/01/09 00:00:00


Example 1. Normal case


using DateTime;
function test(dt) {
test(new DateTime("2020/01/01"));


2020/01/01 00:00:00
2020/01/01 00:00:00
2020/01/01 00:00:00

Example 2. Basic Methods (1)


using DateTime;
function test(dt) {
    System.println("=> ", dt);
    System.println("    isLeapYear  = ", dt.isLeapYear());
    System.println("    datetime    = ", dt.datetime());
    System.println("    year        = ", dt.year());
    System.println("    month       = ", dt.month());
    System.println("    day         = ",;
    System.println("    hour        = ", dt.hour());
    System.println("    minute      = ", dt.minute());
    System.println("    second      = ", dt.second());
    System.println("    weekday     = ", dt.weekday());
    System.println("    isSunday    = ", dt.isSunday());
    System.println("    isMonday    = ", dt.isMonday());
    System.println("    isTuesday   = ", dt.isTuesday());
    System.println("    isWednesday = ", dt.isWednesday());
    System.println("    isThursday  = ", dt.isThursday());
    System.println("    isFriday    = ", dt.isFriday());
    System.println("    isSaturday  = ", dt.isSaturday());

(DateTime("2020/01/01")..DateTime("2020/01/3")).each { => test(_1) };


=> 2020/01/01 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 1
    datetime    = {"day":1,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":3,"year":2020}
    year        = 2020
    month       = 1
    day         = 1
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 3
    isSunday    = 0
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 1
    isThursday  = 0
    isFriday    = 0
    isSaturday  = 0
=> 2020/01/02 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 1
    datetime    = {"day":2,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":4,"year":2020}
    year        = 2020
    month       = 1
    day         = 2
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 4
    isSunday    = 0
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 0
    isThursday  = 1
    isFriday    = 0
    isSaturday  = 0
=> 2020/01/03 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 1
    datetime    = {"day":3,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":5,"year":2020}
    year        = 2020
    month       = 1
    day         = 3
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 5
    isSunday    = 0
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 0
    isThursday  = 0
    isFriday    = 1
    isSaturday  = 0

Example 3. Basic Methods (2)


using DateTime;
function test(dt) {
    System.println("=> ", dt);
    System.println("    isLeapYear  = ", dt.isLeapYear());
    System.println("    datetime    = ", dt.datetime());
    System.println("    year        = ", dt.year());
    System.println("    month       = ", dt.month());
    System.println("    day         = ",;
    System.println("    hour        = ", dt.hour());
    System.println("    minute      = ", dt.minute());
    System.println("    second      = ", dt.second());
    System.println("    weekday     = ", dt.weekday());
    System.println("    isSunday    = ", dt.isSunday());
    System.println("    isMonday    = ", dt.isMonday());
    System.println("    isTuesday   = ", dt.isTuesday());
    System.println("    isWednesday = ", dt.isWednesday());
    System.println("    isThursday  = ", dt.isThursday());
    System.println("    isFriday    = ", dt.isFriday());
    System.println("    isSaturday  = ", dt.isSaturday());

(DateTime("2021/01/01")..DateTime("2021/01/3")).each { => test(_1) };


=> 2021/01/01 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 0
    datetime    = {"day":1,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":5,"year":2021}
    year        = 2021
    month       = 1
    day         = 1
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 5
    isSunday    = 0
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 0
    isThursday  = 0
    isFriday    = 1
    isSaturday  = 0
=> 2021/01/02 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 0
    datetime    = {"day":2,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":6,"year":2021}
    year        = 2021
    month       = 1
    day         = 2
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 6
    isSunday    = 0
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 0
    isThursday  = 0
    isFriday    = 0
    isSaturday  = 1
=> 2021/01/03 00:00:00
    isLeapYear  = 0
    datetime    = {"day":3,"hour":0,"minute":0,"month":1,"second":0,"weekday":0,"year":2021}
    year        = 2021
    month       = 1
    day         = 3
    hour        = 0
    minute      = 0
    second      = 0
    weekday     = 0
    isSunday    = 1
    isMonday    = 0
    isTuesday   = 0
    isWednesday = 0
    isThursday  = 0
    isFriday    = 0
    isSaturday  = 0

Example 4. The End of Month (1)


using DateTime;
System.println(DateTime("2001-3-28") << 1);  // 2001/02/28 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-3-31") << 1);  // 2001/02/28 00:00:00


2001/02/28 00:00:00
2001/02/28 00:00:00

Example 5. The End of Month (2)


using DateTime;
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 2);        // 2001/03/31 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 1 >> 1);   // 2001/03/28 00:00:00
System.println(DateTime("2001-1-31") >> 1 >> -1);  // 2001/01/28 00:00:00


2001/03/31 00:00:00
2001/03/28 00:00:00
2001/01/28 00:00:00

Example 6. for-in


using DateTime;
for (var d in DateTime(2020,1,1)...DateTime(2020,1,10)) {


2020/01/01 00:00:00
2020/01/02 00:00:00
2020/01/03 00:00:00
2020/01/04 00:00:00
2020/01/05 00:00:00
2020/01/06 00:00:00
2020/01/07 00:00:00
2020/01/08 00:00:00
2020/01/09 00:00:00