Parsek Library is not an embedded library, so you should load it by using
The library is provided as a class, so it will prefer to make it be instantiated.
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
You can use $
as a variable name.
The instance of Parsek
class has some predefined parsers.
Parser | Content |
$.eof | Succeeds when it is EOF. |
$.any | Succeeds for any character. |
$.all | Succeeds after processing all. |
$.index | Returns a current position as { offset, line, column} . offset is 0 origin, and line and column is 1 origin. |
$.letter | Same as $.regex(/[a-zA-Z]/) . |
$.letters | Same as $.regex(/[a-zA-Z]*/) . |
$.digit | Same as $.regex(/[0-9]/) . |
$.digits | Same as $.regex(/[0-9]*/) . |
$.whitespace | Same as $.regex(/\s+/) . |
$.optWhitespace | Same as $.regex(/\s*/) . |
$.cr | Same as $.string("\r") . |
$.lf | Same as $.string("\n") . |
$.crlf | Same as $.string("\r\n") . |
$.newline | Same as $.alt($.crlf, $.lf, $.cr) . |
$.end | Same as $.alt($.newline, $.eof) . |
The instance of Parsek
class has functions to create a parser as follows.
Function | Content |
$.string(str) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when it matches a string specified by str . |
$.regex(re, groupIndex) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when it matches a regular expression specified by re . value will be a string of a group specified by groupIndex . |
$.succeed(result) | Creates a parser which is always successful with setting result to value . |
$.fail(message) | Creates a parser which is always failed with message . |
$.oneOf(chars) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when it matches one of chars . |
$.noneOf(chars) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when it matches none of chars . |
$.sepBy(content, separator) | Create a parser which returns the result of separating a string parsed by content with separator . |
$.sepBy1(content, separator) | Almost same as sepBy which will allow 0 matches, but sepBy1 will needs one or more matches. |
$.lazy(description, f) | Creates a generator which generates a parser by the function specified by f when it is used at first time. |
$.alt(...parsers) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when one of parsers is succeeded. The order to apply a parser is the order you specified. |
$.takeWhile(predicate) | Creates a parser which is always succeeded while the result of predicate is true. |
$.seq(...parsers) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when all parsers are succeeded in order. The result is an array of each parser's result. |
$.seqMap(...parsers, mapf) | Creates a parser which is succeeded when all parsers are succeeded in order. The result is an array of applying mapf for each parser's result. |
The parser generated by a method of Parsek
class is an instance of ParsekParser
This class has methods to chain parsers.
After preparing a parser you want to use, parsing can be fired by the following method.
Method | Content |
parser.parseAll(target) | Parses all to target by parser . |
Function | Content |
parser.desc(description) | Sets a message when parsing by parser is failed. |
parser.or(nextParser) | Creates a parser which tries nextParser when parsing by parser is failed. |
parser.and(nextParser) | Creates a parser which executes nextParser when parsing by parser is succeeded. The result will be returned as an array. |
parser.then(nextParser) | Creates a parser which executes nextParser when parsing by parser is succeeded. The result of nextParser will be returned and the result of parser will be ignored. |
parser.skip(nextParser) | Creates a parser which executes nextParser when parsing by parser is succeeded. The result of parser will be returned and the result of nextParser will be ignored. |
parser.many() | Creates a parser which parses it as 0 or more times. |
parser.many1() | Creates a parser which parses it as 1 or more times. |
parser.times(min, max) | Creates a parser which parses it from min to max times. If max is omitted, it will be succeeded when it is just min times. |
parser.sepBy(separator) | Create a parser which returns the result of separating a parsed string with separator . |
parser.sepBy1(separator) | Almost same as sepBy which will allow 0 matches, but sepBy1 will needs one or more matches. | | Uses a result as a result after applying the function specified by f . |
parser.chain(f) | Pass the result of parser to the function f , and connect the parsers so that the new parser returned by f is used as the next parser. |
parser./(nextParser) | The alias of parser.or(nextParser) . |
parser.+(nextParser) | When nextParser is not specofoed, it is the alias of parser.many1() . When nextParser is specified, the alias of parser.and(nextParser) . |
parser.*() | The alias of parser.many() . |
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
var number = $.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/);
System.println(number.parseAll("0")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"0"}
System.println(number.parseAll("10")); // => {"position":2,"status":1,"value":"10"}
System.println(number.parseAll("129")); // => {"position":3,"status":1,"value":"129"}
System.println(number.parseAll("abc")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
System.println(number.parseAll("0129")); // => {"position":1,"status":0,"value":null}
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
var number = $.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/).map(Integer.parseInt);
System.println(number.parseAll("129")); // => {"position":3,"status":1,"value":129}
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
var addsub = $.oneOf("+-");
var muldiv = $.oneOf("*/%");
System.println(addsub.parseAll("+")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"+"}
System.println(addsub.parseAll("-")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"-"}
System.println(addsub.parseAll("*")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
System.println(muldiv.parseAll("*")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"*"}
System.println(muldiv.parseAll("/")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"/"}
System.println(muldiv.parseAll("%")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"%"}
System.println(muldiv.parseAll("a")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
var lbr = $.string("(");
var rbr = $.string(")");
var hoge = $.string("hoge");
System.println(lbr.parseAll("(")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":"("}
System.println(lbr.parseAll(")")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
System.println(rbr.parseAll("(")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
System.println(rbr.parseAll(")")); // => {"position":1,"status":1,"value":")"}
System.println(hoge.parseAll("hoge")); // => {"position":4,"status":1,"value":"hoge"}
System.println(hoge.parseAll("fuga")); // => {"position":0,"status":0,"value":null}
using Parsek;
var $ = new Parsek();
var number = $.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = $.oneOf("+-");
var muldiv = $.oneOf("*/%");
var lbr = $.string("(");
var rbr = $.string(")");
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr)));
var term = $.seq(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many());
expression = $.seq(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many());
// parse expression!
using Parsek;
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var number = $.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = $.oneOf("+-");
var muldiv = $.oneOf("*/%");
var lbr = $.string("(");
var rbr = $.string(")");
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
"lhs": {
"lhs": 1,
"op": "+",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 2,
"op": "*",
"rhs": 3
"op": "+",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 2,
"op": "*",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 14,
"op": "-",
"rhs": 2
using Parsek;
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var ignore = $.optWhitespace;
var lexeme = &(p) => p.skip(ignore);
var number = lexeme($.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/)).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = lexeme($.oneOf("+-"));
var muldiv = lexeme($.oneOf("*/%"));
var lbr = lexeme($.string("("));
var rbr = lexeme($.string(")"));
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
System.println(ignore.then(expression).parseAll(" 1 + 2 * 3 + 2 * ( 14 - 2 ) ").value.toJsonString(true));
"lhs": {
"lhs": 1,
"op": "+",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 2,
"op": "*",
"rhs": 3
"op": "+",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 2,
"op": "*",
"rhs": {
"lhs": 14,
"op": "-",
"rhs": 2
using Parsek;
class Interpreter(opts_) {
private sequence(r, op, lhs, rhs) {
return if (!opts_.enableSequence);
System.println("%d %s %d -> %d" % lhs % op % rhs % r);
public eval(ast) {
var lhs = ast.lhs.isObject ? eval(ast.lhs) : ast.lhs;
var rhs = ast.rhs.isObject ? eval(ast.rhs) : ast.rhs;
var r = 0;
switch (ast.op) {
case '+':
r = lhs + rhs;
case '-':
r = lhs - rhs;
case '*':
r = lhs * rhs;
case '/':
r = lhs / rhs;
case '%':
r = lhs % rhs;
throw RuntimeException('Invalid operator');
sequence(r, ast.op, lhs, rhs);
return r;
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var ignore = $.optWhitespace;
var lexeme = &(p) => p.skip(ignore);
var number = lexeme($.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/)).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = lexeme($.oneOf("+-"));
var muldiv = lexeme($.oneOf("*/%"));
var lbr = lexeme($.string("("));
var rbr = lexeme($.string(")"));
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
"Result = ",
new Interpreter({ enableSequence: true })
.parseAll(" 1 + 2 * 3 + 2 * ( 14 - 2 ) ").value)
2 * 3 -> 6
1 + 6 -> 7
14 - 2 -> 12
2 * 12 -> 24
7 + 24 -> 31
Result = 31
using Parsek;
class Interpreter(opts_) {
private sequence(r, op, lhs, rhs) {
return if (!opts_.enableSequence);
System.println("%d %s %d -> %d" % lhs % op % rhs % r);
public eval(ast) {
var lhs = ast.lhs.isObject ? eval(ast.lhs) : ast.lhs;
var rhs = ast.rhs.isObject ? eval(ast.rhs) : ast.rhs;
var r = 0;
switch (ast.op) {
case '+':
r = lhs + rhs;
case '-':
r = lhs - rhs;
case '*':
r = lhs * rhs;
case '/':
r = lhs / rhs;
case '%':
r = lhs % rhs;
throw RuntimeException('Invalid operator');
sequence(r, ast.op, lhs, rhs);
return r;
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var ignore = $.optWhitespace;
var lexeme = &(p) => p.skip(ignore);
var number = lexeme($.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/)).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = lexeme($.oneOf("+-"));
var muldiv = lexeme($.oneOf("*/%"));
var lbr = lexeme($.string("("));
var rbr = lexeme($.string(")"));
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
"Result = ",
new Interpreter({ enableSequence: true })
.parseAll("(( 123 ) * 2 * 4 - 3 * ( 12 + 10 )) % 100").value)
123 * 2 -> 246
246 * 4 -> 984
12 + 10 -> 22
3 * 22 -> 66
984 - 66 -> 918
918 % 100 -> 18
Result = 18
using Parsek;
using Jit;
class Compiler(opts_) {
var regs_, regsLen_;
enum { MOV, BOP, DIVMOD, RET }
private initialize() {
regs_ = [
// Jit.R0 and Jit.R1 is used as a work register when it is division.
{ reg: Jit.R2, used: false, name: "R2" },
{ reg: Jit.R3, used: false, name: "R3" },
{ reg: Jit.R4, used: false, name: "R4" },
{ reg: Jit.R5, used: false, name: "R5" },
{ reg: Jit.S0, used: false, name: "S0" },
{ reg: Jit.S1, used: false, name: "S1" },
{ reg: Jit.S2, used: false, name: "S2" },
{ reg: Jit.S3, used: false, name: "S3" },
{ reg: Jit.S4, used: false, name: "S4" },
{ reg: Jit.S5, used: false, name: "S5" },
regsLen_ = regs_.length();
private listing(type, op, dst, op1, op2) {
return if (!opts_.enableListing);
switch (type) {
case MOV:
System.println("%s <- %s" % dst % op1);
case BOP:
System.println("%s <- %s %s %s" % dst % op1 % op % op2);
case DIVMOD:
System.println("R0 <- %s" % op1);
System.println("R1 <- %s" % op2);
System.println("%s <- R0 %s R1" % dst % op);
case RET:
System.println("ret %s" % dst);
private getReg() {
for (var i = 0; i < regsLen_; ++i) {
if (!regs_[i].used) {
regs_[i].used = true;
return i;
throw RuntimeException("Not enough register");
private releaseReg(i) {
regs_[i].used = false;
private compileLeaf(c, leaf) {
var r = getReg();[r].reg, Jit.IMM(leaf));
listing(MOV, null, regs_[r].name, leaf);
return r;
private compileNode(c, ast) {
var rl = ast.lhs.isObject ? compileNode(c, ast.lhs) : compileLeaf(c, ast.lhs);
var rr = ast.rhs.isObject ? compileNode(c, ast.rhs) : compileLeaf(c, ast.rhs);
var r = getReg();
switch (ast.op) {
case '+':
c.add(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '-':
c.sub(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '*':
c.mul(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '/':, regs_[rl].reg);, regs_[rr].reg);
c.sdiv();[r].reg, Jit.R0);
listing(DIVMOD, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '%':, regs_[rl].reg);, regs_[rr].reg);
c.sdivmod();[r].reg, Jit.R1);
listing(DIVMOD, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
throw RuntimeException('Invalid operator');
return r;
public compile(ast) {
var c = new Jit.Compiler();
var r = compileNode(c, ast);
listing(RET, null, regs_[r].name);
return c.generate();
public run(ast) {
var code = compile(ast);
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var ignore = $.optWhitespace;
var lexeme = &(p) => p.skip(ignore);
var number = lexeme($.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/)).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = lexeme($.oneOf("+-"));
var muldiv = lexeme($.oneOf("*/%"));
var lbr = lexeme($.string("("));
var rbr = lexeme($.string(")"));
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
"Result = ",
new Compiler({ enableListing: true })
.parseAll(" 1 + 2 * 3 + 2 * ( 14 - 2 ) ").value)
R2 <- 1
R3 <- 2
R4 <- 3
R5 <- R3 * R4
R3 <- R2 + R5
R2 <- 2
R4 <- 14
R5 <- 2
S0 <- R4 - R5
R4 <- R2 * S0
R2 <- R3 + R4
ret R2
Result = 31
using Parsek;
using Jit;
class Compiler(opts_) {
var regs_, regsLen_;
enum { MOV, BOP, DIVMOD, RET }
private initialize() {
regs_ = [
// Jit.R0 and Jit.R1 is used as a work register when it is division.
{ reg: Jit.R2, used: false, name: "R2" },
{ reg: Jit.R3, used: false, name: "R3" },
{ reg: Jit.R4, used: false, name: "R4" },
{ reg: Jit.R5, used: false, name: "R5" },
{ reg: Jit.S0, used: false, name: "S0" },
{ reg: Jit.S1, used: false, name: "S1" },
{ reg: Jit.S2, used: false, name: "S2" },
{ reg: Jit.S3, used: false, name: "S3" },
{ reg: Jit.S4, used: false, name: "S4" },
{ reg: Jit.S5, used: false, name: "S5" },
regsLen_ = regs_.length();
private listing(type, op, dst, op1, op2) {
return if (!opts_.enableListing);
switch (type) {
case MOV:
System.println("%s <- %s" % dst % op1);
case BOP:
System.println("%s <- %s %s %s" % dst % op1 % op % op2);
case DIVMOD:
System.println("R0 <- %s" % op1);
System.println("R1 <- %s" % op2);
System.println("%s <- R0 %s R1" % dst % op);
case RET:
System.println("ret %s" % dst);
private getReg() {
for (var i = 0; i < regsLen_; ++i) {
if (!regs_[i].used) {
regs_[i].used = true;
return i;
throw RuntimeException("Not enough register");
private releaseReg(i) {
regs_[i].used = false;
private compileLeaf(c, leaf) {
var r = getReg();[r].reg, Jit.IMM(leaf));
listing(MOV, null, regs_[r].name, leaf);
return r;
private compileNode(c, ast) {
var rl = ast.lhs.isObject ? compileNode(c, ast.lhs) : compileLeaf(c, ast.lhs);
var rr = ast.rhs.isObject ? compileNode(c, ast.rhs) : compileLeaf(c, ast.rhs);
var r = getReg();
switch (ast.op) {
case '+':
c.add(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '-':
c.sub(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '*':
c.mul(regs_[r].reg, regs_[rl].reg, regs_[rr].reg);
listing(BOP, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '/':, regs_[rl].reg);, regs_[rr].reg);
c.sdiv();[r].reg, Jit.R0);
listing(DIVMOD, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
case '%':, regs_[rl].reg);, regs_[rr].reg);
c.sdivmod();[r].reg, Jit.R1);
listing(DIVMOD, ast.op, regs_[r].name, regs_[rl].name, regs_[rr].name);
throw RuntimeException('Invalid operator');
return r;
public compile(ast) {
var c = new Jit.Compiler();
var r = compileNode(c, ast);
listing(RET, null, regs_[r].name);
return c.generate();
public run(ast) {
var code = compile(ast);
function makeAST(first, rest) {
var expr = first;
for (var i = 0, l = rest.length(); i < l; ++i) {
expr = { lhs: expr, op: rest[i][0], rhs: rest[i][1] };
return expr;
var $ = new Parsek();
var ignore = $.optWhitespace;
var lexeme = &(p) => p.skip(ignore);
var number = lexeme($.regex(/[1-9][0-9]*|[0-9]/)).map(Integer.parseInt);
var addsub = lexeme($.oneOf("+-"));
var muldiv = lexeme($.oneOf("*/%"));
var lbr = lexeme($.string("("));
var rbr = lexeme($.string(")"));
var expression;
var factor = $.lazy(&() => $.alt(number, $.seq(lbr, expression, rbr).map(&(value) => value[1])));
var term = $.seqMap(factor, $.seq(muldiv, factor).many(), makeAST);
expression = $.seqMap(term, $.seq(addsub, term).many(), makeAST);
// test
"Result = ",
new Compiler({ enableListing: true })
.parseAll("(( 123 ) * 2 * 4 - 3 * ( 12 + 10 )) % 100").value)
R2 <- 123
R3 <- 2
R4 <- R2 * R3
R2 <- 4
R3 <- R4 * R2
R2 <- 3
R4 <- 12
R5 <- 10
S0 <- R4 + R5
R4 <- R2 * S0
R2 <- R3 - R4
R3 <- 100
R0 <- R2
R1 <- R3
R4 <- R0 % R1
ret R4
Result = 18