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Tomas Barton edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 28 revisions

Building from Source

Required libraries

  1. cairo
  2. Pango
  3. Qt 5
  4. git
  5. Google test
  6. Eigen 3
  7. Lua >= 5.2 and <= 5.3.5
  8. Curl
  9. Boost
  10. LibDxfRW (building instructions follow)


git clone
cd libdxfrw
mkdir release
cd release
sudo make install


git clone --recursive

git submodule init

git submodule update --recursive --remote

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. (for a release you would use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..)
make -j 4

OSX MacPorts

If you want to fool around with macports use these build instructions

mkdir build
cd build
/opt/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/gcc ..
make -j 4

For a release build you would do:

/opt/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/local/bin/gcc ..

OSX X-Code

If you like X-Code as your editor you can ask cmake to generate the build file for you. mkdir xcode cd build cmake -G Xcode ..

Then open the project in x-code and build. Under some conditions you might want to set a additional search path if libraries are not found, for example if you compile libdxfrw yourself.

X-Code add headers

When using ports I had to use:

cd /opt/local/include
sudo ln -sf eigen3/Eigen Eigen
sudo ln -sf eigen3/unsupported unsupported

any cmake guru care to comment on this oddity? Is there a way to prevent making that symlink?


apt-get install qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5opengl5-dev liblua5.2-dev git g++ libcairo2-dev libpango-1.0-0 libpango1.0-dev libboost-all-dev libqt5svg5 libgtest-dev libeigen3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgtk-3-dev libglew-dev rapidjson-dev

You need to compile Google Test in /usr/src/gtest/ and move the libraries in /usr/lib/


Note: This process will install Visual Studio then use the folders generated to install Conan and the dependencies requiring manual installation (libdxfrw and Qt - see Change C:\Source\Repos as required.

All command lines are run in a terminal. Navigate to the folder in Explorer, on the address bar enter cmd, run command(s) then close the terminal by entering exit.

Visual Studio

Install Visual Studio Community edition with:

  • C++
  • CMake for Windows
  • Windows SDK


Start Visual Studio, Clone or checkout code, Repository:, Local path: C:\Source\Repos, Clone

  • Build > Build all
  • Build > Install DXFRW

Note the folder where it was installed (eg: C:\Source\Repos\libdxfrw\out\install\x64-Debug)

Clone Librecad_3 repository

Note: Librecad_3 MUST be cloned recursively to pick up linked repositories.

Navigate to the Repos folder as used for libdxfrw [Fairly sure git is installed with Visual Studio].:

git clone --recursive


Conan is a package manager providing C++ dependencies compatible with Windows and Visual Studio which simplifies the compilation process.

Download and install Conan.


Navigate to the LibreCAD_3 repository folder and add the bincrafters repository:

conan remote add bincrafters 

Download and install the dependencies. Navigate to the LibreCAD_3 folder, create a conan folder and navigate to it:

conan install ..


Download and install Qt (open source version) from You must select at least one version of Qt for the MSVC compiler and the correct architecture.


Set Computer's Environment

Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced system settings
Advanced > Environment Variables

Set QT Environment

set QTDIR=C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64
set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=%QTDIR%\plugins\platforms\

Add to the PATH environment variable folders for Qt bin, libdxfrw and LibreCAD_3 lib:


Visual Studio CMake

Open project in Visual Studio and configure CMake settings under Project > CMake settings

Configuration name: x64-Debug

Configuration type: RelWithDebInfo (Debug won't work as Conan libraries are compiled in release mode.)

CMake command arguments, adapting to your configuration:


When CMake detects Conan it should set GLEW_ROOT.
Run in Visual Studio by clicking green play button.


Some old graphics cards need OpenGL configuration:

Find opengl32sw.dll, copy to C:\source\repos\LibreCAD_3\out\build\x64-Debug\bin and set Environment:

set QT_OPENGL=desktop


The following is required but be careful not to remove if required for other software on your computer:

  1. Librecad_3 repository (C:\source\repos\LibreCAD_3)
  2. libdxfrw repository and install (C:\source\repos\libdxfrw)
  3. conan (C:\Users\User\.conan)
  4. python may have been installed to install conan
  5. qt
  6. Visual Studio
  7. environment variables

Manual installation



Download prebuilt Windows binaries for Boost from:

Eigen 3

Download Eigen 3 zip archive from Unzip it on your disk (C:\local\eigen-3.3.7)


Download and install Qt (open source version) from You must select at least one version of Qt for the MSVC compiler and the correct architecture.

Add to the PATH environment variable the Qt bin folder (C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\bin).


Download Windows binaries (dll15) here: Unzip it on your disk (C:\local\lua-5.3.5)


Download Windows binaries from Unzip this archive on your disk (C:\local\glew-2.1.0)

The GLEW_ROOT environment variable (in Windows) should be set to where the archive was extracted, in this case C:\local\glew-2.1.0


Clone libdxfrw repository:

git clone

Open it as a folder in Visual Studio:

  • Build all
  • Install DXFRW

Note the folder where it was installed (ex: C:\Users\...\libdxfrw\out\install\x64-Debug)


Open project as folder in Visual Studio

In Project > CMake Settings, set the following CMake options, after adapting the paths to your environment:


-DBoost options were added because the latest version of Boost wasn't supported by CMake. They may not be necessary anymore.

Add the folders containing the .dll files in your PATH environment variable

Clone this wiki locally