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mdranger edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 1 revision


In MOAC system,VNODE-PROXY(VP) is used to provide MicroChain register and data services. VP is a VNODE that can get rewards from MicroChains without mining. You just need to set the VnodeBeneficialAddress in the vnodeconfig.json.

To provide MicroChain register service, VP need to publish its VnodeBeneficialAddress to the MicroChain users.

To provide data service to MicroChains, VP need to register in the Proxy contract to be selected:

The function call to register vnode is:

function vnodeRegister (baseAddr,basePasswd, vnodeAddr,vnodeChain)
    sendtx(baseaddr, vnodeChain, '1','0x32434a2e000000000000000000000000' + vnodeAddr //data1
    //1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 0 . 1 6 : 5 0 0 6 2


  • baseAddr、basePasswd:Dapp Developer need to use the password to unlock the account;
  • vnodeChain:VNODE-PROXY contract address;
  • vnodeAddr:VnodeBeneficialAddress in vnodeconfig.json;
  • data1:'0x32434a2e000000000000000000000000' is the call to contract VNODE-PROXY function ‘register(address vnode, string link)’, '1' means 1 moac as deposit;
  • data2:string data type;
  • data3:string data length;
  • data4:string content;

Commands to call register vnode:

vnodeRegister ('0x1b9ce7e......1e0e38913a56cd986786',
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