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executable file
392 lines (382 loc) · 33.9 KB

General options

The next tables shows the parameters of the encoder, decoder and metrics programs.

Encoder parameters

\begin{longtable}{p{6cm}p{8cm}} \hline {\bf Parameter=Value} & {\bf Usage} \ \hline help & This help text \ \hline\hline {\bf Global } & \ \hline\hline config & Configuration file name \ \hline configurationFolder & Folder where the configuration files are \ & stored,use for cfg relative paths. \ \hline uncompressedDataFolder & Folder where the uncompress input data are \ & stored, use for cfg relative paths. \ \hline uncompressedDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline compressedStreamPath & Output(encoder)/Input(decoder) compressed \ & bitstream \ \hline reconstructedDataPath & Output decoded pointcloud. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline forcedSsvhUnitSizePrecisionBytes & forced SSVH unit size precision bytes \ \hline startFrameNumber & First frame number in sequence to \ & encode/decode \ \hline frameCount & Number of frames to encode \ \hline groupOfFramesSize & Random access period \ \hline colorTransform & The colour transform to be applied: \ & 0: none \ & 1: RGB to YCbCr (Rec.709) \ \hline colorSpaceConversionPath & Path to the HDRConvert. If unset, an internal \ & color space conversion is used \ \hline colorSpaceConversionConfig & HDRConvert configuration file used for RGB444 \ & to YUV420 conversion \ \hline inverseColorSpaceConversionConfig & HDRConvert configuration file used for YUV420 \ & to RGB444 conversion \ \hline gridBasedSegmentation & Voxel dimension for grid-based segmentation (GBS) \ \hline voxelDimensionGridBased & Voxel dimension for grid-based segmentation (GBS) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Segmentation & \ \hline nnNormalEstimation & Number of points used for normal estimation \ \hline normalOrientation & Normal orientation: 0: None 1: spanning tree, \ & 2:view point, 3:cubemap projection \ \hline gridBasedRefineSegmentation & Use grid-based approach for segmentation \ & refinement \ \hline maxNNCountRefineSegmentation & Number of nearest neighbors used during \ & segmentation refinement \ \hline iterationCountRefineSegmentation & Number of iterations performed during \ & segmentation refinement \ \hline voxelDimensionRefineSegmentation & Voxel dimension for segmentation refinement \ & (must be a power of 2) \ \hline searchRadiusRefineSegmentation & Search radius for segmentation refinement \ \hline occupancyResolution & Resolution of packing block(a block contain \ & only one patch) \ \hline enablePatchSplitting & Enable patch splitting \ \hline maxPatchSize & Maximum patch size for segmentation \ \hline log2QuantizerSizeX & log2 of Quantization step for patch size X: \ & 0. pixel precision 4.16 as before \ \hline log2QuantizerSizeY & log2 of Quantization step for patch size Y: \ & 0. pixel precision 4.16 as before \ \hline minPointCountPerCCPatch & Minimum number of points for a connected \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Segmentation & component to be retained as a patch \ \hline maxNNCountPatchSegmentation & Number of nearest neighbors used during \ & connected components extraction \ \hline surfaceThickness & Surface thickness \ \hline depthQuantizationStep & minimum level for patches \ \hline maxAllowedDist2RawPointsDetection & Maximum distance for a point to be ignored \ & during raw points detection \ \hline maxAllowedDist2RawPointsSelection & Maximum distance for a point to be ignored \ & during raw points selection \ \hline lambdaRefineSegmentation & Controls the smoothness of the patch \ & boundaries during segmentation refinement \ \hline minimumImageWidth & Minimum width of packed patch frame \ \hline minimumImageHeight & Minimum height of packed patch frame \ \hline maxCandidateCount & Maximum nuber of candidates in list L \ \hline occupancyPrecision & Occupancy map B0 precision \ \hline occupancyMapConfig & Occupancy map encoder config file \ \hline occupancyMapQP & QP for compression of occupancy map video \ \hline enhancedOccupancyMapCode & Use enhanced-delta-depth code \ \hline EOMFixBitCount & enhanced occupancy map fixed bit count \ \hline occupancyMapRefinement & Use occupancy map refinement \ \hline decodedAtlasInformationHash & Enable decoded atlas information hash: 0. disable \ & 1.MD5 2.CRC 3.Checksum \ \hline attributeTransferFilterType & Exclude geometry smoothing from attribute transfer \ \hline flagGeometrySmoothing & Enable geometry smoothing \ \hline neighborCountSmoothing & Neighbor count smoothing \ \hline radius2Smoothing & Radius to smoothing \ \hline radius2BoundaryDetection & Radius to boundary detection \ \hline thresholdSmoothing & Threshold smoothing \ \hline patchExpansion & Use occupancy map refinement \ \hline gridSmoothing & Enable grid smoothing \ \hline gridSize & grid size for the smoothing \ \hline thresholdColorSmoothing & Threshold of color smoothing \ \hline cgridSize & grid size for the color smoothing \ \hline thresholdColorDifference & Threshold of color difference between cells \ \hline thresholdColorVariation & Threshold of color variation in cells \ \hline flagColorSmoothing & Enable color smoothing \ \hline thresholdColorPreSmoothing & Threshold of color pre-smoothing \ \hline thresholdColorPreSmoothingLocal & Threshold of color pre-smoothing local \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Entropy & entropy \ \hline radius2ColorPreSmoothing & Radius of color pre-smoothing \ \hline neighborCountColorPreSmoothing & Neighbor count for color pre-smoothing \ \hline flagColorPreSmoothing & Enable color pre-smoothing \ \hline bestColorSearchRange & Best color search range \ \hline numNeighborsColorTransferFwd & Number of neighbors creating Fwd list \ \hline numNeighborsColorTransferBwd & Number of neighbors creating Bwd list \ \hline useDistWeightedAverageFwd & Distance weighted average for Fwd list \ \hline useDistWeightedAverageBwd & Distance weighted average for Bwd list \ \hline skipAvgIfIdenticalSourcePoint & Skip avgeraging if target is identical to a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PresentFwd & Fwd point \ \hline skipAvgIfIdenticalSourcePoint & Skip avgeraging if target is identical to a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PresentBwd & Bwd point \ \hline distOffsetFwd & Distance offset to avoid infinite weight \ \hline distOffsetBwd & Distance offset to avoid infinite weight \ \hline maxGeometryDist2Fwd & Maximum allowed distance for a Fwd point \ \hline maxGeometryDist2Bwd & Maximum allowed distance for a Bwd point \ \hline maxColorDist2Fwd & Maximum allowed pari-wise color distance for \ & Fwd list \ \hline maxColorDist2Bwd & Maximum allowed pari-wise color distance for \ & Bwd list \ \hline excludeColorOutlier & Exclude color outliers from the NN set \ \hline thresholdColorOutlierDist & Threshold of color distance to exclude \ & outliers from the NN set \ \hline videoEncoderOccupancyPath & Occupancy video encoder executable path \ \hline videoEncoderGeometryPath & Geometry video encoder executable path \ \hline videoEncoderAttributePath & Attribute video encoder executable path \ \hline videoEncoderOccupancyCodecId & Occupancy video encoder codec id \ \hline videoEncoderGeometryCodecId & Geometry video encoder codec id \ \hline videoEncoderAttributeCodecId & Attribute video encoder codec id \ \hline videoEncoderInternalBitdepth & Video encoder internal bitdepth \ \hline byteStreamVideoEncoderOccupancy & Attribute video encoder outputs byteStream \ \hline byteStreamVideoEncoderGeometry & Attribute video encoder outputs byteStream \ \hline byteStreamVideoEncoderAttribute & Attribute video encoder outputs byteStream \ \hline geometryQP & QP for compression of geometry video \ \hline attributeQP & QP for compression of attribute video \ \hline auxGeometryQP & QP for compression of auxiliary geometry \ & video : default=4 for lossy raw points, \ & geometryQP for lossless raw points \ \hline auxAttributeQP & QP for compression of auxiliary attribute video \ \hline geometryConfig & HM configuration file for geometry compression \ \hline geometry0Config & HM configuration file for geometry 0 compression \ \hline geometry1Config & HM configuration file for geometry 1 compression \ \hline attributeConfig & HM configuration file for attribute compression \ \hline attribute0Config & HM configuration file for attribute 0 compression \ \hline attribute1Config & HM configuration file for attribute 1 compression \ \hline rawPointsPatch & Enable raw points patch \ \hline noAttributes & Disable encoding of attributes \ \hline attributeVideo444 & Use 444 format for attribute video \ \hline useRawPointsSeparateVideo & Compress raw points with video codec \ \hline attributeRawSeparateVideoWidth & Width of the MP's attribute in separate video \ \hline geometryMPConfig & HM configuration file for raw points geometry \ & compression \ \hline attributeMPConfig & HM configuration file for raw points \ & attribute compression \ \hline nbThread & Number of thread used for parallel processing \ \hline keepIntermediateFiles & Keep intermediate files: RGB, YUV and bin \ \hline absoluteD1 & Absolute D1 \ \hline absoluteT1 & Absolute T1 \ \hline multipleStreams & number of video(geometry and attribute) streams \ \hline deltaQPD0 & qp adjustment for geometry0 video: 0, +3, -3... \ \hline deltaQPD1 & qp adjustment for geometry1 video: 0, +3, -3... \ \hline deltaQPT0 & qp adjustment for attribute0 video: 0, +3, -3... \ \hline deltaQPT1 & qp adjustment for attribute1 video: 0, +3, -3... \ \hline constrainedPack & Temporally consistent patch packing \ \hline levelOfDetailX & levelOfDetail : X axis in 2D space (should be \ & greater than 1) \ \hline levelOfDetailY & levelOfDetail : Y axis in 2D space (should be \ & greater than 1) \ \hline groupDilation & Group Dilation \ \hline offsetLossyOM & Value to be assigned to non-zero occupancy map \ & positions (default=0) \ \hline thresholdLossyOM & Threshold for converting non-binary occupancy \ & map to binary (default=0) \ \hline prefilterLossyOM & Selects whether the occupany map is prefiltered \ & before lossy compression (default=false) \ \hline shvcLayerIndex & Decode Layer ID number using SHVC codec \ \hline shvcRateX & SHVCRateX: reduce rate of each SHVC layer X \ & axis in 2D space (should be greater than 1) \ \hline shvcRateY & SHVCRateY: reduce rate of each SHVC layer Y \ & axis in 2D space (should be greater than 1) \ \hline patchColorSubsampling & Enable per patch color sub-sampling \ \hline maxNumRefAtalsList & maximum Number of Reference Atlas Frame list, \ & default: 1 \ \hline maxNumRefAtlasFrame & maximum Number of Reference Atlas Frame per \ & list, default: 1 \ \hline pointLocalReconstruction & Use point local reconstruction \ \hline mapCountMinus1 & Numbers of layers (rename to maps?) \ \hline singleMapPixelInterleaving & Use single layer pixel interleaving \ \hline removeDuplicatePoints & Remove duplicate points( \ \hline surfaceSeparation & surface separation \ \hline highGradientSeparation & Separate high gradient points from a patch \ \hline minGradient & Minimun gradient for a point to be separated \ \hline minNumHighGradientPoints & Minimum number of connected high gradient \ & points to be separated from a patch \ \hline packingStrategy & Patches packing strategy(0: anchor packing, \ & 1(default): flexible packing, 2: tetris \ & packing) \ \hline useEightOrientations & Allow either 2 orientations (0(default): NULL \ & AND SWAP), or 8 orientation (1)) \ \hline safeGuardDistance & Number of empty blocks that must exist between \ & the patches (default=1) \ \hline attributeBGFill & Selects the background filling operation for \ & attribute only (0: patch-edge extension, \ & 1(default): smoothed push-pull algorithm), 2: \ & harmonic background filling \ \hline lossyRawPointsPatch & Lossy raw points patch(0: no lossy raw points \ & patch, 1: enable lossy raw points patch \ & (default=0) \ \hline minNormSumOfInvDist4MPSelection & Minimum normalized sum of inverse distance \ & for raw points selection: double value \ & between 0.0 and 1.0 (default=0.35) \ \hline globalPatchAllocation & Global temporally consistent patch \ & allocation.(0: anchor's packing \ & method(default), 1: gpa algorithm, 2: gtp \ & algorithm) \ \hline globalPackingStrategyGOF & Number of frames to pack globally (0:(entire \ & GOF)) \ \hline globalPackingStrategyReset & Remove the reference to the previous frame \ & (0(default), 1) \ \hline globalPackingStrategyThreshold & Matched patches area ratio threshold (decides \ & if connections are valid or not, 0(default)) \ \hline patchPrecedenceOrder & Order of patches \ \hline lowDelayEncoding & Low Delay encoding (0(default): do nothing, \ & 1: does not allow overlap of patches bounding \ & boxes for low delay encoding) \ \hline geometryPadding & Selects the background filling operation for \ & geometry (0: anchor, 1(default): 3D geometry \ & padding) \ \hline apply3dMotionCompensation & Use auxilliary information for 3d motion \ & compensation.(0: conventional video coding, \ & 1: 3D motion compensated) \ \hline usePccRDO & Use HEVC PCC RDO optimization \ \hline geometry3dCoordinatesBitdepth & Bit depth of geomtery 3D coordinates \ \hline geometryNominal2dBitdepth & Bit depth of geometry 2D \ \hline nbPlrmMode & Number of PLR mode \ \hline patchSize & Size of Patch for PLR \ \hline enhancedProjectionPlane & Use enhanced Projection Plane(0: OFF, 1: ON) \ \hline minWeightEPP & Minimum value \ \hline additionalProjectionPlaneMode & additional projection plane mode: 0:none \ & 1:Y-Axis 2:X-Axis 3:Z-Axis 4:All-Axis 5:apply \ & to portion \ \hline partialAdditionalProjectionPlane & The value determines the partial point cloud. \ & It's available with only \ & additionalProjectionPlaneMode(5) \ \hline numMaxTilePerFrame & number of maximum tiles in a frame \ \hline uniformPartitionSpacing & indictation of uniform partitioning \ \hline tilePartitionWidth & uniform partition width in the unit of 64 pixels \ \hline tilePartitionHeight & uniform partition height in the unit of 64 pixels \ \hline tilePartitionWidthList & non uniform partition width in the unit of 64 pixels\ \hline tilePartitionHeightListnon & uniform partition height in the unit of 64 pixels \ \hline tileSegmentationType & tile segmentaton method : tile partition \ \hline & 1. 3D ROI based 2.2D Patch size based \ \hline enablePointCloudPartitioning & enablePointCloudPartitioning \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMinX & roiBoundingBoxMinX \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMaxX & roiBoundingBoxMaxX \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMinY & roiBoundingBoxMinY \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMaxY & roiBoundingBoxMaxY \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMinZ & roiBoundingBoxMinZ \ \hline roiBoundingBoxMaxZ & roiBoundingBoxMaxZ \ \hline numTilesHor & numTilesHor \ \hline tileHeightToWidthRatio & tileHeightToWidthRatio \ \hline numCutsAlong1stLongestAxis & numCutsAlong1stLongestAxis \ \hline numCutsAlong2ndLongestAxis & numCutsAlong2ndLongestAxis \ \hline numCutsAlong3rdLongestAxis & numCutsAlong3rdLongestAxis \ \hline mortonOrderSortRawPoints & mortonOrderSortRawPoints \ \hline pbfEnableFlag & Enable patch block filtering \ \hline pbfFilterSize & pbfFilterSize \ \hline pbfPassesCount & pbfPassesCount \ \hline pbfLog2Threshold & pbfLog2Threshold \ \hline computeChecksum & Compute checksum \ \hline computeMetrics & Compute metrics \ \hline normalDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline resolution & Specify the intrinsic resolution \ \hline dropdups & 0(detect), 1(drop), 2(average) subsequent \ & points with same coordinates \ \hline neighborsProc & 0(undefined), 1(average), 2(weighted \ & average), 3(min), 4(max) neighbors with same \ & geometric distance \ \hline tierFlag & Tier Flag \ \hline profileCodecGroupIdc & Profile Codec Group Idc \ \hline profileToolsetIdc & Profile Toolset Idc \ \hline profileReconstructionIdc & Profile Reconstruction Idc \ \hline levelIdc & Level Idc \ \hline avcCodecIdIndex & Index for avc codec \ \hline hevcCodecIdIndex & Index for hevc codec \ \hline shvcCodecIdIndex & Index for shvc codec \ \hline vvcCodecIdIndex & Index for vvc codec \ \hline oneV3CFrameOnlyFlag & One V3C Frame Only Flag \ \hline \end{longtable}

Decoder parameters

\begin{longtable}{p{6cm}p{8cm}} \hline {\bf Parameter=Value} & {\bf Usage} \ \hline help & This help text \ \hline\hline {\bf Global } & \ \hline\hline c,config & Configuration file name \ \hline compressedStreamPath & Input \ & compressed bitstream \ \hline reconstructedDataPath & Output decoded pointcloud. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline startFrameNumber & Fist frame number in sequence to \ & encode/decode \ \hline colorTransform & The colour transform to be applied: \ & 0: none \ & 1: RGB to YCbCr (Rec.709) \ \hline colorSpaceConversion & Path to the HDRConvert. If unset, an \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Path & internal color space conversion is \ & used \ \hline inverseColorSpaceConversion & HDRConvert configuration file used for \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Config & YUV420 to RGB444 conversion \ \hline videoDecoderOccupancyPath & Occupancy video decoder executable \ \hline videoDecoderGeometryPath & Geometry video decoder executable \ \hline videoDecoderAttributePath & Attribute video decoder executable \ \hline byteStreamVideoCoderOccupancy & Occupancy video decoder inputs byteStream \ \hline byteStreamVideoCoderGeometry & Geometry video decoder inputs byteStream \ \hline byteStreamVideoCoderAttribute & Attribute video decoder inputs byteStream \ \hline nbThread & Number of thread used for parallel \ \hline & processing \ \hline attributeTransferFilterType & Exclude geometry smoothing from attribute \ \hline & transfer \ \hline keepIntermediateFiles & Keep intermediate files: RGB, YUV and bin \ \hline shvcLayerIndex & Decode Layer ID number using SHVC codec \ \hline patchColorSubsampling & Enable per-patch color up-sampling \ \hline\hline {\bf Metrics } & \ \hline\hline computeChecksum & Compute checksum \ \hline computeMetrics & Compute metrics \ \hline uncompressedDataFolder & Folder where the uncompress input data are \ \hline & stored, use for cfg relative paths. \ \hline startFrameNumber & Fist frame number in sequence to \ \hline & encode/decode \ \hline frameCount & Number of frames to encode \ \hline groupOfFramesSize & Random access period \ \hline uncompressedDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline reconstructedDataPath & Output decoded pointcloud. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline normalDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline resolution & Specify the intrinsic resolution \ \hline dropdups & 0(detect), 1(drop), 2(average) subsequent \ & points with same coordinates \ \hline neighborsProc & 0(undefined), 1(average), 2(weighted \ & average), 3(min), 4(max) neighbors with \ & same geometric distance \ \hline nbThread & Number of thread used for parallel \ \hline & processing \ \hline minimumImageHeight & Ignore parameter \ \hline flagColorPreSmoothing & Ignore parameter \ \hline surfaceSeparation & Ignore parameter \ \hline\hline {\bf Conformance} & \ \hline\hline checkConformance & Check conformance \ \hline path & Root directory of conformance files + \ & prefix: S26C03R03_ \ \hline level & Level indice \ \hline fps & Frame per second \ \hline \end{longtable}

Metrics parameters

\begin{longtable}{p{6cm}p{8cm}} \hline {\bf Parameter=Value} & {\bf Usage} \ \hline help & This help text \ \hline computeChecksum & Compute checksum \ \hline computeMetrics & Compute metrics \ \hline startFrameNumber & Fist frame number in sequence to \ \hline & encode/decode \ \hline frameCount & Number of frames to encode \ \hline uncompressedDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ \hline & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline reconstructedDataPath & Output decoded pointcloud. Multi-frame \ \hline & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline normalDataPath & Input pointcloud to encode. Multi-frame \ \hline & sequences may be represented by %04i \ \hline resolution & Specify the intrinsic resolution \ \hline dropdups & 0(detect), 1(drop), 2(average) subsequent \ \hline & points with same coordinates \ \hline neighborsProc & 0(undefined), 1(average), 2(weighted \ \hline & average), 3(min), 4(max) neighbors with \ \hline & same geometric distance \ \hline nbThread & Number of thread used for parallel \ \hline & processing \ \hline minimumImageHeight & Ignore parameter \ \hline flagColorPreSmoothing & Ignore parameter \ \hline surfaceSeparation & Ignore parameter \ \hline \end{longtable}