This is my technology blog, specifically summarizing and summarizing some technical experience and exploring new technologies in the future
- The first step to solving a problem is to do it yourself.
- The first step in understanding an algorithm is to calculate it.
- Try using paper and pen to write algorithms.
- To quickly master a certain field of technology, you need to go to experts or articles in that field.
- Good design is worth learning and transplanting
- Always learn source code with question/needs/goals/interests/benefits
- The more you read, the more you learn, and the more innovative drive you have.
- Material cycles need to constantly updated.
- Flink solutions
- Spark solutions
- Pytorch & Paddle solutions
- machine learning solutions
- Java solutions
- Python solutions
- Linux solutions
- Hbase solutions - maybe slowly
- KV solutions - maybe slowly
- OLAP solutions - maybe slowly
If you have any amazing technical ideas or challenging scenarios, please contact me.