In this training, we will use Helm to create and customize an application.
Navigate to the folder
from CLI, before you get started.
Check helm
helm version
Ensure autocompletion is installed
echo 'source <(helm completion bash)' >> ~/.bashrc && bash
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
Show all releases
helm ls
Release with its default values
helm install my-release-defaults ./my-chart
Show all releases
helm ls
Show kubernetes resources
kubectl get all
Delete a release
helm delete my-release-defaults
Release with a custom values.yaml file
helm install my-release-custom ./my-chart -f my-values.yaml
Show all installed charts
helm ls
Show kubernetes resources
kubectl get all
Change the color in the file
to re-releasehelm upgrade my-release-custom ./my-chart -f my-values.yaml
Show all releases
helm ls
Show kubernetes resources
kubectl get all
- Add templating for the deployment in the file ./my-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
... spec: replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }} selector: ...
- Add the replicas to the file my-values.yaml.
color: magenta replicas: 3
helm upgrade my-release-custom ./my-chart -f my-values.yaml
Show all releases
helm ls
Show kubernetes resources
kubectl get pods
Render yaml files without deploying them
helm install my-chart ./my-chart --dry-run >
Lint your charts
helm lint ./my-chart
helm delete my-release-custom