Our dependencies with link to their documentation and why we use it.
- laravel-auth-checker is used to keep a trace of auth attempts
- scout is used for full-text search in database
- excel is used to generate exports as xlsx or csv
- valuestore is used for application settings
- dom-crawler is used to read metadata from posted links
- puphpeteer is used to save your links as PDF using a chrome browser
- youtube-dl-php is a bridge to youtube-dl to save your links (youtube, soundcloud, ...) as a local copy
- laravel-media-library is used to attach images to models and image manipulation
- laravel-backup is used for... backups !
- mewebstudio/captcha is used to protect comments with a captcha
- bootstrap is used as CSS framework
- vue is used as JS framework
- axios is for http requests
- tui.editor is used for both editing and viewing markdown
- vue-multiselect is used for the tags system
- vue-toasted is used for in app notifications
- vuedraggable is used to reorder items in chests
- vue-clickaway is used to close search bar when clicked away
- vue-filepond is used to handle file upload
- vue-masonry-css is used to display album images