The MigratingObjectAccessor can wrap a standard ObjectAccessor and provide migration functionality for JSON documents. By specifying an Ordered version field and a sequence of Migrations, JSON documents will automatically be migrated through the sequence of Migrations (sorted by version) before being marshaled into the final Scala object.
scala> import json._
import json._
scala> import
scala> case class TestModel(version: Int, data: String)
defined class TestModel
scala> implicit val testModelAcc: ObjectAccessor[TestModel] = {
| val testModelMigrations: Seq[Migration[Int]] = Seq(
| Migration(1) { jObject =>
| jObject.get("oldData") match {
| case Some(data) => jObject + ("data" -> data) - "oldData"
| case _ => jObject
| }
| }
| )
| new Migration.Accessor(testModelMigrations, "version", ObjectAccessor.create[TestModel])
| }
testModelAcc: json.ObjectAccessor[TestModel] = Migration.Accessor
scala> val needsMigration = """ {"oldData": "Data","version": 0} """
needsMigration: String = " {"oldData": "Data","version": 0} "
scala> JValue.fromString(needsMigration).toObject[TestModel]
res0: TestModel = TestModel(1,Data)