In this part of the documentation describes how to create an own adapter. Before you start with it let us know via an issue if it maybe an Adapter which make sense to add to the project, and we can work together to get it in it.
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Mezcalito\UxSearchBundle\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Mezcalito\UxSearchBundle\Search\Query;
use Mezcalito\UxSearchBundle\Search\SearchInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
final readonly class MyAdapter implements AdapterInterface
public function search(Query $query, SearchInterface $search): ResultSet
// Your logic
public function configureParameters(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
// Your logic
namespace My\Own\Adapter;
use Mezcalito\UxSearchBundle\Adapter\AdapterFactoryInterface;
use Mezcalito\UxSearchBundle\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
readonly class MyAdapterFactory implements AdapterFactoryInterface
public function support(string $dsn): bool
return str_starts_with($dsn, 'myAdapter'); // Or your own logic
public function createAdapter(string $dsn): AdapterInterface
// Your own logic
return new YourAdapter();
You just need to add your Adapter to the configuration.
default_adapter: 'myAdapter'
myAdapter: 'myAdapter://what_you_need',