Calculate thermodynamic properties of matter using phonon gas model(PGM)
This repository is authored and maintained by Hongjin Wang and Jingyi Zhuang.
The associated paper is published online here.
Please cite this article as:
Hongjin Wang, Jingyi Zhuang, Zhen Zhang, Qi Zhang, Renata M. Wentzcovitch, pgm: A Python package for free energy calculations within the phonon gas model, Computer Physics Communications (2023), Volume 291, 2023, 108845,
If you are unable to access the full text of this article, please contact the authors.
You can install the package directly from PyPI:
$ pip install phonon-gas-model
To install the pgm
package, first clone the code repository using git
$ git clone
After cloning the code repository, change to the code directory using cd
$ cd pgm
After changing to the code directory, install the required Python packages using pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, install the pgm package using pip
$ pip install .
See details in Installation of pgm.
Here we provide two examples inside the example folder. One is CaSiO₃, and one is B8-FeO.
For the case of CaSiO₃, simply run the following commands from the root path of the package:
$ cd examples/casio3
$ pgm run casio3.yaml
and for another case, B8-FeO,
run the following commands from the root path of the package:
$ cd examples/feo
$ pgm run feo.yaml
See details Command Line Tool of pgm.
First, you need to prepare a set of phonon calculations calculated at different temperatures.
Convert them as standard qha input files(for now use input converter in qha pkg), and put the input files like in the case of CaSiO₃ or B8-FeO
Compose your own settings.yaml
file, enjoy.
Details will be provide shortly.
See GitHub pages of pgm.