{% hint style="warning" %}
This is a work in progress, please reach out to us on Telegram for support.
For the most reliable data, reference our existing graphql docs.
{% endhint %}
Returns nfts by contractAddress
and filtering by showOnlyListed
with limit and offset.
storeNfts( {contractAddress: string, showOnlyListed?: boolean, { limit, offset }?: Pagination, network?: "testnet" | "mainnet"})
This is an example of a data api method.
{% code title="querystoreNfts.ts" overflow="wrap" lineNumbers="true" %}
import { storeNfts } from '@mintbase-js/data'
const props = {
contractAddress: 'teammintbase.mintbase1.near',
showOnlyListed: true,
pagination:{ limit: 12, offeset: 0},
network: "mainnet",
const { data, error } = await storeNfts('teammintbase.mintbase1.near', true);
if (error) {console.log('error', error)}
console.log(data) // => store listed nfts data
{% endcode %}