In order to try out the example, do the following on a cluster that
has nodes with Virtlet on it (see the instructions in
- Create a sample VM:
kubectl create -f cirros-vm.yaml
- Wait for
pod to becomeRunning
kubectl get pods -w
- Connect to the VM console:
kubectl attach -it cirros-vm
- As soon as the VM has booted, you can use virtletctl tool (available as part of each Virtlet release on GitHub starting from Virtlet 1.0):
virtletctl ssh cirros@cirros-vm -- -i examples/vmkey [command...]
Besides cirros-vm.yaml, there's also ubuntu-vm.yaml that can be used to start an Ubuntu Xenial VM and fedora-vm.yaml that starts a Fedora VM. These VMs can also be accessed using virtletctl ssh
after it boots:
virtletctl ssh ubuntu@ubuntu-vm -- -i examples/vmkey [command...]
virtletctl ssh fedora@fedora-vm -- -i examples/vmkey [command...]
Another example involves starting several VMs using StatefulSet
and deploying
Kubernetes using kubeadm
on it.
You can create the cluster like this:
kubectl create -f k8s.yaml
Watch progress of the cluster setup via the VM console:
kubectl attach -it k8s-0
After it's complete you can log into the master node:
virtletctl ssh root@k8s-0 -- -i examples/vmkey
There you can wait a bit for k8s nodes and pods to become ready. You can list them using the following commands inside the VM:
kubectl get nodes -w
# Press Ctrl-C when all 3 nodes are present and Ready
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide -w
# Press Ctrl-C when all the pods are ready
You can then deploy and test nginx on the inner cluster:
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --expose --port 80
kubectl get pods -w
# Press Ctrl-C when the pod is ready
kubectl run bbtest --rm --attach --restart=Never -- wget -O - http://nginx
After that you can follow the instructions to install Virtlet on the cluster if you want, but note that you'll have to disable KVM because nested virtualization is not yet supported by Virtlet.
To use the block PV examples, you need to enable BlockVolume
feature gate
for your Kubernetes cluster components. When using
for testing, you can use this command to start the cluster with
and Ceph support:
FEATURE_GATES="BlockVolume=true" \
KUBELET_FEATURE_GATES="BlockVolume=true" \
./ up
demonstrates the use of local block volumes. For the sake of
simplicity, it uses a file named /var/lib/virtlet/looptest
of a real block device, but from the user perspective the usage is the
same except that /dev/...
path must be specified instead of
in the most real-world use cases. The
path is chosen to be under /var/lib/virtlet
because this directory
is mounted into the Virtlet pod by default and Virtlet must have
access to the file or block device specified for the block PV.
First, you need to create the file to be used for the contents
of the local block PV:
docker exec kube-node-1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/virtlet/looptest bs=1M count=1000
docker exec kube-node-1 mkfs.ext4 /var/lib/virtlet/looptest
Let's create the PV, PVC and the pod that uses them:
kubectl apply -f examples/ubuntu-vm-local-block-pv.yaml
After the VM boots, we can log into it and verify that the PV is indeed mounted:
$ virtletctl ssh ubuntu@ubuntu-vm -- -i examples/vmkey
ubuntu@ubuntu-vm:~$ sudo touch /mnt/foo
ubuntu@ubuntu-vm:~$ ls -l /mnt
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 1 17:27 foo
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Oct 1 14:41 lost+found
$ exit
Then we can delete and re-create the pod
kubectl delete pod ubuntu-vm
# wait till the pod disappears
kubectl get pod -w
kubectl apply -f examples/ubuntu-vm-local-block-pv.yaml
And, after the VM boots, log in again to verify that the file foo
still there:
$ virtletctl ssh ubuntu@ubuntu-vm -- -i examples/vmkey
ubuntu@ubuntu-vm:~$ ls -l /mnt
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 1 17:27 foo
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Oct 1 14:41 lost+found
$ exit
For Ceph examples you'll also need to start a Ceph test container
flag and -v
mounts of /sys/bus
and /dev
needed for rbd map
to work from within the ceph_cluster
they're not needed for persistent root filesystem example in the next
MON_IP=$(docker exec kube-master route | grep default | awk '{print $2}')
docker run -d --net=host -e MON_IP=${MON_IP} \
--privileged \
-v /dev:/dev \
-v /sys/bus:/sys/bus \
-e CEPH_DEMO_UID=foo \
-e DEMO_DAEMONS="osd mds" \
--name ceph_cluster demo
# wait for the cluster to start
docker logs -f ceph_cluster
Create a pool there:
docker exec ceph_cluster ceph osd pool create kube 8 8
Create an image for testing (it's important to use rbd create
feature here so as not to get a feature mismatch error
later when creating a pod):
docker exec ceph_cluster rbd create tstimg \
--size 1G --pool kube --image-feature layering
Set up a Kubernetes secret for use with Ceph:
admin_secret="$(docker exec ceph_cluster ceph auth get-key client.admin)"
kubectl create secret generic ceph-admin \
--type="" \
To test the block PV, we also need to create a filesystem on the node (this is not needed for testing the persistent rootfs below). Yo may need to load RBD module on the docker host to be able to do this:
modprobe rbd
Then we can map the RBD, create a filesystem on it and unmap it again:
rbd=$(docker exec ceph_cluster rbd map tstimg --pool=kube)
docker exec kube-node-1 mkfs.ext4 "${rbd}"
docker exec ceph_cluster rbd unmap tstimg --pool=kube
After that, you can create the block PV, PVC and the pod that uses
them and verify the PV being mounted into ubuntu-vm
the same way as
it was done in the previous section:
kubectl apply -f examples/ubuntu-vm-rbd-block-pv.yaml
demonstrates the use of persistent root filesystem. The most important part
is the volumeDevices
section in the pod's container definition:
- devicePath: /
name: testpvc
Unlike the local PV example above, we can't use a file instead of a
real block device, as Virtlet uses the device mapper internally which
can't work with plain files. We don't need to run mkfs.ext4
time though as Virtlet will copy the VM image over the contents of the
device. Let's create a loop device to be used for the PV:
docker exec kube-node-1 dd if=/dev/zero of=/rawtest bs=1M count=1000
docker exec kube-node-1 /bin/bash -c 'ln -s $(losetup -f /rawtest --show) /dev/rootdev'
We use a symbolic link to the actual block device here so we don't need to edit the example yaml.
After that, we create the PV, PVC and the pod:
kubectl apply -f examples/cirros-vm-persistent-rootfs-local.yaml
After the VM boots, we can log into it and create a file on the root filesystem:
$ virtletctl ssh cirros@cirros-vm-pl -- -i examples/vmkey
$ echo foo >bar.txt
Then we delete the pod, wait for it to disappear, and then re-create it:
kubectl delete pod cirros-vm-p
kubectl apply -f examples/cirros-vm-persistent-rootfs-local.yaml
After logging into the new VM pod, we see that the file is still there:
$ virtletctl ssh cirros@cirros-vm-pl -- -i examples/vmkey
$ cat bar.txt
demonstrates the use of persistent root filesystem on a Ceph RBD. To
use it, you need to set up a test Ceph cluster and create a test image
as described in the previous section, except
that you don't have to run the Ceph test container as --privileged
don't have to mount /dev
and /sys/bus
into the Ceph test container
and don't have to map the RBD and run mkfs.ext4
on it. You can
create the PV, PVC and the pod for the example using this command:
kubectl apply -f examples/cirros-vm-persistent-rootfs-rbd.yaml
After that, you can verify that the persistent rootfs indeed works
using the same approach as with local PVs, but using name cirros-vm-pr
in place of cirros-vm-pl