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XS Scopes

Revised: June 25, 2024


The best way to understand what XS does is to follow the execution of byte codes and see what happens to the stack and the heap. So that is mostly what this document does.

The overview is adapted from XS7 @ TC-39. That is the text of the presentation given in 2017 to introduce XS to TC39. Then there are four examples that explore some details about how XS handles scopes at runtime.


The overview mostly defines the vocabulary used when talking about XS, and presents its essential structures


The main XS runtime structure is the machine. Each machine is its own ECMAScript realm and has its own heap, stack, keys, names table, symbols table, connection to the debugger, etc.

XS can run several machines concurrently in several threads but one machine can only run in one thread at a time. XS provides a C programming interface for machines to communicate.


The most ubiquitous XS runtime structure is the slot. Slots store booleans, numbers, references, etc.

The size of a slot is four times the size of a pointer, so 16 bytes on 32-bit processors.

  • The first field of a slot is a pointer to the next slot. Slots are mostly used as linked lists. For example, objects are linked lists of properties.
  • The second field of a slot is its id, an index into the keys of the machine that owns the slot. For example, properties and variables have an id.
  • The third field of a slot is its flag, with for instance bits for configurable, enumerable and writable. The garbage collector also uses the flag to mark the slot.
  • The fourth field of a slot is its kind. It defines what is in the fifth field, the value of the slot. For example, if the kind is number, the value contains a double.
  • The fifth field of a slot is its value.

In the machine heap, there is a linked list of free slots, using the next field of the slots. The slot allocator remove slots from that list. The garbage collector sweeps unreachable slots by adding them to that list.


What does not fit into a slot goes into a chunk. Chunks store byte codes, strings, arrays, array buffers, bigints, etc. Chunks are always accessed thru slots. The kind field of a slot that points to the chunk defines what the chunk contains.

The size of chunks varies. The first four bytes of a chunk is the size of its data. The garbage collector uses the high-order bit of the size to mark the chunk.

In the machine heap, chunks are allocated inside a memory block. In order to compact the memory block, the garbage collector sweeps unreachable chunks by relocating reachable chunks, then update slots that point to them with their relocated addresses.

XS allows frameworks and applications to use chunks for their own data using a specific kind of slot that references a chunk and hooks for the garbage collector. Such a slot works like a Handle, for those who remember the original Macintosh operating system.

Byte Code

At the core of the XS runtime, there is a huge C function that is a byte code interpreter. The C function uses computed gotos to dispatch byte code, which is always faster than a loop and a switch, especially because of branch prediction. For details, see for example Eli Bendersky, Computed goto for efficient dispatch tables

The primary objective of byte code is of course to encode modules and scripts into something that is fast enough to decode. XS compiles modules and scripts into byte codes to handle their relative complexity once and only once. Then XS only runs byte code. Byte code is the only information exchanged between compile and run time.

The secondary objective of byte code is compression. I always try to find a balance between the vocabulary (the number of byte codes available to encode ECMAScript constructs) and the grammar (the number of byte codes necessary to encode ECMAScript constructs). The design of the byte code evolves with each version of XS.

In fact most byte codes do not look at all like assembly instructions. Most byte codes directly refer to ECMAScript expressions and statements. For example, there are byte codes to get and set properties, byte codes for unary and binary operators, byte codes for primitive values, etc.

A lot of byte codes have no values and take just 1 byte. Most byte codes with values have variations depending on the size of their values. A few examples:

  • the integer byte code has variations for 1, 2 and 4 bytes values,
  • the branches byte codes have also variations for 1, 2 and 4 bytes values, depending on how far the interpreter has to jump.
  • since ECMAScript functions with more than 255 arguments and variables are rare, related byte codes have variations too, so most accesses and assignments take only two bytes.

Each machine has its current code pointer, which can be null if the machine is not executing byte code.


The byte code interpreter is stack based. Byte codes push, pop or transform references and values to, from or on the machine stack. The machine stack is a stack of slots, separate from the C stack.

Each machine has its current stack pointer.


Unary Operator

What happens to the stack for typeof null?

  • null: Push null
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Null -
  • typeof: Apply the unary operator
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - String "object"

Binary Operator

What happens to the stack for 1 + 1?

  • integer 1: Push integer 1
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Integer 1
  • integer 1: Push integer 1
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Integer 1
- - - Integer 1
  • add: Apply the binary operator
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Integer 2


When calling a function, XS does not use the C stack. The byte code interpreter uses a frame to remember where to go back and jumps to the first byte code of the function.

Each machine has a current frame pointer.

Firstly the calling function pushes this and a reference to the called function

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Undefined - this
- - - Reference Instance reference function

Then executes byte codes like:

  • call: Push slots to hold the target, result, frame and argument count
  • number NaN: Push number NaN as first argument
  • run 1: Set the argument count to 1 and store the current frame, code and scope pointers into the frame
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Undefined - this
- - - Reference Instance reference function
- - - Undefined - target
- - - Undefined - result
➔ Frame - - Frame Code pointer + Scope
- - - Integer 1 argument count
- - - Number NaN first argument

With such a stack, XS jumps to the first byte code of the called function

The last byte code of a function is:

  • end: Retrieve the byte code pointer and scope from the frame, reset the frame, scope and stack then push the result
Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Undefined - result

With such a stack, XS jumps to the next byte code of the calling function

C Function

XS implements built-in functions in C and modules can implement their functions in C too. So the byte code interpreter is re-entrant, in order to handle calls from and to such host functions.

Script, Module and Function Scopes

At compile time, XS parses modules and scripts into syntax trees, then hoists definitions and variables, then scopes identifiers, then generates byte code.

The first objective of scoping identifiers is to access and assign variables by index, on the stack, directly in locals, or indirectly in closures, instead of having to lookup identifiers. That is for performance.

The second objective of scoping identifiers is to create closures with only the necessary variables, since enclosing functions know what their enclosed functions use. That is to minimize memory use.

In strict mode, when there is a direct call to eval, XS creates closures for everything. For the evaluated string, XS generates different byte codes to lookup identifiers.

In non-strict mode, when there is a direct call to eval or a with statement, it is similar, except that XS also generates different byte codes to lookup identifiers outside the direct call to eval or inside the with statement.

Block Scopes

Each function reserves slots on the stack for its variables. The number of reserved slots is the maximum number of variables used by the function and its blocks.

Several byte codes move the current scope pointer down and up when entering and leaving blocks. Parallel blocks use the same indices.

Source code

	let x = 0;
		let y = 1;
		let z = 2;

Byte Codes

  • reserve 2: Reserve 2 slots on the stack
  • [0] new_local x: Create local 0 with ID x and uninitialized value
  • integer 0: Push integer 0
  • let_local [0]: Initialize local 0 (x) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • [1] new_local y: Create local 1 with ID y and uninitialized value
  • integer 1: Push integer 11
  • let_local [1]: Initialize local 1 (y) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • unwind 1: Delete local 1
  • [1] new_local z: Create local 1 with ID z and uninitialized value
  • integer 2: Push integer 2
  • let_local [1]: Initialize local 1 (z) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • unwind 2: Delete local 1 and 0

Initially, the current scope and stack pointers are the same. reserve moves the stack down but not the scope, new_local move the scope down, unwind moves the scope up and sets the slots to have no IDs, no flags and undefined values.

Example 1

Let us start with something simple.

Source code

let x = 0;
let y = 1;
const f = function(z) {
  x += z;
  y += z;

For each significant step, I will comment byte codes and present stack and heap slots at the end of the step. I omitted debugger related byte codes.

Step 1: Closures and Locals Creation

Locals are stack slots only. Closures are stack slots plus heap slots for their values.

Byte Codes

  • reserve 3: Reserve 3 slots on the stack
  • [0] new_closure x: Create closure 0 with ID x and uninitialized value
  • [1] new_closure y: Create closure 1 with ID y and uninitialized value
  • [2] new_local f: Create local 2 with ID f and uninitialized value

indices [0, 1, 2] are implicit: reserve moves the stack but not the scope, new_closure and new_local move the scope.

Stack Slots

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- x - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
- y - Closure Value reference ➔ 1
- f - Uninitialized -

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Uninitialized -
1 - - - Uninitialized -

Step 2: Closures and Locals Initialization

Closures and locals can be initialized as const, let or var. All of them are always accessed by index.

Byte Codes

  • integer 0: Push integer 0
  • let_closure [0]: Initialize closure 0 (x) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • integer 1: Push integer 1
  • let_closure [1]: Initialize closure 1 (y) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack

Stack Slots

No changes

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Integer 0
1 - - - Integer 1

Step 3: Function and Environment Creation

Function instances have a byte code pointer and, if they have closures, an environment reference. Environment instances have properties which are closures that reference values.

Byte Codes

  • function f: Push a new function named f...
  • code n: ... with n byte codes
    • See step 4
  • environment: Push a new environment and assign it to the function on the stack
  • store [0]: Store ID and value reference of closure 0 (x) into the environment
  • store [1]: Store ID and value reference of closure 1 (y) into the environment
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • const_local [2]: Initialize local 2 (f) with the stack value as a const
  • pop: Pop the stack

Stack Slots

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- x - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
- y - Closure Value reference ➔ 1
- f const Reference Instance reference ➔ 2

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Integer 0
1 - - - Integer 1
2 ➔ 3 - - Instance -
3 ➔ 4 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 6
4 ➔ 5 length - Integer 1
5 - name - String "f"
6 ➔ 7 - - Instance -
7 ➔ 8 - internal Environment -
8 ➔ 9 x - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
9 - y - Closure Value reference ➔ 1

Step 4: Function execution

Let us call f(2).

Byte Codes

  • undefined: Push undefined as this
  • get_local [2]: Push the value of local 2 (f)
  • call: Push slots to hold the target, result, frame and argument count
  • integer 2: Push integer 2 as first argument
  • run 1: Set the argument count to 1 and store the byte code pointer and scope into the frame

XS jumps to the first byte code of the called function

  • begin_strict 1:
  • reserve 3: Reserve 3 slots on the stack
  • [0,1] retrieve: Initialize closures 0 and 1 with IDs and values from the environment (x and y)
  • [2] new_local z: Create local 2 with ID z and uninitialized value.

Again indices [0, 1, 2] are implicit, retrieve move the scope for each property of the environment.

  • argument 0: Push the value of the first argument if any, or undefined
  • var_local [2]: Initialize local 2 (z) with the stack value as a var
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • get_closure [0]: Push the value of closure 0 (x)
  • get_local [2]: Push the value of local 2 (z)
  • add: Apply the binary operator
  • pull_closure [0]: Pull the stack value into closure 0 (x)
  • get_closure [1]: Push the value of closure 1 (y)
  • get_local [2]: Push the value of local 2 (z)
  • add: Apply the binary operator
  • pull_closure [1]: Pull the stack value into closure 1 (y)
  • end: Retrieve the byte code pointer and scope from the frame, reset the frame, scope and stack then push the result

XS jumps to the next byte code of the calling function

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Integer 2
1 - - - Integer 3
2 ➔ 3 - - Instance -
3 ➔ 4 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 6
4 ➔ 5 length - Integer 1
5 - name - String "f"
6 ➔ 7 - - Instance -
7 ➔ 8 - internal Environment -
8 ➔ 9 x - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
9 - y - Closure Value reference ➔ 1

Example 2

Here is a typical example of closure.

Source code

let counter = 0;
const decrement = function() {
const increment = function() {

Byte Codes

  • reserve 3: Reserve 3 slots on the stack
  • [0] new_closure counter: Create closure 0 with ID counter and uninitialized value
  • [1] new_local decrement: Create local 1 with ID decrement and uninitialized value
  • [2] new_local increment: Create local 2 with ID increment and uninitialized value
  • integer 0: Push integer 0
  • let_closure [0]: Initialize closure 0 (counter) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • function decrement: Push a new function named decrement...
  • code n: ... with n byte codes
    • begin_strict 0:
    • reserve 2: Reserve 2 slots on the stack
    • [0] retrieve: Initialize closure 0 with ID and value from the environment (counter)
    • get_closure [0]: Push the value of closure 0 (counter)
    • decrement: Apply the postfix operator
    • pull_closure [0]: Pull the stack value into closure 0 (counter)
    • end:
  • environment: Push a new environment and assign it to the function on the stack
  • store [0]: Store ID and value reference of closure 0 (counter) into the environment
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • const_local [1]:: Initialize local 1 (decrement) with the stack value as a const
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • function increment: Push a new function named increment...
  • code n: ... with n byte codes
    • begin_strict 0:
    • reserve 2: Reserve 2 slots on the stack
    • [0] retrieve: Initialize closure 0 with ID and value from the environment (counter)
    • get_closure [0]: Push the value of closure 0 (counter)
    • increment: Apply the postfix operator
    • pull_closure [0]: Pull the stack value into closure 0 (counter)
    • end:
  • environment: Push a new environment and assign it to the function on the stack
  • store [0]: Store ID and value reference of closure 0 (counter) into the environment
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • const_local [2]: Initialize local 2 (increment) with the stack value as a const
  • pop: Pop the stack

Stack Slots

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- counter - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
- decrement const Reference Instance reference ➔ 1
- increment const Reference Instance reference ➔ 8

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Number 0
1 ➔ 2 - - Instance -
2 ➔ 3 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 5
3 ➔ 4 length - Integer 0
4 - name - String "decrement"
5 ➔ 6 - - Instance -
6 ➔ 7 - internal Environment -
7 - counter - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
8 ➔ 9 - - Instance -
9 ➔ 10 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 12
10 ➔ 11 length - Integer 0
11 - name - String "increment"
12 ➔ 13 - - Instance -
13 ➔ 14 - internal Environment -
14 - counter - Closure Value reference ➔ 0

Both decrement and increment functions have environments with closures that reference the same value.

Example 3

Here is the example in the document quoted here above.

Source code

function f(x) {
	const xx = x**2;
	return function(y) {
		const yy = y**2;
		return (xx + yy)**0.5;

Byte codes

  • function f: Push a new function named f...
  • code n: ...with n bytes of byte code
    • begin_strict 1:
    • reserve 2: Reserve 2 slots on the stack for locals and closures
    • [0] new_local x: Create local 0 with ID x and uninitialized value
    • argument 0: Push the value of the first argument if any, else undefined
    • var_local [0]: Initialize local 0 (x) with the stack value as a var
    • pop: Pop the stack
    • [1] new_closure xx: Create closure 1 with ID xx and uninitialized value
    • get_local [0]: Push the value of local 0 (x)
    • integer 2: Push integer 2
    • exponentiation: Apply the binary operator
    • const_closure [1]: Initialize the closure 1 (xx) with the stack value as a const
    • pop: Pop the stack
    • function ?: Push a new anonymous function...
    • code n: ...with n bytes of byte code
      • begin_strict 1:
      • reserve 3: Reserve 3 slots on the stack for locals and closures
      • [0] retrieve: Initialize closure 0 with ID and value from the environment (xx)
      • [1] new_local y: Create local 1 with ID y and uninitialized value
      • argument 0: Push the value of the first argument if any, or undefined
      • var_local [1]: Initialize local 1 (y) with the stack value as a var
      • pop: Pop the stack
      • [2] new_local yy: Create a new local 2 with ID yy and uninitialized value
      • get_local [1]: Push the value of local 1 (y)
      • integer 2: Push integer 2
      • exponentiation: Apply the binary operator
      • const_local [2]: Initialize local 2 (yy) with the stack value as a const
      • pop: Pop the stack
      • get_closure [0]: Push the value of closure 0 (xx)
      • get_local [2]: Push the value of local 2 (yy)
      • add: Apply the binary operator
      • number 0.5: Push number 0.5 on the stack
      • exponentiation: Apply the binary operator
      • set_result: Pull the stack value into into the result
      • end:
    • environment: Push a new environment and assign it to the function on the stack
    • store [1]: Store ID and value of closure 1 (xx) into the environment
    • pop: Pop the stack
    • set_result: Pull the stack value into into the result
    • end:

Heap Slots

Here are slots created by defining function f.

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 ➔ 1 - - Instance -
1 ➔ 2 - internal Code Byte code pointer
2 ➔ 3 length - Integer 1
3 - name - String "f"

Here are slots created by calling f(3)

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
4 - - - Number 9
5 ➔ 6 - - Instance -
6 ➔ 7 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 10
7 ➔ 8 length - Integer 1
8 - name - String ""
9 ➔ 10 - - Instance -
10 ➔ 11 - internal Environment -
11 - xx - Closure Value reference ➔ 4

Example 4

Generators, like async function and async generators, do not change the way XS handles scopes at runtime.

When suspending and resuming the execution of a generator, XS stores and retrieves relevant stack slots with code and scope offsets into and from the generator instance.

Closures in such stack slots will be alive as long as the generator instance itself is alive.

Source code

let index = 0;
const infinite = function*() {
	for (;;) {
		yield index;
		index += 1;
const generator = infinite();;

Step 1

Create the index closure and the infinite generator function.

Byte codes

  • reserve 3: Reserve 3 slots on the stack for locals and closures
  • [0] new_closure index: Create closure 0 with ID index and uninitialized value
  • [1] new_local infinite: Create local 1 with ID infinite and uninitialized value
  • [2] new_local generator: Create local 2 with ID generator and uninitialized value
  • integer 0: Push integer 0
  • let_closure [0]: Initialize closure 0 (index) with the stack value as a let
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • generator infinite: Push a new generator function named infinite...
  • code n: ... with n byte codes
    • See steps 2 and 3
  • environment: Push a new environment and assign it to the function on the stack
  • store [0]: Store ID and value reference of closure 0 (index) into the environment
  • pop: Pop the stack
  • const_local [1]:: Initialize local 1 (infinite) with the stack value as a const
  • pop: Pop the stack

Stack Slots

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- index - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
- infinite const Reference Instance reference ➔ 1
- generator - Uninitialized -

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Integer 0
1 ➔ 2 - - Instance -
2 ➔ 3 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 5
3 ➔ 4 length - Integer 0
4 - name - String "infinite"
5 ➔ 6 - - Instance -
6 ➔ 7 - internal Environment -
7 - index - Closure Value reference ➔ 0

Step 2

Call the infinite generator function to create the generator instance.

Byte codes

  • undefined: Push undefined
  • get_local [1]: Push the value of local 1 (infinite)
  • call: Push slots to hold the target, result, frame and argument count
  • run 0: Set the argument count to 0 and store the byte code pointer and scope into the frame

XS jumps to the first byte code of the called generator function

  • begin_strict 0:
  • reserve 1: Reserve 1 slot on the stack for the closure
  • [0] retrieve: Initialize closure 0 with ID and value from the environment (index)
  • start_generator: Set the result to a new generator instance and exit like end

start_generator also stores stack slots with code and scope offsets into the generator instance.

XS jumps to the next byte code of the calling function

  • const_local [2]: Initialize local 2 (generator) with the stack value as a const
  • pop: Pop the stack

Stack Slots

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- index - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
- infinite const Reference Instance reference ➔ 1
- generator const Reference Instance reference ➔ 8

Heap Slots

# Next ID Flag Kind Value
0 - - - Integer 0
1 ➔ 2 - - Instance -
2 ➔ 3 - internal Code Byte code pointer + Environment reference ➔ 5
3 ➔ 4 length - Integer 0
4 - name - String "infinite"
5 ➔ 6 - - Instance -
6 ➔ 7 - internal Environment -
7 - index - Closure Value reference ➔ 0
8 ➔ 9 - - Instance -
9 - - internal Stack Chunk pointer

The last slot contains a chunk pointer. The chunk contains stack slots plus code and scope offsets.

Heap Chunk

Next ID Flag Kind Value
- - - Undefined - this
- - - Reference Instance reference function
- - - Undefined - target
- - - Undefined - result
- - - Frame Code offset + Scope offset
- index - Closure Value reference ➔ 0

Step 3

Call the next method of the generator instance

Byte codes

  • get_local [2]: Push the value of local 2 (generator)
  • dub: Re-push the stack value
  • get_property next: Get property with ID next and replace the stack value with its value
  • call: Push slots to hold the target, result, frame and argument count
  • run 0: Set the argument count to 0 and store the byte code pointer and scope into the frame

Internally, the next method retrieves stack slots with code and scope offsets from the generator instance. So the stack is the same as after start_generator

XS jumps to the next byte code of the called generator function

  • object: Push a new ordinary object
  • dub: Re-push the stack value
  • get_closure [0]:
  • new_property value: Create a new property with ID value and pull the stack value into the property
  • dub: Re-push the stack value
  • false: Push boolean false
  • new_property done: Create a new property with ID done and pull the stack value into the property
  • yield: Pull the stack value into the result and exit like end

yield also stores stack slots with code and scope offsets into the generator instance.

XS jumps to the next byte code of the calling function

Stack Slots

No changes

Heap Slots

No changes

Heap Chunk

Only the code offset changed.