Enum for handling window actions.
- NONE: 'none'
- MIN: 'min'
- MAX: 'max'
- MOVE: 'move'
- CLOSE: 'close'
Enum for how to pack mods.
- ENGINE: 'engine'
- UNREAL_PAK: 'unreal_pak'
- REPAK: 'repak'
- LOOSE: 'loose'
Enum for how to launch the game.
- EXE: 'exe'
- STEAM: 'steam'
- EPIC: 'epic'
- ITCH_IO: 'itch_io'
- BATTLE_NET: 'battle_net'
- ORIGIN: 'origin'
- UBISOFT: 'ubisoft'
- OTHER: 'other'
Enum for the various script states, used to fire off other functions at specific times.
- NONE: 'none'
- PRE_ALL: 'pre_all'
- POST_ALL: 'post_all'
- CONSTANT: 'constant'
- PRE_INIT: 'pre_init'
- INIT: 'init'
- POST_INIT: 'post_init'
- PRE_COOKING: 'pre_cooking'
- POST_COOKING: 'post_cooking'
- PRE_MODS_UNINSTALL: 'pre_mods_uninstall'
- POST_MODS_UNINSTALL: 'post_mods_uninstall'
- PRE_PAK_DIR_SETUP: 'pre_pak_dir_setup'
- POST_PAK_DIR_SETUP: 'post_pak_dir_setup'
- PRE_MODS_INSTALL: 'pre_mods_install'
- POST_MODS_INSTALL: 'post_mods_install'
- PRE_GAME_LAUNCH: 'pre_game_launch'
- POST_GAME_LAUNCH: 'post_game_launch'
- PRE_GAME_CLOSE: 'pre_game_close'
- POST_GAME_CLOSE: 'post_game_close'
- PRE_ENGINE_OPEN: 'pre_engine_open'
- POST_ENGINE_OPEN: 'post_engine_open'
- PRE_ENGINE_CLOSE: 'pre_engine_close'
- POST_ENGINE_CLOSE: 'post_engine_close'
Enum for how to execute various processes.
- SYNC: 'sync'
- ASYNC: 'async'
Enum for the types of mod pak compression.
- NONE: 'None'
- ZLIB: 'Zlib'
- GZIP: 'Gzip'
- OODLE: 'Oodle'
- ZSTD: 'Zstd'
- LZ4: 'Lz4'
- LZMA: 'Lzma'
Enum for the mod dir type in the Unreal file system. There are two main conventions used by communities.
- CUSTOM_CONTENT: 'CustomContent' // "Content/CustomContent/ModName"
- MODS: 'Mods' // "Content/Mods/ModName"