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- Leah Groves
- Daniel Allen
- Adam Rankin
Module to integrate hand models into Slicer that are paired with tracking from LeapMotion
- Stream data from leap motion into Slicer
- Pair tracking with models to represent hands
- Make hands user specfic through scaling models accordingly and allow user input
- Use PlusServer to stream data into 3D Slicer
- Pair cylinder and sphere models with tracking information
- Make module adpatable to width and length of digits
- Transforms representing joints are streamed into 3D Slicer
- On connecting sphere models are generated and paired with appropriate transforms
Future work:
- Positions cylinders according to joints
- Stream in finger dimensions and have model sizes adapt to user
- Check update rate when calibrated into the VIVE
- Source code:
- Documentation:
- Test data: