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- Yi Gao (Shenzhen University)
Given two groups of shapes, represented as binary volumes, the Poisson shape analysis algorithm extracts the region of statistically difference on the shape.
- Objective A. Add the Poisson shape analysis module as an extension to Slicer.
- Study the qSlicerCLIModuleUIHelper class to see how to select multiple files.
- Make the ctkPathLineEdit able to select multiple file names.
- Currently the CLI can run from the command line and read multiple files. But from Slicer GUI, since the ctkPathLineEdit can only open a single file, it can't read multiple shape files for analysis.
Gao Y, Bouix S. Statistical Shape Analysis using 3D Poisson Equation---A Quantitatively Validated Approach. Medical Image Analysis. 2016 Jan 15.