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Airen Zaldivar Peraza edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the theherdbook wiki!

So, as promised, here comes a summary of the (what I think) most interesting outcomes from my improvised user test yesterday. The person who tested used a big desktop screen. He is 30, tech savvy, has dyslexia, has heard about the project but never seen the page before and never owned a rabbit. (i.e. my boyfriend 🙂 ) Overall impression when landing on the page: nice, but a lot of information in text form and a comparatively small menu button that doesn’t give any information before clicking it. Straight forward menu items, but when he clicked on “Bli medlem”, he was surprised not to see a sign up form. The login worked smoothly but there is no visual hint that the login was successful which led to confusion. “Did it work? Am I logged in now?” - this is one of the low hanging fruits we could work at I think. I asked him to find information about a rabbit (“Diana”) I had picked beforehand. He went straight forward to “Genbanker”, so that seems intuitive. His reaction: “Okay, a lot of information. Ah, there’s a search bar!” - so the search bar seems really good and at the right place! On “Genbanker” the filter items in the top were confusing though. He didn’t know what it was, then tried to click on one of the X-es and the filter disappeared. Then he didn’t know how to get it back and decided to reload the page. It’s a dropdown, but that wasn’t obvious at all, apparently. - Here we could try to find a better solution. When he opened an individual view, his attention was mostly caught by the pedigree and only later he saw the text information on the left. Do we want it like that? If yes, great, if not, we could change it. Looking at the pedigree he wasn’t sure if he was seeing parents or children, apparently the arrows within the tree were confusing. They go from child to parent, not parent to child. Maybe this makes perfect sense for people who own rabbits? I let him test mate two rabbits I had picked beforehand and that worked smoothly! The search function in the dropdown came in handy. When he got his value calculated he didn’t seem to see the small text “Föreningen rekommenderar parning” below the table. Maybe some clearer visual hint inside the table is possible? The “Administrera” page was generally confusing. I asked him to give an owner permission to a user I had created beforehand and that took several tries, going back and forth from “Herds” tab to “Users” tab several times. It was clearer as soon as the user had a permission because the permissions show up as a list. But if a user has no permissions, there is a heading without a list below it, for example. I think that interface needs some general rework.

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