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File metadata and controls

448 lines (321 loc) · 14.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Note: certain Spear versions add support for new EventStoreDB features gated behind new EventStoreDB versions. You should not downgrade your Spear version in order to avoid these features: Spear aims to keep a stable interface usable across all EventStoreDB versions v20+.

1.4.1 - 2024-08-03


  • Fixed the format of output returned by Spear.append/3 when passing the option raw?: true.
    • Previously this function returned :ok with this option. It now returns {:ok, AppendResp.t()} with the append response record from the server.

1.4.0 - 2024-02-02


  •!/3 now saves one network request when the server returns fewer events than the requested chunk size.
  • Subscriptions now send {:caught_up, subscription_ref} and {:fell_behind, subscription_ref} messages on EventStoreDB versions later than 23.10.


  • A single HTTP/2 DATA frame might contain multiple messages from the EventStoreDB. Previously only the first message was handled at a time and the remaining data was buffered. Now all messages in a DATA frame are sent eagerly.

1.3.2 - 2023-06-12


  • Fixed a crash on start-up when Application environment values were not set for a Spear.Client module using use Spear.Client.
  • Improved documentation for event metadata.

1.3.1 - 2023-04-04


  • HTTP/2 window size is now properly checked in Spear.Connection before attempting to send ack, nack, and batch-append messages.
    • Without this fix, some ack, nack and batch-append messages could be silently dropped on busy connections.

1.3.0 - 2022-12-09


  • Added documentation for setting up connection pools.
  • Added :on_connect and :on_disconnect hook options for Spear.Connection which can be used for pooling.

1.2.1 - 2022-11-14


  • Fixed the return values for Spear.subscribe/4 when the subscription request fails.

For example, if a connection is made with an invalid password, Spear.subscribe/4 would previously return {:ok, %Spear.Connection.Response{}} (an internal struct). Now Spear.subscribe/4 returns {:error, %Spear.Grpc.Response{}}.

1.2.0 - 2022-11-02


  • Added support for Persistent Subscription RPCs introduced in server version 22.6.0:
    • Spear.get_persistent_subscription_info/4
    • Spear.replay_parked_messages/4
    • Spear.restart_persistent_subscription_subsystem/2

1.1.0 - 2022-07-08


  • A duration may now be specified for the :deadline option to Spear.append_batch/5
    • Passing a duration (instead of a timestamp) requires EventStoreDB version 21.10.5 or higher

1.0.2 - 2022-06-02


  • 0 may now be passed in the :expect option when appending or batch appending

1.0.1 - 2022-05-26


  • Fixed!/3 when providing a :from event number that does not exist
    •!/3 gives the empty list in this case

1.0.0 - 2022-05-11

This release represent stability in the API. There are no functional changes between this release and v0.11.0.

0.11.0 - 2021-11-04


  • Added the :filter option to Spear.read_stream/3 and!/3
    • This allows one to perform a non-subscription read of the $all stream and use a server-side filter
  • Added Spear.get_supported_rpcs/2 and c:Spear.Client.get_supported_rpcs/1 for getting the available RPC methods implemented in the connected EventStoreDB server
  • Added Spear.get_server_version/2 and c:Spear.Client.get_server_version/2 for getting the version string of the connected EventStoreDB Server

These features require the new EventStoreDB version v21.10.0 released on 2021-11-03.


  • According to the v21.10.0 server release notes's breaking changes section, deleting a stream that does not currently exist will now throw an error

0.10.0 - 2021-08-30


  • Implemented the creation, updating, reading, and deletion of persistent subscriptions to the :all stream
    • this feature requires EventStoreDB v21.6.0 or later
  • Implemented Spear.append_batch/5 for high-throughput asynchronous appends
    • this feature requires EventStoreDB v21.6.0 or later
    • Spear.append_batch_stream/2 has also been added for convenience
  • Added Spear.subscribe_to_stats/3 and c:Spear.Client.subscribe_to_stats/2
    • this opens a subscription for EventStoreDB monitoring
    • this feature requires EventStoreDB v21.6.0 or later
  • Added a dependency on the :event_store_db_gpb_protobfs package
    • this package is just a convenience for developing spear: we can build gpb definitions for the EventStoreDB protobufs on-the-fly via the rebar3 gpb plugin, so we never need to commit the erl/hrl files for the generated gpb modules.
    • this also allows other (non-Elixir even) libraries to take advantage of versioned, pre-generated gpb definitions for the EventStoreDB grpc interface


  • Non-event read responses are now discarded when reading from a stream
    • this will allow the compatibility of spear v0.10.0 with the next release of EventStoreDB
    • this should not change behavior with any existing EventStoreDB versions


  • Fixed the Spear.set_global_acl/4 function to correctly append ACL data as an event to the $streams metadata stream, instead of to the $streams stream directly.

0.9.1 - 2021-06-01


  • Added Spear.park_stream/2 to the utilities API


  • Removed compilation of mint version in user-agent function
    • This could cause a compilation error when using spear as a transitive dependency

0.9.0 - 2021-04-29


  • Added a :link field to the t:Spear.Event.t/0 struct
    • this is used to provide accurate stream revisions and IDs in projected streams as with Spear.subscribe/4 or in Spear.ack/3 or Spear.nack/4
  • Added and Spear.Event.revision/1 which take a t:Spear.Event.t/0 and give the ID and revision, respectively
    • these new functions respect the new :link field and return link information instead of event information if the link is present


  • Removed link metadata from the Spear.Event.metadata map's possible :link field.
    • use the new top-level :link field as

Note that this may be a breaking change for any consumers depending on the optional :link field in the metadata packet. Consumers should update by instead matching on a t:Spear.Event.t/0 struct in the :link field of any event, or by using the new or Spear.Event.revision/1 functions.

0.8.1 - 2021-04-27


  • Added the link's stream to the field


  • Fixed some stray references to structs which should be typed as records
  • Fixed Spear.Event.to_checkpoint/1 to carry over the :subscription key from a t:Spear.Event.t/0's metadata
  • Fixed a bug in Spear.Connection.Configuration which would incorrectly choose the :http scheme when the :tls? option was set to true

0.8.0 - 2021-04-26


  • Added the :read_only? configuration flag for Spear.Connection.Configuration
    • this allows one to limit what the Spear.Connection will perform to read-only operations such as reading streams
  • Added link metadata to the Spear.Event.metadata packet in a new :link field


  • Fixed the :from option in read requests (Spear.read_stream/3,!/3 and Spear.subscribe/4) to respect the new link information in metadata

0.7.0 - 2021-04-24


  • Added the subscription reference returned by Spear.subscribe/4 and Spear.connect_to_persistent_subscription/5 to
    • the metadata map of t:Spear.Event.t/0 in the path Spear.Event.metadata.subscription
    • t:Spear.Filter.Checkpoint.t/0 in a new field :subscription
    • the :eos tuples in the new shape of {:eos, reference(), :closed | :dropped}

Note that this is a breaking change for any consumers matching explicitly on :eos tuples. Consumers relying on the prior data shape should update like so

- def handle_info({:eos, reason}, state) do
+ def handle_info({:eos, _subscription, reason}, state) do

0.6.1 - 2021-04-23


  •!/3 now reads :from revisions as inclusive
    • e.g. passing some event in the stream to :from will ensure that the first element in the enumerable is ^event
    • the same principal applies when passing event revisions
    • see #26
    • if this behavior is undesirable, a Spear user may Stream.drop/2 the initial element in the enumerable
  • Spear.connect_to_persistent_subscription/5 now returns an error tuple when attempting to connect to a persistent subscription stream and group that has not yet been created.
    • the reason is a Spear.Grpc.Response struct with a status of :not_found


  • Subscriptions may now emit {:eos, :dropped} in cases where the EventStoreDB explicitly terminates the subscription
    • this can happen if a persistent subscription is deleted while it has subscribers actively connected
    • each subscriber will receive {:eos, :dropped} in its mailbox

0.6.0 - 2021-04-21


  • Added the CRUD portions of persistent subscriptions API
    • Spear.create_persistent_subscription/5
    • Spear.update_persistent_subscription/5
    • Spear.delete_persistent_subscription/4
    • Spear.list_persistent_subscriptions/2
    • associated callbacks in Spear.Client
  • Added subscription functionality for persistent subscriptions
    • Spear.connect_to_persistent_subscription/5
    • Spear.ack/3
    • Spear.nack/4
    • associated callbacks in Spear.Client


  • Moved Spear.cancel_subscription/3 under the utils API instead of streams
    • This function may also be used to cancel persistent subscriptions

0.5.0 - 2021-04-19


  • Added the gossip API
    • this API is very small: just one function Spear.cluster_info/2
    • also added c:Spear.Client.cluster_info/1
    • under the hood, this also added the ability to decode structured UUIDs received from the EventStoreDB, as are received in the Spear.ClusterMember.instance_id field. See Spear.Uuid for the interesting implementation.
    • added the record interface Spear.Records.Gossip


  • Properly grouped free-floating modules under the proper structures and types or record interface groupings in the documentation

0.4.0 - 2021-04-19


  • Updated security guide to use new configuration style


  • Added the operations API
    • Spear.merge_indexes/2
    • Spear.resign_node/2
    • Spear.restart_persistent_subscriptions/2
    • Spear.set_node_priority/3
    • Spear.shutdown/2
    • Spear.start_scavenge/2
    • Spear.stop_scavenge/3
    • and associated wrappers in Spear.Client

0.3.0 - 2021-04-18


  • Added record interface modules for all remaining APIs
  • Added functions for interacting with the Users API
    • Spear.change_user_password/5
    • Spear.create_user/6
    • Spear.delete_user/3
    • Spear.disable_user/3
    • Spear.enable_user/3
    • Spear.reset_user_password/4
    • Spear.update_user/6
    • Spear.user_details/3
    • associated functions in Spear.Client

0.2.1 - 2021-04-17


  • Wrapped new ACL-related functions in Spear.Client
    • c:Spear.Client.get_stream_metadata/2
    • c:Spear.Client.set_stream_metadata/2
    • c:Spear.Client.set_global_acl/3

0.2.0 - 2021-04-17


  • Refactored connection configuration to go through validation
    • :opts option has been renamed to :mint_opts
    • credentials are passed through the :connection_string option or as :username and :password options


  • Implemented and documented keep-alive
    • This can be configured through the keepAliveInterval and keepAliveTimeout query params in :connection_string or by the new :keep_alive_interval and :keep_alive_timeout configuration options

0.1.4 - 2021-04-16


  • {:eos, :closed} is now emitted when a subscription is broken due to the connection between closed between Spear.Connection and EventStoreDB
  • Spear.Connection now monitors subscription processes and cancels EventStoreDB subscriptions upon subscriber process exit

0.1.3 - 2021-04-15


  • Added documentation and functionality for using TLS certificates
  • Added documentation and functionality for setting the global stream ACL
    • see Spear.set_global_acl/4 and the Spear.Acl module
  • Added functionality for getting and setting stream-level metadata.
    • Spear.meta_stream/1
    • Spear.get_stream_metadata/3
    • Spear.set_stream_metadata/3
    • Spear.StreamMetadata

0.1.2 - 2021-04-14


  • Added dependency on connection
  • Added ping functionality for Spear.Connections
    • and
    • and
  • Added the ability to disconnect a connection by it with :close as the message
  • Added the ability to explicitly reconnect a connection by GenServer.cast/2ing it a message of :connect


  • Changed the internals of Spear.Connection to take advantage of the new Connection dependency
    • A failure to connect on GenServer init for a connection will no longer take down the supervision tree
    • Failures to connect will result in back-off retries in 500ms segments
    • The life-cycle of the HTTP2 connection spawned by a Spear.Connection is now divorced from the life-cycle of the Spear.Connection process

0.1.1 - 2021-04-14


  • Removed dependency on elixir-protobuf/protobuf
    • see #4
    • also removed all generated files from protobuf


  • Added dependency on :gpb
    • and associated generated erlang files
  • Added Spear.Records.* interface for interacting with gpb-generated records

0.1.0 - 2021-04-12


  • Initial implementation of a client for the streams API
    • all notable functions are labeled with the since: "0.1.0" doc attribute