This is a simple multiplayer soccer car game application. Each player have a car that can move in 4 directions (up, down, left, right). The game ends after 2 minutes and the player with the most goals wins.
- Quarkus A Java framework for building cloud-native applications.
- Java A high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language.
- Websockets A communication protocol that makes it possible to establish a two-way communication channel between a server and a client.
- React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Typescript A superset of JavaScript that adds optional types to the language.
- Material-UI A popular React UI framework.
- Sass A CSS extension language.
- Docker A platform for building, sharing, and running applications with containers.
- You need to have Docker installed on your machine.
Pull the docker image from the docker hub:
docker pull bastian8dev/socket_car_game-jvm:latest
Run the docker image:
docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 bastian8dev/socket_car_game-jvm:latest
Open two browsers and go to
Enjoy the game!
- Use the arrow keys to move the car.
- The game ends after 2 minutes.
- The player with the most goals wins.
The project is available on the following link: Soccer Car Game
You have to open the link in two different browsers to play the game.