Kubernetes controller to monitor certificates in secrets. Secrets are automatically scanned periodically and on add / update and expiry of contained certificates are exposed as Prometheus metrics.
The helm chart contains all resources to install the controller itself, PrometheusRule, ServiceMonitor and Grafana dashboard for the kube-prometheus-stack.
Usage of ./cert-monitor-controller:
-kubeconfig string
Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-listen string
Address to listen on for HTTP requests (default ":3000")
-log-level string
Log-level to use for output (default "info")
-master string
The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
-metrics-prefix string
How to prefix the metrics generated by this controller (default "k8s_cert_monitor")
-rescan-interval duration
How often to re-scan existing secrets without events (default 1h0m0s)
# helm upgrade -i certmon --namespace certmon ./chart -f my-values.yaml
For documentation of values available to override see chart/values.yaml