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Jae Hyeon Bae edited this page Nov 21, 2013 · 5 revisions


LocalFileSink is writing its messages into the file in the local file system. Its name is formatted as <datetime when the file is created><hostname><random UUID>

datetime is formatted as PyyyyMMddTHHmmss. LocalFileSink is asynchronous sink and it contains internal queue for messages. We can specify which type of message queue to use, maximum time to buffer data and the maximum number of queued messages.


If the default value is not specified, it is required.

Properties Description type Default
outputDir directory path where files are stored String
writer Its type can be 'text' or 'sequence'. 'text' means text file and 'sequence' means Hadoop sequence file. It is getting codec argument denoting Hadoop codec class. FileWriter TextFileWriter without any compression
maxFileSize when the file size reaches to this value, local file sink will rotate the file - close current file, create a new file and write message set to the new file. long 104857600(100MB)
rotationPeriod local file sink will rotate the file with this period. It can be ISO period string such as PT10m or milliseconds value. String PT1m
minPercentFreeDisk when the disk is filled and the free disk space percentage is getting bigger than this threshold value, local file sink will abort the operation and it will make Suro server stop taking the traffic. int 50
notify It describes Notify interface for how to notify its progress. Notify QueueNotify
queue4Sink Which queue would be used MessageQueue4Sink Memory based queue with the capacity as 10,000 messages
batchSize Maximum number of queued messages int 200
batchTimeout Maximum time to buffer data int 1000(ms)
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