MAPLE is a new approach for maximum likelihood phylogenetic estimation for genomic epidemiology, or otherwise for datasets with short divergence. For a description of the methods used, see De Maio et al. 2023 Nature Genetics For a description of new features including rate variation, a model of sequence errors, parallelization, and an algorithmic improvement, see De Maio et al 2024a For a description of SPRTA, our new approach for assessing phylogenetic uncertainty, see De Maio et al. 2024b CMAPLE, the C++ implementation of SPRTA within IQ-TREE, can be found at see Ly-Trong et al. 2024 MBE
The code doesn't need installation: just download the latest python script ( and use it to run MAPLE. It is strongly recommended to execute the code using pypy3 to achieve best performance; running MAPLE without pypy3 might result in about 10 times longer runtime. To install pypy3, see . It is recommended that you use at least pypy v3.10 if you want to use parallelization in python. If pypy3 cannot be installed, it is also possible to execute it with python3, but be aware that it will be substantially slower.
The main script ("") takes in input an alignment file in MAPLE format (see e.g. file "MAPLE_alignment_example.txt"), containing a reference genome sequence, followed by all the considered genome sequences represented in terms of differences with respect to the reference. MAPLE's basic usage is:
pypy3 --input inputMapleFile.txt --output MAPLE_outputFilePrefix
The --output option is used by MAPLE to name the output files: in this case the final output tree will be named "MAPLE_outputFilePrefix_tree.tree", the file containing the estimated model parameters will be "MAPLE_outputFilePrefix_subs.txt", and so on. You can us option --overwrite to overwrite existing files with those names.
We provide in this repository a very small example input file "MAPLE_alignment_example.txt" which MAPLE should be able to analyse in just a few seconds to infer a phylogenetic tree and substitution rates (and possibly other outputs if other options are used).
The python script "", included in this repository, can be used to translate a fasta alignment file into a MAPLE format alignment file.
We recommend using MAPLE only with closely related genomes. When analysing non-closely related genomes (e.g. branch lengths >0.01) the software will be both slower and less accurate. A multiple sequence alignment can be obtained by aligning every considered genome to the same reference, and removing inserted material, for example using MAFFT with options --auto --keeplength --addfragment.
We also recommend masking unreliable genome positions; MAPLE includes a substitution model that can be used to infer these positions, see below the section "Substitution models". Finally, we noticed that it can be useful to mask deletions in the unput alignment, that is, replacing gap "-" characters with reference nucleotides. This is because errors (either alignment or consensus calling) at positions with common deletions can cause high ancestral sequence ancertainty and errors.
Given a tree previously estimated, and given an alignment containing the sequences of the samples in the tree, plus possibly some additional sequences, one can use MAPLE to add these additional samples to the given tree, and/or to improve the topology of the input tree. To do this, run:
pypy3 --inputTree inputTreeFile.tree --input inputMapleFile.txt --output MAPLE_outputFile
By default, MAPLE will only update the topology of the parts of the tree affected by the addition of the new sequences - this will typically be much faster than running a new inference anew, unless many sequences are added to the tree. In the case one wants to not only add sequences to the tree, but also perform a full topological update, then option --largeUpdate can be used to force an extensive topological search over the whole tree.
So far we have implemented only nucleotide substitution models JC69, GTR, and UNREST. The model can be specified by the user with option --model.
We have now also developed in MAPLE a model of rate variation, see De Maio et al 2024a This model assigns a free rate parameter to each genome positions; since this model is parameter-rich, its use is recommended only for larger datasets. To use this rate variation model, use option --rateVariation . We only recommend using this model with the UNREST substitution model (option --model UNREST).
Additionally, MAPLE includes a model of heterogeneous recurrent sequence errors, that can account for and estimate recurrent sequence errors (option --estimateSiteSpecificErrorRate), see De Maio et al 2024a This model also assigns a free parameter (the error probability) to each genome positions; its use is recommended only for larger datasets and in conjunction with the rate variation model (option --rateVariation) and the UNREST substitution model (option --model UNREST).
In summary, to run the most advanced model in MAPLE, you can use options
pypy3 --input inputMapleFile.txt --output MAPLE_outputFile --model UNREST --rateVariation --estimateSiteSpecificErrorRate
Further, when using the sequence error model in MAPLE, it is possible to estimate individual sequence errors in the input alignment with option --estimateErrors . An output file will then contain estimated sequence errors, each with its posterior probability of being an error.
Note however that only part of the highly recurrent errors might be identified by MAPLE if the error rates are too high or correlated with one another. In these cases it might be better to first identify higly recurrent errors with MAPLE, then mask these columns from the alignment, then re-run MAPLE. It is also important to start inference from a high-quality alignment, and in particular we recommend using Viridian genomes as they prevent calling many wrong reversions to the reference, see Hunt et al. 2024
The most time-demanding part of MAPLE is the SPR search to improve the topology of the initial tree. SPR search can now be run in parallel in MAPLE using multiple cores using option --numCores , see De Maio et al 2024a . For example:
pypy3 --input inputMapleFile.txt --output MAPLE_outputFile --numCores 10
will parallelize the SPR search over 10 cores. It is not recommended to try to parallelize over an excessive number of cores (e.g. >20) since this can currently deteriorate the method's performance. No matter the number of cores used, the initial stepwise addition will still be run sequentially on 1 core.
MAPLE can infer mutation events on the final tree (that is, estimate a mutation-annotated tree) using option --estimateMAT . Inferred mutations will be annotated with posterior probabilities, so that the same mutation might be annotated on multiple branches in case of non-negligeable uncertainty in its inference.
MAPLE can estimate branch support with a new pandemic-scale approach (SPRTA, see De Maio et al. 2024b using option --SPRTA. MAPLE will then approximate the posterior probabilities of branches in the tree with positive length. Note that these are not intended as the posterior brobabilities of clades, but rather the posterior probabilities of branches intended as placements of ancestral genomes, which often can be interpreted as a support for the inferred genome evolution history. For example, MAPLE will also assign support values to terminal branches of the tree - these are interpreted as placement probabilities for the considered genome sequences.
An advantage of the SPRTA approach in MAPLE is that its output can be interpreted as a phylogenetic network: for each tree branch we not only define a support score, but also a list of alternative placements for that branch (other branches in the tree where the considered ancestral genome might have evolved from), each with its own estimated support probability. This network-like output can be obtained with option --networkOutput , for example:
pypy3 --input inputMapleFile.txt --output MAPLE_outputFile --SPRTA --networkOutput
Additionally, option --supportFor0Branches will make SPRTA evaluate the support of also branches of length 0, therefore evaluating the placement of all considered samples. This option will slow down the execution of SPRTA.
Please note however that SPRTA is not compatible with parallelization, that is, it can so far only be run sequentially, it is not therefore possible to use options --SPRTA and --numCores in the same MAPLE run.
As of version 0.6.12 MAPLE can account for lineage abundance during phylogenetic inference. The idea is that, for example when placing a genome on a phylogeny, it is more likely that the genome is a copy (or a descendant) of an abundant lineage, than of a rare one. This is normally not accounted for in maximum likelihood phylogenetics. To achieve this, we have implemented two diferrent approaches collectively called HnZ (Horse not Zebra). The first one (HnZ1, corresponding to option --HnZ 1 ) accounts for the number of bifurcating tree topologies embedded within a multifurcating tree, and multiplies the multifurcating tree likelihood by this number. The second approach (HnZ2, corresponding to option --HnZ 2 ) multiplies the phylogenetic tree likelihood by a sampling likelihood, representing the probability that genomes were sampled given their abundance (as inferred by the tree itself). In our simulations, these HnZ methods (and in particular HnZ1) improve substantially the accuracy of MAPLE on simulated SARS-CoV-2 data, but they also require longer runtime. A manuscript describing HnZ1 and HnZ2 is in preparation.
MAPLE can also be used to perform fast Robinson-Foulds distance calculation (using the algorithm from Day 1985) instead of performing tree inference. This can be done by running:
pypy3 --inputTree inputTreeFile.tree --inputRFtrees otherInputTreeFiles.tree
The tree contained in the file specified with option --inputTree will be compared to all the trees in the file specified with option --inputRFtrees. Having multiple trees in this second file is faster than running the script many times with 2 trees at the time, but you will need to specify option --multipleInputRFTrees to prevent MAPLE from only reading the first tree in the file.
We also include in this repository a script that we used to run benchmarking analyses of MAPLE: . Comments at the top of this script will give instructions on how to use it within the context of benchmark analyses. In short:
First obtain a tree, for example from , and simulate genome evolution along the tree, for example using phastSim .
If needed, add ambiguities to the simulated alignment and extract the tree where mutation-less branches are collapsed with
pypy3 --createTotalData
Create files containing subsamples of the global alignments using
pypy3 --createBashScript sh
(the latter command parallelizes file creating with bsub on a computational cluster). 4) For any subsample size (here 100000 as an example), first create the corresponding bash scripts with
pypy3 --createBashScript --numSamples 100000
and then submit execution of phylogenetic inference for all methods using
sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh
when execution of UShER is finished, run matOptimize:
and when this is finished, convert the output to newick:
When the phylogenetic ineference methods are finished, run data collection on the results (measure execution time/memory, RF distances, etc):
sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh ; sh
Then to collect all results run:
pypy3 --collectResults
Then to prepare the input files for figure generation:
pypy3 --createFigures
And finally to generate the figures (will require matplotlib):
python3 --runFigureGeneration
©EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, 2023