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170 lines (136 loc) · 6.86 KB

Upload package, create and deploy release

octopus package upload --no-prompt
octopus release create --project "Deploy Awesome Website" --package "AwesomeWebSite:1.0.0" --version 1.0.0 --channel Default --no-prompt
octopus release deploy --project "Deploy Awesome Website" --version 1.0.0 --environment "development" --no-prompt
octopus release deploy --project "Deploy Awesome Website" --version 1.0.0 --environment "test" --no-prompt

Create tenant and deployment target

tenantName="Valley Veterinary Clinic"
echo "Creating new tenant, $tenantName"
octopus tenant create --name '$tenantName' --tag 'Importance/VIP' --tag 'Azure Region/West US 2' --no-prompt

webappName=$(sed 's/ /-/g' <<< "$tenantName" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # replace spaces and lowercase the name
echo "Creating new Azure Web App, $webappName"
az webapp create -g ClinicWebAppResourceGroup -p clinic-app-svc-plan -n $webappName --runtime DOTNETCORE:6.0 -o none

targetName='$tenantName web app'
echo "Creating new deployment target, $targetName"
octopus deployment-target azure-web-app create --name '$targetName'  --web-app $webappName --resource-group ClinicWebAppResourceGroup --tenanted-mode=tenanted --tenant '$tenantName' --environment 'Test'  --account AzureAccount --role vet-clinic-web-app --no-prompt

echo "Waiting for '$targetName' to be healthy"
status=`octopus deployment-target view "$targetName" | grep 'Health status'`
while true; do
    echo $status
    if [[ $status =~ 'Healthy' ]]; then
    sleep 1
    status=`octopus deployment-target view "$targetName" | grep 'Health status'`

projectName='Vet Clinic Web App'
echo "Deploying '$projectName' version $version to '$environment" for '$tenantName'"
octopus release deploy --project "$projectName" --version $version --environment "$environment" --tenant "$tenantName" --no-prompt | octopus task wait

Bulk adding tenants to project

From a static list:

while read t; do
    octopus tenant connect --tenant "$t" --project 'New Awesome Project' --environment 'Test' --environment 'Production' --enable-tenant-deployments --no-prompt
done < "$filename"

From list filtered by tag:

octopus tenant list -f json | jq --raw-output '.[] | select (.TenantTags[]? | contains("Importance/VIP")) | .Name' | while read t; do
  octopus tenant connect --tenant $t --project 'New Awesome Project' --environment 'Test' --environment 'Prod' --enable-tenant-deployments --no-prompt

Creating a new tenant, linked to an existing project with variables

name='Mountain Vet Clinic'
octopus tenant create --name "$name" --no-prompt
octopus tenant connect --tenant "$name" --project "Vet Clinic" --environment Staging --environment Production --no-prompt
octopus tenant variable update --tenant "$name" --library-variable-set "Tenant shared" --name "Tenant.Abbreviation" --value "$abrev" --no-prompt
octopus tenant variable update --tenant "$name" --project "Vet Clinic" --name "Tenant.Database.Name" --environment "Staging" --value "Staging$abrev" --no-prompt
octopus tenant variable update --tenant "$name" --project "Vet Clinic" --name "Tenant.Database.Name" --environment "Production" --value "$abrev" --no-prompt
octopus tenant variable update --tenant "$name" --project "Vet Clinic" --name "Tenant.Azure.ServicePlan.Sku.Code" --environment "Staging" --value "B1" --no-prompt
octopus tenant variable update --tenant "$name" --project "Vet Clinic" --name "Tenant.Azure.ServicePlan.Sku.Code" --environment "Production" --value "B4ms" --no-prompt

List all versions of all packages

octopus package list -f basic | while read p; do
    echo $p
    octopus package versions --package $p
    echo '\n'

List the names of machines with a specific role

octopus deployment-target list -f json | jq --raw-output '.[] | select (.Roles[]? | contains("web server")) | .Name'

Register an SSH endpoint

localIp=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
fingerprint=$(ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/ | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d: -f2- | awk '{ print $1}')
monoExists=$(command -v mono)
if [ $monoExists ]
  octopus deployment-target ssh create --account "TheAccount" --name "MySshTargetName" --host $localIp --fingerprint $fingerprint--role linux --runtime mono --no-prompt
  octopus deployment-target ssh create --account "TheAccount" --name "MySshTargetName" --host $localIp --fingerprint $fingerprint--role linux --runtime self-contained --platform linux-x64 --no-prompt

Bulk deleting releases by created date

This example will delete all releases created before 2AM 6 Dec 2022 UTC jq source: Sebs IT Blog

octopus release list -f json -p schedule-script | jq --arg date '2022-12-06T02:00' --raw-output '.[] | select(.Assembled | . < $date) | .Version' | while read t; do
  octopus release delete --project 'New Awesome Project' --version $t --no-prompt

Create a project with Config as Code enabled

octopus project create --name 'Project 54' --group 'Default Project Group' --lifecycle 'Default Lifecycle' --no-prompt
octopus project convert --project 'Project 54' \
  --git-credential-store 'library' \
  --git-base-path '.octopus' \
  --git-url '' \
  --git-branch 'main' \
  --git-initial-commit 'Initial commit of deployment process' \
  --git-credentials 'git-creds' \
  --git-initial-commit-branch 'initial-project-54' \
  --git-protected-default-branch \

An existing project can be converted to Config As Code using the convert command

Deploy a release and wait for completion

octopus release deploy \
  --project 'New Awesome Project' \
  --version '0.0.4' \
  --environment 'test' \
  --tenant-tag 'customer type/early adopter' \
  --no-prompt \
  --output-format basic \
  | octopus task wait

Note: the release deploy command requires the --output-format basic flag to be able to pipe the server tasks Ids to the task wait command.

View all values for a project variable

octopus project variables view BlueGreenTarget

Set project variable prior to creating a release

In this example the Id represents the specific value for the variable BlueGreenTarget that has been scoped to the production environment. The Id can be obtained with the project variables view command.

value=`octopus project variables view BlueGreenTarget --project "Random Quotes" --id d8527596-6fa2-4394-94e1-07942d3d0202 | grep Value`
if [[ $value =~ 'Blue' ]]; then
octopus project variables update BlueGreenTarget --project "Random Quotes" --id d8527596-6fa2-4394-94e1-07942d3d0202 --name "" --value $value --no-prompt
octopus release create --version 1.0.1 --project "Random Quotes" --no-prompt