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The Climate Science workbench is a comprehensive set of analysis tools and consolidated workflows. The workbench is based on the Galaxy framework{:target="_blank"}, which guarantees simple access, easy extension, flexible adaption to personal and security needs, and sophisticated analyses independent of command-line knowledge.
The current implementation comprises a few tools dedicated to different research areas of climate science. More tools are coming soon!
The list of tools is maintained by Anne!!!
- TOC {:toc}
Are you new to Galaxy, or returning after a long time, and looking for help to get started? Take [a guided tour]({{ }}/tours/core.galaxy_ui){:target="_blank"} through Galaxy's user interface.
Want to learn more about Galaxy? Check out the following hands-on tutorials from the Galaxy Training Network{:target=_"blank"}.
We are passionate about training. So we are working in close collaboration with the Galaxy Training Network (GTN){:target="_blank"} to develop training materials of data analyses based on Galaxy {% cite batut2017community %}. These materials hosted on the GTN GitHub repository are available online at{:target="_blank"}.
Tool | Description | Reference |
{% include tool.html id="cds_essential_variability" %} | Copernicus Essential climate variables for assessment of climate variability from 1979 to present | - |
{% include tool.html id="shyft_longitudes" %} | Shift longitude range in netCDF data file from 0->360 to -180->180 degrees | - |
{% include tool.html id="psy_maps" %} | Visualization on a geographical map with psyplot | - |
{% include tool.html id="mean_per_zone" %} | Plot zonal statistics from a raster and shapefile on a geographical map | - |
{: .table.table-striped .tooltable} |
Tool | Description | Reference |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdalinfo" %} | Lists information about a raster dataset | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdaladdo" %} | Builds or rebuilds overview images | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdalbuildvrt" %} | Builds a VRT (Virtual Dataset) from a list of datasets | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdal_merge" %} | Mosaic a set of images | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdal_translate" %} | Convert raster data between different formats | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_gdalwarp" %} | Image reprojection and warping utility | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_ogr2ogr" %} | Converts simple features data between file formats | - |
{% include tool.html id="gdal_ogrinfo" %} | Lists information about an OGR-supported data source | - |
{: .table.table-striped .tooltable} |
The authors would like to thank Bérénice Batut, Björn Grüning, Anup Kumar and @galaxyproject
Please add the following when using the Galaxy portal:
The Galaxy server that was used for some calculations is in part funded by Collaborative Research Centre 992 Medical Epigenetics (DFG grant SFB 992/1 2012) and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF grants 031 A538A/A538C RBC, 031L0101B/031L0101C de.NBI-epi, 031L0106 de.STAIR (de.NBI)).
More information on how to cite Galaxy.