Check the tests/test_environment_setup/ for more details.
Here is list of general guidelines on how to contribute to this repository.
In case that you don't have/dont't want to use GitHub you can send any concern/issue/request via email to [email protected].
Create directly PR (pull Request) against master
branch. Unless there is some substantial(big) change this will get merged very quickly.
In most cases open Issue on GitHub and describe at minimum your environment, version of fast-vm that you are using and behaviour that you see (observed vs expected). If you feel that you know where to fix/change the behaviour in the code feel free to open PR (Pull request). If you would like to fix the issue but not sure how, please open the Issue so behaviour can be discussed and possibly later fixed via PR.
Iddeally open Issue describing feature that you would like to have in fast-vm and short explanation on how this feature improves fast-vm.
If you happen to already have some code prepared for the feature that you have used, feel free to open PR (pull request) agains master
If you would like to host fast-vm images on your server Contact the author via email [email protected].
Before starting to work on such issue either comment into issue that you plan working on it or send emall with your intention to work on Issue.
Write email to auther or create Issue on github with link to your article. Link to your article can be featured on page .
If you are interested in translating the fast-vm documentation please contact me via email - [email protected].
In any case of contribution or feedback to fast-vm Thank you!