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Operator Develop Guide

This document explains how to add a new operator into TEngine.

  • You should first add your operator schema in operator
  • then add your operator implementation for execution in executor.

Operator Schema

The operator schema will provide those information:

  • Operator name.The name represents the operation will be taken on the input tensors.
  • Input/Ouput tensor description: the place holder name, the data type, data layout(optional)
  • Operator parameter defintion and the default values, if any.
  • Document to describe what the operator will do and requirements on input/output
  • InferShape to calculate the shape of output tensors according the shape of input tensors

1.Operator with no Parameter

The operator must be derived from:

template <typename T>  OperatorNoParam

and implements:

  • OP(): default constructor to set the operator name
  • OP(const OP&): copy constructor, which will be used by clone() interface
  • SetSchema(): to set the input/output description, and the default values of parameters
  • InferShape(): to calculate the output tensor shape. It is optional, as it needs only when the output shapes are different with the input tensor shape.

Here is an example of ReLu Operator:

class ReLu: public OperatorNoParam<ReLu> {


      ReLu() { name_="ReLu";}
      ReLu(const ReLu& src)=default;
      virtual ~ReLu() {};

      void SetSchema(void) override;


Please refer to: operator/include/operator/relu.hpp and operator/operator/relu.cpp for more informations.

2.Operator with Parameter

First, a seperator parameter definiton file should be created. In order to faciliate the parameter parsing, it is suggested to define the parameter structure following the example below:

struct ConvParam {

   int  kernel_h;
   int  kernel_w;
   int  stride_h;
   int  stride_w;
   int  pad_h;
   int  pad_w;
   int  output_channel;
   int  group;



Then, the operator MUST be derived from:

template <typename T, typename P> OperatorWithParam

Only one additonal interface, ParseParam(), may need to be implement, just in case the parameter parsing cannot be handled easily with pre-defined methods.

Here is an example of Convolution operator definiton.

class Convolution: public  OperatorWithParam <Convolution,ConvParam> {

      Convolution(void) { name_="Convolution"; }
      Convolution(const Convolution&) =default;

      void SetSchema(void) override;

      bool InferShape(const std::vector<TEngine::TShape>&, std::vector<TEngine::TShape>&) override;


Please refer to: operator/include/operator/conv_param.hpp and operator/include/operator/convolution.hpp.

3.Register Operator

The new operator must register itself into system, so that other modules can create the operator.

This helpper function must be called in some where:

	template <typename T>
	void RegisterOp(const std::string& name)

Please refers to the operator/plugin/init.cpp:

An Example of Scale Operator

In the following, we will use Scale operator as our example to show how to add it into Tengine step by step. We will list related file names in the following steps.

Step1: add operator header file

You need to create a header file. If have parameter, add param header file.

You define Scale class:

class Scale: public OperatorWithParam<Scale,ScaleParam> {

    Scale() { name_="Scale"; }
    Scale(const Scale&)= default;
    ~Scale() {}

    void SetSchema(void) override;

and ScaleParam:

struct ScaleParam {
   int   axis;
   int   num_axes;
   int   bias_term;


Step2: add operator cpp file

Set Scale operator schema,including Input, Output, etc.

void Scale::SetSchema(void)
   .SetDoc(R"DOC(Scale: only caffe flavor scale)DOC");

Remember to add obj-y+=scale.o in Makefile

Step3: register opetator


in plugin initial file to register Scale operator.

Step4: add implement in executor

The implementation is usually under the Run function and then RegisterScaleNodeExec:

namespace ScaleImpl 
   bool Run(Node * node, ExecEngine * engine)
   // your implementation
 void RegisterScaleNodeExec(void)
    NodeExec scale_exec={ScaleImpl::OnBind,nullptr,ScaleImpl::Run,nullptr};


remember to add obj-y+=scale.o in Makefile

Step5: register Implementation in executor



in plugin initial file.

Step6: test opetator implement

If you want to test your operator implement, you can add test file. Remember to add test_scale.o in Makefile.