Thank you for considering contributing to ruby-opencage-geocoder. When contributing, please discuss the change you wish to make via issues first.
To contribute, make a fork of the repository and a branch for your change. Make your changes to your fork then submit a pull request.
First install the development dependencies:
bundle install
Then run the test suite using rspec:
(If rspec
isn't found try bundle exec rspec
We use the VCR gem to record HTTP requests to the
OpenCage API. If you add a test that makes an HTTP request you will need to tag
it with the :vcr
tag, for example:
it 'geocodes a place name', :vcr do
expect(geo.geocode('Mudgee, Australia').first.coordinates).to eql([-32.5980702, 149.5886383])
If the OpenCage API has changed and VCR cassettes need updating, you can refresh them as follows:
rm -r spec/cassettes
You will need an OpenCage API key, which you can get by signing up at The free tier request quota will be more than enough to run the test suite.