diff --git a/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js b/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js index 9b022dfbf..ef375cd88 100644 --- a/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js +++ b/app/static/app/js/translations/odm_autogenerated.js @@ -1,93 +1,93 @@ // Auto-generated with extract_odm_strings.py, do not edit! +_("Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Geometric estimates improve the accuracy of the point cloud by computing geometrically consistent depthmaps but may not be usable in larger datasets. This flag disables geometric estimates. Default: %(default)s"); _("Skip normalization of colors across all images. Useful when processing radiometric data. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Displays version number and exits. "); -_("Automatically set a boundary using camera shot locations to limit the area of the reconstruction. This can help remove far away background artifacts (sky, background landscapes, etc.). See also --boundary. Default: %(default)s"); -_("The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s"); -_("URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s"); +_("show this help message and exit"); +_("Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s"); _("Radius of the overlap between submodels. After grouping images into clusters, images that are closer than this radius to a cluster are added to the cluster. This is done to ensure that neighboring submodels overlap. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Save the georeferenced point cloud in Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes miss valid matches. BRUTEFORCE is very slow but robust.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large areas. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Maximum number of frames to extract from video files for processing. Set to 0 for no limit. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generate single file Binary glTF (GLB) textured models. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s"); +_("Specify the distance between camera shot locations and the outer edge of the boundary when computing the boundary with --auto-boundary. Set to 0 to automatically choose a value. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Automatically compute image masks using AI to remove the sky. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space available. Default: %(default)s"); _("Permanently delete all previous results and rerun the processing pipeline."); -_("Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point cloud and remove duplicate points. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Turn off camera parameter optimization during bundle adjustment. This can be sometimes useful for improving results that exhibit doming/bowling or when images are taken with a rolling shutter camera. Default: %(default)s"); +_("The maximum vertex count of the output mesh. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Save the georeferenced point cloud in Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) format. Default: %(default)s"); +_("GeoJSON polygon limiting the area of the reconstruction. Can be specified either as path to a GeoJSON file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a GeoJSON file. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Create Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs instead of normal GeoTIFFs. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s"); _("Skip generation of a full 3D model. This can save time if you only need 2D results such as orthophotos and DEMs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Automatically set a boundary using camera shot locations to limit the area of the reconstruction. This can help remove far away background artifacts (sky, background landscapes, etc.). See also --boundary. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder."); +_("Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name group_nameDefault: %(default)s"); +_("Override the rolling shutter readout time for your camera sensor (in milliseconds), instead of using the rolling shutter readout database. Note that not all cameras are present in the database. Set to 0 to use the database value. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: %(default)s"); _("Copy output results to this folder after processing."); -_("Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip the blending of colors near seams. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Perform image matching with the nearest images based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to match by triangulation. Default: %(default)s"); -_("End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Choose the algorithm for extracting keypoints and computing descriptors. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: %(default)s"); _("Export the georeferenced point cloud in Entwine Point Tile (EPT) format. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip generation of the orthophoto. This can save time if you only need 3D results or DEMs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip alignment of submodels in split-merge. Useful if GPS is good enough on very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Turn on rolling shutter correction. If the camera has a rolling shutter and the images were taken in motion, you can turn on this option to improve the accuracy of the results. See also --rolling-shutter-readout. Default: %(default)s"); _("Skip generation of PDF report. This can save time if you don't need a report. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Choose the structure from motion algorithm. For aerial datasets, if camera GPS positions and angles are available, triangulation can generate better results. For planar scenes captured at fixed altitude with nadir-only images, planar can be much faster. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Delete heavy intermediate files to optimize disk space usage. This affects the ability to restart the pipeline from an intermediate stage, but allows datasets to be processed on machines that don't have sufficient disk space available. Default: %(default)s"); -_("When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Run local bundle adjustment for every image added to the reconstruction and a global adjustment every 100 images. Speeds up reconstruction for very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Automatically compute image masks using AI to remove the background. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generate OBJs that have a single material and a single texture file instead of multiple ones. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. Default: %(default)s"); _("Use this tag to build a DTM (Digital Terrain Model, ground only) using a simple morphological filter. Check the --dem* and --smrf* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: %(default)s"); -_("GeoJSON polygon limiting the area of the reconstruction. Can be specified either as path to a GeoJSON file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a GeoJSON file. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the dataset boundaries, shrunk by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. Default: %(default)s"); -_("show this help message and exit"); -_("Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Choose what to merge in the merge step in a split dataset. By default all available outputs are merged. Options: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Keep faces in the mesh that are not seen in any camera. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set this parameter if you want a striped GeoTIFF. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the image groups file that controls how images should be split into groups. The file needs to use the following format: image_name group_nameDefault: %(default)s"); -_("Automatically compute image masks using AI to remove the sky. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Specify the distance between camera shot locations and the outer edge of the boundary when computing the boundary with --auto-boundary. Set to 0 to automatically choose a value. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Filters the point cloud by keeping only a single point around a radius N (in meters). This can be useful to limit the output resolution of the point cloud and remove duplicate points. Set to 0 to disable sampling. Default: %(default)s"); _("Reduce the memory usage needed for depthmap fusion by splitting large scenes into tiles. Turn this on if your machine doesn't have much RAM and/or you've set --pc-quality to high or ultra. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generate OBJs that have a single material and a single texture file instead of multiple ones. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present.This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter slope parameter (rise over run). Default: %(default)s"); -_("Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Turn on rolling shutter correction. If the camera has a rolling shutter and the images were taken in motion, you can turn on this option to improve the accuracy of the results. See also --rolling-shutter-readout. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skip alignment of submodels in split-merge. Useful if GPS is good enough on very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Geometric estimates improve the accuracy of the point cloud by computing geometrically consistent depthmaps but may not be usable in larger datasets. This flag disables geometric estimates. Default: %(default)s"); -_("The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to a GeoTIFF DEM or a LAS/LAZ point cloud that the reconstruction outputs should be automatically aligned to. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); +_("When processing multispectral datasets, ODM will automatically align the images for each band. If the images have been postprocessed and are already aligned, use this option. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in CSV format. Default: %(default)s"); _("DSM/DTM resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped to 2x the ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Perform ground rectification on the point cloud. This means that wrongly classified ground points will be re-classified and gaps will be filled. Useful for generating DTMs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Create Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs instead of normal GeoTIFFs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Generate OGC 3D Tiles outputs. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Override the rolling shutter readout time for your camera sensor (in milliseconds), instead of using the rolling shutter readout database. Note that not all cameras are present in the database. Set to 0 to use the database value. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the orthophoto. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the file containing the ground control points used for georeferencing. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>geo_x geo_y geo_z im_x im_y image_name [gcp_name] [extra1] [extra2]Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); -_("The maximum output resolution of extracted video frames in pixels. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Do not use GPU acceleration, even if it's available. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Classify the point cloud outputs. You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Export the georeferenced point cloud in LAS format. Default: %(default)s"); _("Set the radiometric calibration to perform on images. When processing multispectral and thermal images you should set this option to obtain reflectance/temperature values (otherwise you will get digital number values). [camera] applies black level, vignetting, row gradient gain/exposure compensation (if appropriate EXIF tags are found) and computes absolute temperature values. [camera+sun] is experimental, applies all the corrections of [camera], plus compensates for spectral radiance registered via a downwelling light sensor (DLS) taking in consideration the angle of the sun. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Computes an euclidean raster map for each DEM. The map reports the distance from each cell to the nearest NODATA value (before any hole filling takes place). This can be useful to isolate the areas that have been filled. Default: %(default)s"); +_("The maximum number of processes to use in various processes. Peak memory requirement is ~1GB per thread and 2 megapixel image resolution. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Automatically crop image outputs by creating a smooth buffer around the dataset boundaries, shrunk by N meters. Use 0 to disable cropping. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation scalar parameter. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Number of steps used to fill areas with gaps. Set to 0 to disable gap filling. Starting with a radius equal to the output resolution, N different DEMs are generated with progressively bigger radius using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm and merged together. Remaining gaps are then merged using nearest neighbor interpolation. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generate static tiles for orthophotos and DEMs that are suitable for viewers like Leaflet or OpenLayers. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generates a polygon around the cropping area that cuts the orthophoto around the edges of features. This polygon can be useful for stitching seamless mosaics with multiple overlapping orthophotos. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set feature extraction quality. Higher quality generates better features, but requires more memory and takes longer. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use this tag to build a DSM (Digital Surface Model, ground + objects) using a progressive morphological filter. Check the --dem* parameters for finer tuning. Default: %(default)s"); _("Set a camera projection type. Manually setting a value can help improve geometric undistortion. By default the application tries to determine a lens type from the images metadata. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use images' GPS exif data for reconstruction, even if there are GCPs present.This flag is useful if you have high precision GPS measurements. If there are no GCPs, this flag does nothing. Default: %(default)s"); +_("End processing at this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Automatically compute image masks using AI to remove the background. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); _("Path to the image geolocation file containing the camera center coordinates used for georeferencing. If you don't have values for yaw/pitch/roll you can set them to 0. The file needs to use the following format: EPSG: or <+proj definition>image_name geo_x geo_y geo_z [yaw (degrees)] [pitch (degrees)] [roll (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)]Default: %(default)s"); -_("Name of dataset (i.e subfolder name within project folder). Default: %(default)s"); -_("Simple Morphological Filter elevation threshold parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); +_("Matcher algorithm, Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors or Bag of Words. FLANN is slower, but more stable. BOW is faster, but can sometimes miss valid matches. BRUTEFORCE is very slow but robust.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generate OGC 3D Tiles outputs. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use this tag if you have a GCP File but want to use the EXIF information for georeferencing instead. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Do not use GPU acceleration, even if it's available. Default: %(default)s"); _("Simple Morphological Filter window radius parameter (meters). Default: %(default)s"); -_("When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Path to a GeoTIFF DEM or a LAS/LAZ point cloud that the reconstruction outputs should be automatically aligned to. Experimental. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Keep faces in the mesh that are not seen in any camera. Default: %(default)s"); _("Set this parameter if you want to generate a Google Earth (KMZ) rendering of the orthophoto. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Set the compression to use for orthophotos. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); -_("Path to the project folder. Your project folder should contain subfolders for each dataset. Each dataset should have an \"images\" folder."); +_("Classify the point cloud outputs. You can control the behavior of this option by tweaking the --dem-* parameters. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Average number of images per submodel. When splitting a large dataset into smaller submodels, images are grouped into clusters. This value regulates the number of images that each cluster should have on average. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Generate single file Binary glTF (GLB) textured models. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Rerun processing from this stage. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Rerun this stage only and stop. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Decimate the points before generating the DEM. 1 is no decimation (full quality). 100 decimates ~99%% of the points. Useful for speeding up generation of DEM results in very large datasets. Default: %(default)s"); +_("When processing multispectral datasets, you can specify the name of the primary band that will be used for reconstruction. It's recommended to choose a band which has sharp details and is in focus. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Perform image matching with the nearest images based on GPS exif data. Set to 0 to match by triangulation. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use the camera parameters computed from another dataset instead of calculating them. Can be specified either as path to a cameras.json file or as a JSON string representing the contents of a cameras.json file. Default: %(default)s"); +_("URL to a ClusterODM instance for distributing a split-merge workflow on multiple nodes in parallel. Default: %(default)s"); +_("The maximum output resolution of extracted video frames in pixels. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Ignore Ground Sampling Distance (GSD). GSD caps the maximum resolution of image outputs and resizes images when necessary, resulting in faster processing and lower memory usage. Since GSD is an estimate, sometimes ignoring it can result in slightly better image output quality. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Filters the point cloud by removing points that deviate more than N standard deviations from the local mean. Set to 0 to disable filtering. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Build orthophoto overviews for faster display in programs such as QGIS. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Octree depth used in the mesh reconstruction, increase to get more vertices, recommended values are 8-12. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Use a full 3D mesh to compute the orthophoto instead of a 2.5D mesh. This option is a bit faster and provides similar results in planar areas. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skips dense reconstruction and 3D model generation. It generates an orthophoto directly from the sparse reconstruction. If you just need an orthophoto and do not need a full 3D model, turn on this option. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Choose the structure from motion algorithm. For aerial datasets, if camera GPS positions and angles are available, triangulation can generate better results. For planar scenes captured at fixed altitude with nadir-only images, planar can be much faster. Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Orthophoto resolution in cm / pixel. Note that this value is capped by a ground sampling distance (GSD) estimate. To remove the cap, check --ignore-gsd also. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Displays version number and exits. "); +_("Maximum number of frames to extract from video files for processing. Set to 0 for no limit. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set a value in meters for the GPS Dilution of Precision (DOP) information for all images. If your images are tagged with high precision GPS information (RTK), this value will be automatically set accordingly. You can use this option to manually set it in case the reconstruction fails. Lowering this option can sometimes help control bowling-effects over large areas. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Skip generation of the orthophoto. This can save time if you only need 3D results or DEMs. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Minimum number of features to extract per image. More features can be useful for finding more matches between images, potentially allowing the reconstruction of areas with little overlap or insufficient features. More features also slow down processing. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set this parameter if you want to generate a PNG rendering of the orthophoto. Default: %(default)s"); +_("Set point cloud quality. Higher quality generates better, denser point clouds, but requires more memory and takes longer. Each step up in quality increases processing time roughly by a factor of 4x.Can be one of: %(choices)s. Default: %(default)s"); diff --git a/locale b/locale index e94f66355..12f8546a1 160000 --- a/locale +++ b/locale @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit e94f6635542cbe783d67ff2bf77c30c5bc380d59 +Subproject commit 12f8546a1779a1e86254a806a2c88661cee07d84